we've all heard it a thousand times. the old story of "one more cast" producing a lunker. well, this is actually a story of "two more casts". i went for a little while this afternoon to one of my favorite holes. didn't plan on spending very long unless the fish were biting 'cause i had some other things to do. spent a few minutes catching a few gills for bait first. then i set up in one of my favorite spots and went for almost an hour without so much as a sniff. "last cast", i thought as i chunked a small gill out on a suicide mission. i was just about to reel in when line starts peeling of my little spinning reel. didn't take long after the hookset to see it was only a small fish, about 1.5 pounds. but experience has taught me that having a fish on and fighting (particulary when using live bait) is a good time to watch closely to see if there are other fish in the area. not only that, but many times it seems that watching one of their comrades eat will sometimes turn on other fish nearby. i cannot tell you how many times while fishing with gills i have gone from skunked to full blown feeding frenzy after the first fish commits, even though it seemed like forever to get the first one. so i took my time and watched the bass' runs and contortions in the semi-clear water. then i saw her! a sure enough good 'un come up and start following my little one. but this lunker was more than just curious, she was hungry! i watched in absolute disbelief as this brute of a bass tried to make lunch out of the 1 1/2 pounder on my line. she viciously attacked and halfway swallowed my little bass head first in in a split second and just took off. i knew there was no way i could catch her like this though and i gave as sharp a tug as i dared with the spinning outfit and 10 lb. test and fortunately got her to spit my poor bass out. after unhooking and releasing the little one, which now sports a nice ring of teeth marks around it, i reached in my bucket quickly and grabbed the biggest gill in there and baited up. chunked it out and in a flash she comes up and annihilates it! i saw the whole thing and it was beyond cool. i dropped the hammer and the fight was on with the drag singing that old sweet song. she was so strong that i barely kept this fish out of a stick up about 25 yards away from where i first hooked her. but i finally wore her out and put her on the scales. 8-3! a real good fish for sure, and a story i'll always remember. it definitely pays to watch closely when you are fighting a fish. you just never know what might happen. hope y'all are catchin' some too.