Picture upload on this site is terrible, so you'll just have commentary.
FLW Marshall meeting was cool. I sat at the table with Bolton, Thrift, Tutt, and Charlie Evans. Ate some good BBQ, got to ask questions to the speakers.
Day 1 I drew Charlie Ingram. I met him where he was staying and we headed over to launch together. Super nice guy, he had a solid day weighing around 16lbs. Some males fry guarding and nicer fish in about a 100 yard stretch of flat pads worming. He was sitting decent after day 1 with chance of check and top 30 cut.
Day 2 I fished with Bailey Boutries. He had an 18lb sack day 1 with almost a 10lb fish caught off a bed. He's probably the youngest angler being 19, but super nice guy. He had a tough day caught 4, and had about a 3lb fish jump off. That would have gave him a 10k payday, tough lost fish.
Pretty complicated tournament. Continues warming trend and some bass were moving up to beds, but much slower than originally thought. Dead flat calm for 1&2. Day 3&4 should be interesting because it's a change in weather to wind and rain. Should be a fun one to watch.
So as a marshall, it's a common sense deal. Know the rules, make sure you wear PFD when big motor is running, normal stuff. Talk if they want to talk, don't if they don't. Don't talk about your fishing on the water, or previous days anglers fishing. Common sense stuff..
You send hourly updates and pictures on your phone to the media guys, or you may get an Ipad which you do the same on. This gives them the info on the live updates and pictures.
If your comfortable backing a vehicle you'll probably be asked to load and unload.
Your'e guaranteed to marshall day 1 & 2 day 3&4 will be given priority based on how many events you signed up for.
You'll be granted 1 entry for doing day 1&2 and additional entry if more for a chance to win a new boat at the end of the year.
They combine your day 1&2 angler weights and you can win up to $2500.
It's a good experience, and you'll pick up some tips for sure. Personally, sitting watching someone fish for 8 hrs while I am on the water isn't my cup of tea. I may do another, but as of now most likely not.
If you're considering it I would definitely suggest giving it a shot. Any questions let me know.
If anyone has tips on how to upload pictures without it being a pain let me know I will toss some in here.