interesting observations about the mentality of these guys. i guess working in the field of mental health, the psychology of the true trophy hunter has always intrigued me. it takes something special to do what these guys do day in and day out. whether that something special is a bad thing or a good thing, everyone has to judge for themselves i guess.
but i have seen time and again what big fish will do to people. so much is written about what we do to these fish. so little is written about what they do to us. the documentary that started this whole thread, and other things i have read about these guys, portray them as totally obsessed and possessed in the pursuit of big bass. it's one thing to try to schedule your fishing around your life, quite another to schedule your life around your fishing. i have read about guys sacrificing untold amounts of money, marriages, health, friends, jobs, etc. for just one more cast. the closest thing i can compare it to is a drug of some kind. they give up so much to chase the dream, a dream with absolutely no promises or guarantees. they become distrusting of other fishermen, sometimes people in general, almost to the point of paranoia. they develop strange notions of entitlement to and ownership of a wild creature that belongs to no one. they worry so much about the fish they don't catch, they can't fully appreciate or enjoy the ones they do. to the casual observer, these guys are absolutely crazy doing what they do. the trophy hunters themselves would probably tell you they'd go crazy if they didn't.
that is why i could never do the trophy hunting thing full time. i will never be anything more that a wannabe. sometimes honestly i don't like what it does to me. for every day of triumph, there are untold days of frustration. the high never lasts as long as it did the time before. all of us who are serious about it are at least to some degree different folks in april than we are in december. look what happens to some folks' attitude here on the board when we can't fish if you need further proof.
sometimes you fool yourself into thinking you can jump into this trophy hunting game and nothing will change. then everything changes. it comes with a price.
then again, maybe i'm just trying to keep you away from my fish.