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Everything posted by Bassin_Fin@tic

  1. I use the chrome sexy shad 3/4 oz. faithfully and grind it off of shell rock ledges all day. Sure it gets chipped which IMO makes it look even better but haven't had any issues with the finish actually peeling ever. These are all newer baits since we have to replace them pretty often from brushy trees that often lurk about and steal them.
  2. Anybody ever get into gluing rattles inside their spoons? I know about the nemire spoon thats has a rattle, but I don't like that spoon.
  3. Nice to know that. I wasn't aware that spoons would put off enough vibration for night fishing.Thanks for the info.
  4. I think it is a sick looking bait for flipping brush/pads etc. Think how many fish see texas rigs and standard jigs crashing down and moving up and down. This bait will fall eratically all the while the tail section will wag and flutter. It is flat so it will tend to spiral down in different directions.Ever drop a quarter in water or a flat rock,or even a spoon? You can never predict which direction it will fall or which way it will curve. When a dying baitfish runs out of gas from trying to right itself they lay on their sides and spiral down.I think it will be VERY effective. Price don't seem too awful bad to me except for the fact that this bait could easily be lost by the shear nature of where you would be throwing it.It would also make sense to me that this bait may be excellent for skipping.
  5. Looks sweet! I like the flat sides,should put off a lot of flash.
  6. Great redfish bait LOL. For bass fishing, sure I've caught fish with them in all varieties but it never really struck me as a magic lure that it was claimed to be when they first came out.I always catch way more fish on other things.
  7. They already make a giant jitterbug, gliddin' rap and subwalk that would work pretty well. 3 ounce catfish or surf casting sinker would also do the trick. I vote for a remote control submarine that has a drill on it... Simply launch at annoying angler, drill several holes, all while smiling and waving. Then laugh as their boat becomes part of the structure. LOL JK But still I say you get a patent for that idea!!!
  8. Can't stand the giron. The action is horrible and its very hard to get it to do what you want it too.Looks realistic but sure doesn't act it. I cant see any way that this bait is going to produce anymore fish in numbers or quality than something else in my box. I've put my fair share of time into it and it just doesn't cut it for me. Just my opinion.
  9. Red shad will bleed faster than any other color too.
  10. Amen brother! Nickelback sucks it... at least you COULD call it music though.
  11. 1 out of 3 needs tuned out of the box and 1 out of 3 of those is hopeless trash. Shame too cuz norman baits flat out catch the heck out of fish if you get a good one. When you bend it in the opposite direction it is running you need to bend it VERY slightly,basically just putting pressure on it.Toss the bait out and check to see if it is correcting itself.As long as you didnt bend the crap out of the eye and it is still flopping then the bait is probably just defective like Marty said.Chalk up another loss and more money spent.
  12. So is almost everything we use to catch bass with period.
  13. Everytime I see the tarpon I keep hearing that stupid MC Hammer song "Can't touch this" ;D
  14. Was dark when I got home but cleaned it out back LOL. Just think it's a little ironic that If I was standing out on a boat ther'd be a dozen responses. Not like I'm one of these idiots around here that rape 5lb+bass out of small ponds thus destroying the population
  15. 1/0 EWG : gammy. Honestly cannot see how a 3/0 would even fit into this bait.Just me though I like a little action to my plastic.
  16. Guess most people don't like the fact that I am standing in my kitchen holding it. Get over it it's a fact of life. :
  17. So, this is something to help you out if your not using an outboard on the rear of a small boat or what? I hate running my trolling motor from the rear but don't have much of a choice. When I mount it to the bow the rear end fishtails and gets away from me really bad especially in the wind. So how exactly does this work. I need a way to mount my motor to the front and be able to comfortably run it to keep at least 2 people in proper casting position. I fish small ponds and lakes a lot using a topper boat that I throw on my car or in the back of a truck. If there's a decent way to solve this problem I'd like to see it. Probably be willing to pay 50-100 dollars for a system to help me position in the wind. So whats the deal? Is there any more info on how this works, or are you trying to see if it is something that people will want? I for one would like to see what this is about.Anything to help a small boat out in the wind
  18. LOL chewing gum, that's funny! How bout sawdust from the waxworm container : ;D
  19. Very small bluegill either live or cut/injured, or same thing with small to medium shiners. Best bait for channels,blues.In a pinch a ball of crappie minnows works too but not as effective for larger fish. If you can't get a hold of that then squid or raw shrimp left out for a while works pretty decent. Channels are predatory fish just like bass or the lot of them. They crash schools of bait depsite popular belief they typically don't go scrounging along the bottom eating muck.
  20. I have started inshore saltwater fishing recently.Mostly wade fishing the flats and sandbars. I live 3 blocks from Sarasota Bay. Been catching quite a number of decent reds lately up to around 31 inches. Most are long,slender,muscular,and powerful. This one however was kind of mind blowing at least for me and a few people that I showed it. Only 25 inches long but but a real lard @ss,for a red! I am still amazed at how these fish just don't quit once hooked. Every time it seems they are tired and you feel like winching them they dig in and make another run. Felt like an eternity landing this fish but was probably 7-8 mins.Rod used was a 7 ft md redbone and stella 4000. (sorry about the size I can't stand this new photo program we got)
  21. A number 2 hook or a 2/0 your using??? A size 2 I think would be way too small especially considering the thickness of a 4 inch soft stickbait.I'm sure you already know that you don't need to swing for the fences to set the hook when fishing this way but you still need a little more power and a larger hook. I think the fish is feeling you pull on it and spitting the hook before it can really grab them. Like the other guy said I think your rod is a little too light as well especially when paired with something as light as 6lb mono. Try using owner mosquito hooks,gammy octopus,owner live bait hooks,or gammy finesse wide gaps in at least a 1/0 size. Companys like eagle claw and mustad make hooks very similar to the ones I mentioned If your looking for something cheap. unless your fishing in crystal clear water or just love the challenge you should up your line size to 8 or 10 and use a 6.5 -7 ft med fast rod. I think if you change your equipment components a little you should really get 99 to 100% hook ups on a wacky rig even with very small fish.
  22. Yes and flipping through cover in 1-4 feet of water with a large sinker is a well known blugill tactic...
  23. Not everyone is a computer/typing/posting/photo taking genious.Some don't care to be either. The fish don't care either way.Anyone can blab their mouth across a computer screen too.It doesn't take a special skill or giant balls to be a smartass on the internet. (this has been a funny thread though )
  24. Ain't no different or bigger than fishing any other creature bait or brush hog. I made some of those a while back and posted the pics on here and they work just great. I could also keep showing the fish the stuff off the shelf at wal-mart or Dicks and just hope it keeps working. : http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1274815247
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