i would tend to agree with catt and george - to a degree. in general, catching bass is a pretty simple proposition. find them and if they're on, you'll catch 'em. put a decent presentation in front of them and you're probably gonna get bit. you can make all kinds of mistakes and STILL catch 'em if they're on. if they are NOT on, it gets a little tougher and you have to work a little harder to produce results. even then the results might not be what you were looking for.
but if we are talking about BIG bass here, i do not think it's quite so simple. now don't get me wrong. i don't think it's rocket science. but i don't think it's second grade math either. look at a list of state record bass. what you will see is that many of these are several years old. in this day and age where fishermen have access to the most advanced tools and knowledge ever, state records would be falling left and right if catching BIG bass were truly simple.
as a rule, you cannot make a lot of mistakes and catch big fish consistently - they just won't let you. even when they're on, you still have to do things right. call it what you want - intelligence, instinct, experience, conditioning, etc. big bass are just harder to catch - and it's not just because there aren't as many of them.
i agree with catt's statement about ego - sometimes. but i also think that many times the opposite applies. i think many times fishermen use a simplistic view of fishing to massage bruised egos. "well they just weren't biting today." if i leave the lake after a poor showing believing this, it removes any feeling of accountability or responsibility on my part for my lack of success. it also removes any need or desire to examine what i'm doing and make changes. after all, with this simplistic philosophy, it was the fish's fault for not biting rather than mine for not figuring them out and making adjustments. truth is, maybe i could have done something different and changed my "luck". so i don't think oversimplifying is the answer either.
but i try not to over analyze things like this. i just try to enjoy myself. sometimes it's hard to catch 'em. sometimes it's easy. but it's always fun to try.