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Everything posted by paul.

  1. very cool vid! looks like you had a great year.
  2. still whackin' 'em i see. keep 'em coming dude!
  3. excellent work fpb! you are the multi-species master!
  4. outstanding!!!! way to go buddy.
  5. cali gets my vote. i can only imagine the size fish that would come from there if that state actually tried as hard as texas to intentionally produce monsters. it's kinda ironic that the big bass production in california has seemed to be somewhat of an accidental phenomenon through the stocking of trout in their lakes. the only downfall i see with cali is the increase of ridiculous fishing regulations there which could potentially hinder the catch of a record fish even though there might be several swimming around. if i see that 28 pounder, i may change my vote though.
  6. can't answer that really, never played COD games. but i think i would still be pretty safe in saying yes it is. simply because i can't possibly imagine anything being scarier. i know it makes the resident evil games i have played since the ps1 days look like a disney movie. i have never been so scared to open doors in my life. even when you think you're safe, sometimes you're not. this game just rarely, if ever, lets you catch your breath. and i forgot, it's got some of the coolest weapons ever. the "line gun" totally rocks - especially when you upgrade it. the movie has a hollywood quality horror movie storyline. the audio logs are highly disturbing. and i can't tell you how frustrating it is trying to accomplish objectives in a zero gravity vaccum while trying to fight off enemies with your air supply running out. sorry buddy. i am stuck with dial up for now. don't have xbox live.
  7. "dead space" for xbox 360 will scare the crap out of you. i have lost WAY too much sleep playing this game. technically, i guess it's a shooter, survival horror game like resident evil. there's both puzzle solving elements and shoot 'em up action (but a different strategy than most shooters). the anti-gravity sequences are some of the most trippy, disorienting effects i've ever seen in a game. you will die in this game - plenty! even on "easy" it's VERY tough. and it's probably the longest game of this type i've ever played. i've had it a while now and i still haven't finished. you will be on edge every minute you play. this game has a TON of sudden shocks and surprises that will make you jump out of your skin. here's a review. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/deadspace/review.html
  8. man you've really been on 'em lately. that's great. keep it up and try not to have a heat stroke out there. way to go bud.
  9. told y'all i'd post a another video about the fishing trips of '08 that i was really proud of. when it's all said and done, these will be the only fishing trips that really mattered. hope y'all enjoy, and happy new year to everyone. best of luck in '09.
  10. i don't know if i'd go THAT far, but you are absolutely right. i have been blessed with some fantastic fishin' holes. i have been blessed with a wonderful wife who understands my love for fishing and is completely supportive. i have been blessed with a father who cared enough to teach me to fish and took me along despite all my goofs, mistakes, tangles, hang ups, etc. i have been blessed with several friends along the way who are great fisherman and have been willing to share their time and knowledge to reduce my learning curve. i have been blesssed with kind landowners who have been trusting enough to allow me to fish on their property. and of course there's bassresource, which has also helped a great deal. there is certainly nothing special about my fishing and i will be the first to say it. anyone who has fished with me will vouch for that as well. i constantly try to remember that my results are not a product of what i have done, but rather a product of what others have been good enough to do for me. this helps me keep the proper perspective on things.
  11. unfortunately i gotta work tomorrow and wed. not sure about my jan schedule yet 'cause some things are changing at work. i should know something by tomorrow night though. holler at me then and we'll try to get together if you still can.
  12. pretty decent weather here for the past few days. the fish have turned on a little with the warming trend and i've been fishin' one of my favorite cold water baits, a red rattle trap. my 7 y.o. tagged along for a short bank fishing outing today. for some reason, the fish were just too strong for me to handle today, and i had to have some help. so little em reeled in 3 nice ones for dad. here was the best one. not weighed, but probably 6ish. emily was the photographer for this outing too. : so y'all understand the strange angle, she was standing on a picnic table when she took this one. ;D
  13. great vid!
