There are extremists roaming around in the Ozark hills that are prepared to fight against OUR goverment if need be. Extremism? You bet. It comes in all forms, just the the Right to Lifers who think an abortion clinic doctor has the right to die for taking the life of an unborn. History is full of extremists who took a seed and ran with it the wrong way. You don't kill all the people in a psyche ward just because one was an axe murderer.
You are getting a little carried away. If you are trying to insult me because you looked up that I live in the Ozarks then I would rather you try making a rational calm argument of your position. No one has said all Muslims are terrorists as you keep repeating. But Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Queda, and host of other major terrorist organizations are based upon Islam. Take Hezbollah for example, headed by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (the Secretary General of Hizbullah).
Nasrallah is a devoted Muslim and has spent periods of his life studying at religious centres in Iraq. In the mid-1970s he moved to a ****e Hawza (Islamic Seminary) in the Iraqi city of Najaf to study Qura'anic divine sciences, completing the first stage of his studies in 1978 before being forced to leave by the Iraqi authorities.[1] Despite his ongoing commitment to Hezbollah, in 1989 Nasrallah resumed his efforts to become a religious jurisprudent by moving to the sacred Iranian city of Qom to further his studies. Nasrallah believes that Islam holds the solution to the problems of any society, once saying, With respect to us, briefly, Islam is not a simple religion including only praises and prayers, rather it is a divine message that was designed for humanity, and it can answer any question man might ask concerning his general and private life. Islam is a religion designed for a society that can revolt and build a state.
The country of Iran is run by Islamic Imams that have total veto over all other governmental bodies.
D.C. Imam supporting jihad terror and Islamic supremacism
"The most glorious death is the death of the martyr," says Imam Musa's Myspace page. And also:
His methodology draws heavily on the writings of Malcolm X, Maulana Mawdudi, Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Kalim Siddiqui, and Imam Khomeini. New members of the group are encouraged to individually familiarize themselves with the works of these political Islamic thinkers in addition to daily classes and lectures on classical Islamic studies, Arabic, hadith and Qur'an. Special emphasis is placed on personal development and growth based on the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as well as incorporating tightly knit family units within the overall community structure. The movement has spread across the US and is extremely popular among college students and African-American youth. Imam Musa has been regularly invited to speak at college campuses and Islamic events around the world. Critics have suggested that he promotes anti-Semitism in his speeches, which he claims are directed at Zionist supporters of Israel and not at Jewish people in general. During a rally in July 1999 Imam Musa displayed a cashier's check made out to "Hamas, Palestine," to protest the 1996 U.S. law which declared Hamas a terrorist organization.
I keep hearing about all the peace loving Islamic believers. Can this Ozark Hillbilly ask a question? Since 9-11 where have they all been because I seen Muslims riot and kill innocent people over cartoons, threaten the Pope over a quotation they did not like, assassinate a film maker in the Netherlands, hold conferences denying the Holocaust, threaten to wipe Israel of the face of the world, and scream "Death to America". Where are all the moderate Imams and why are they not on TV and in the streets demanding these few as you claim stop. Why are they not calling the terrorists apostates damned of Allah for profaning Islam. Terrorists Imams claim the terrorists are following the true Islamic Faith through Militant Jihad against all Infidels. If that is a lie, then why does not Islam worldwide show the outrage they show over a Dutch cartoon? Why can't you get any Imams or major groups like CAIR (Council On American-Islamic Relations) to call those that commit terrorism, appostates that are in violation of Islamic Law?