with the spawn already here in some parts of the country, and rapidly approaching in others, i thought a little refresher quiz might be kinda fun. see how much you actually know about spawn time fishing. post your answers here if you dare and you will be graded (c'mon, do it, we're all friends here ;D). i cannot post the grades here for a while to avoid spoiling the test for others. if you want to know your grade before i post them, let me know and i will gladly p.m. you. who'll score the highest? will anyone get a perfect score? just 4 rules. (1) take the test individually-no answer sharing. (2) this is a "closed book" test. no researching. (3) you cannot look at someone else's answers before you take the test. (4) you cannot go back and change your answers.
after one week, if there is decent participation in this thread, i will post the correct answers, along with the source from whence they came. hopefully this thread will spark some good learning and discussion. remember, for grading purposes, if part of a statement is false, the correct answer is "false". and please remember, this is for fun, not competition. ;D
good luck y'all!
here's the test:
1. true or false - to avoid spooking fish unnecessarily, when approaching bedded bass, it is a good idea to position your boat on the deeper water side of the nest if possible.
2. if you find a bed with only a male fish guarding, and the female does not manifest herself, the quickest, easiest, and best way to find her if she's still in the area is usually by:
a. quickly backing away from the nest site a little. females are more wary and sometimes will not show themselves if they perceive any danger at all.
b. watch what the male does.
c. search carefully in any cover close to the nest where she might be hiding.
d. cast to all areas around the bed thoroughly. you will probably spook her out if she's there. make a note of where she was and return later to try and catch her.
3. true or false - you should attempt to catch the female bass first by making sure she's not close to the more aggressive male when you cast to her lest he ****** the bait away.
4. true or false - there is a usually a spot, often referred to as the "sweet spot", in the nest which will be more likely to trigger a strike from bedded bass.
5. true or false - you can identify how "catchable" a bedding fish is by paying attention to its coloration.
6. true or false - bass will attempt to bed around logs, stumps, and other cover or obstacles.
7. true or false - the steeper the incline of the lake bottom, the less likely it is that fish will attempt to spawn there.
8. of the following, which is the most important factor in determining how deep bass will attempt to spawn:
a. fishing pressure.
b. water clarity.
c. water temperature.
d. weather conditions.
9. once a bedded bass is hooked, he or she will most likely:
a. move towards nearby cover.
b. attempt to jump.
c. move towards the resistance of the angler's line.
d. move away from the resistance of the angler's line.
10. true or false - the biggest bass in the lake will usually spawn earlier or later than the majority of the other bass.