  14. thanks y'all. yep, all these fish came from '08. and there will be a few more, the ones i am most proud of, coming soon in another video. jay, that vid represents a good year for me. you on the other hand, compiled that many nice fish in a few week's time earlier this year. '08 was my intro to swimbaits and i learned a ton from you, matt, randall, and several others on here. and there were plenty of others on here that have been willing to share their knowledge and expertise on other baits/tactics. without y'all, the bassresource community, i don't think i woulda done nearly as well. as far as the matt goes, i wanted to make sure i got that in there. i honestly believe i only scratched the surface with that bait this year. as good as it has been already, i think that bait will be scary good once i learn more about swimbaits and unlock it's true potential. can't begin to tell y'all how much i like that bait. jay, you definitely need to make a video bud. i wanna see it. and just listen, the fans are starting to chant your name................ FOUR-BIZZ, FOUR-BIZZ, FOUR-BIZZ, FOUR-BIZZ..................
  15. with the weather being horrible here now, i guess fishing is out for a few days anyway. it was 9 degrees when i woke up this morning. that's pretty cold for a tennessee boy. i am very fortunate to have a good friend who is a youtube whiz. i am so thankful to dennis, "the salmon slayer", for putting this together for me to help me remember the good times and great memories i was blessed with in 2008. many thanks to my friends here on bassresource who have taught me so much in '08. without y'all, much of what you are about to see would have never happened. hope y'all enjoy this little tour down memory lane. here's hoping for an even better '09 for all of us. crank it up.
  16. how much is the fee?
  17. Muddy, what the heck does the size of your largest fish have to do with your thoughts or observations? There are people writing and making money about subjects that they are not completely educated on. I would value your thoughts reguardless of the size of , or how many you have caught. Go for it and give us a report. Looking forward to your research. i agree totally fishfordollars. well said bud. what's considered a big bass is relative anyway. a 7 in some places is much more impressive than a 10 in others. and you are right. this is the information age. anyone can do just a little research on the net or at the library. then they try to claim "guru" status even though they are totally unwilling or unable to provide any solid evidence to support their outrageous claims. muddy, the next time someone tries to dis you on here regarding your fish, tell 'em your stories weigh just as much as theirs and your pictures weigh more. sounds like you've done your homework on this topic muddy and i trust what you're saying. sorry slo-roll for being . just a pet peeve of mine. i'll shut up now.
  18. i believe half of this. yes there are school bass that are pursuit feeders, but if they are eating well and don't get caught or die, then yes, they have to get bigger. i have seen the same thing on one of the lakes i fish. i can't catch anything out of schooling fish any bigger than 3 pounds no matter how hard i try. i think once these fish get bigger than 3 pounds, they adopt different feeding patterns or perhaps even somewhat of a different forage base. i think that's why it seems that the schoolies stay the same size and never get bigger, because it's usually the same year classes of fish that adopt this behavior each year. the ones that did it the year before, if they haven't been removed from the system, are probably doing something different now. at least that's what i think. i could be wrong. i will say that even though the biggest fish in the system might not be mixing in with the schoolies, a few probably still at least loosely relate to the feeding frenzy. several times i have seen a huge bass come up and eat one of the 3/4 pound bass in the school that is chasing the shad if the dink strays too far from the rest of the pack. it's a mind blowing sight for sure. that's why i'm going to start throwing swimbaits around the schools from now on. hope this helps. like i said, these are just my ideas. i'm far from an expert on schooling behavior.
  19. totally agree. i would also add big, noisy topwater baits and live bait to this list if you are so inclined.
  20. precious. very cool dad.
  21. thanks y'all. mike, i hope you will forgive me. i usually try to share on here when i can. i like to try to give a little back b/c this site and the people on here have given so much to me. but one thing i don't share on here is where i'm fishing. a good friend on here reminded me of something we tend to forget. we assume that we, the bassresource family, are the only ones who look at this stuff, but that's far from the case. my friend told me how he watched his spots get ruined and worn out due to info sharing online. i promise i'm not trying to be difficult here, but i'd like to keep my spots at least semi-productive. too many people know about 'em already. i hope you understand. :-/ congrats on your fish mike, that is a good one for sure. you are right, winter fishing can be very good in tn.
  22. very nice mike. congratulations.
  23. good lookin' fish you got there.
  24. thanks fiend. don't get me wrong, i ain't complaining about what i have here. i have definitely been blessed with some great spots. it's just that a change of scenery would be nice every once in a while. and thank you too, fishfordollars. that is a very, very kind offer. it would be fantastic to fish with you.
  25. wow! that is impressive dude. you take "muti-species angling" to a whole new level. i want to see you with piranha next. keep catchin' 'em man.
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