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Everything posted by Bassin_Fin@tic

  1. If You can find em,especially in 1/2 oz ****** them up. They are killer baits and come through grass pretty darn well.
  2. No denying that they are both incredible baits. For me it would be too hard to just prefer one over the other. Test each in the water with various weights added and there is definitely a difference in action. The paca stands up and is very sensitive to the slightest wiggle.You can bed fish these and drive a bass completely insane with those claws flappin. The rage puts off a lot more thump and in my opinion is well suited for dirty water,night fishing,pitching heavy cover with a heavy sinker,and swimming. Bottom line though if the bass are on a good craw bite they will demolish either.
  3. Got one in that color. been trying to devise a practical way to weed guard it? :-?
  4. Any way you can think of! I use them for everything even on a c-rig.
  5. Thanks Baluga! Hell of a flounder there pal! 8-)
  6. Never really thought to look something like that up! was just trying to make sure I didn't need some kind of special glue or anything. I'll check it out.
  7. No real way to say which brands exactly. It is a matter of preference and what you want out of your hooks. How important is top quality to you?Most any of the quality brands out there now come with very adequate hooks on them already. Your really going to want a hook that will dig in and hold on your thumbnail and that wont bend easily. Corrosion resistance can be a factor as well since some of the bronzed hooks and lesser quality ones will rust right away. The brands mentioned are excellent hooks! I would also add vmc trebles to the list. Also do your self a huge favor and ditch any vmc sureset hooks that come on any rapalas if you have them. You'll find out why soon enough after you throw enough dollars down the toilet losing baits and mortally wounding fish. :
  8. These are the sock foot variety.I got a pinhole in the foot of mine from a tiny seashell getting in my shoe. yes I said shoe! Lesson learned about the need for boots! Anyways this leaks enough to get my socks and pantleg damp when I go out and the 52 degree water here is very unforgiving right now. Any ideas on a way to fix it??? Thanks J
  9. Surprised no one mentioned owner wide gap plus.Born for thick baits.The wire gauge is pretty thick on these though if thats an issue for some but the cutting point goes through bone like butter. This is also the ultimate hook on a fat ika as well.
  10. High tech bite lite lure and just as gimmicky.
  11. It's one sick bait let me tell you. If you dig fluke fishing you would love this bait as do I. Cannot wait to see what the snook are going to do with it.
  12. And I'm in ohio. No chance for me to snag some of these great deals.
  13. Sorry, I had to throw this out there again but this should be proof enough to the people that like to throw their used plastics overboard. Just because a bait doesn't have a hook in it doesn't mean a bass or another fish won't eat them. : -(having issues with a couple people I know again )
  14. Yeah what I kinda meant was it seems to be more of a niche bait. Nothing magic or spectacular but in the right situation it can be deadly. Saltwater fish love it. Far as bass fishing goes I'm sure I could achieve much better results with a jerkbait.
  15. Personally I didn't think it acted very well when worked too fast but my rod and reel and how I am snapping it could make a whole lot of difference.
  16. It is the same except it moves a little slower. Best when used with a moderate retrieve so it can glide correctly.Doesn't seem to react well if twtiched too hard or fast. I like to tie it with flouro or mono line using a loop knot to get the best results.Throw in a pause and get a rhythm going it darnnear suspends as it sinks very slowly. The thing I don't like about it is it doesn't really run subsurface. It seems the more you twitch it the deeper it goes even if you pull upwards it tends to dive. Just not my cup of tea I'd rather have something that runs just under the surface which is how this lure was actually advertised. I have had zero succes in fresh water with this bait but been tearing the heck out of them in saltwater with it when I can keep it out of the grass. Mostly due to the fact that I don't fish very clear water in fresh. It is more of a sight bait. I could see it working pretty well in clear water over submerged weedbeds and over vast flats.
  17. So go buy a lucky craft for 16 bux and lose it in some brush or buy ya some normans or strike kings for 3.99 that run straight 20% of the time :
  18. Cough cough. I just said I got mine almost a month ago.
  19. It's gonna make you cringe a lot more when you see some numbnut carrying off a 5- 7lber out of a small body of water than several smaller keepers though. Those are ususally the same people that turn around and complain "what happened to the bite" and "where did all the fish go" :
  20. i realized that this is the exact point i'm trying to make... rapala keeps coming out with all these new "innovations" and such when their classic models truly work the best. its just not necessary. x1000 and everyone seems to be blowing out the dt flats on clearance and they are getting harder to find! Wonder what "new and improved" innovation they will come out with to replace one of the deadliest hump fishing cranks in existence? : I could tell you where I got my new Dt colors and I got them a month ago but it is forbidden to mention such an incredible site on here. The exact same place that gets ALL the new stuff, and carries a far greater variety of it, before ANYBODY else, even the beloved tackle warehouse. :
  21. One thing that needs mentioning is that when performing this withyour rod tip down NEVER aim the rod directly at the fish. Always off to one side or the other when doing this. Still have to keep constant tension on them and make the rod bend.The idea is when you feel or see them coming up thrust the tip down and to the opposite direction they are heading attemting to turn their head back down into the water.
  22. Oh, but see that opens a new can of worms,as does most anything you say in these situations. If your not too tired to go fishing then why are you too tired to cut the grass?!?! :-?
  23. It all depends on what you want to get out of it or want to learn.If you don't keep learning, good or bad,or you do what you've always done you will surely get what you always got. How much passion do you have to get better? The frustration makes the rewards, however small, all the better. Yes some VERY crazy things can happen while fishing,anyone can attest to that. I've been on streaks and have thought about throwing in the towel but then things have a way of coming together and I look back and think what a fool I am for even considering giving up.
  24. Naturally of course. A boy must have his toys! And yes they are both killer baits especially for me in the salt water.
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