Trick worms. Weighted and un weighted walked on the top or sunk and dead sticked,. Tough to beat black or junebug. I fish places like this a lot and the GYCB 6.5 kuttail un weighted is just killer too. If the scum is that bad and you use a texas rig go very light like a 1/16-1/8 weight UNPEGGED. A pegged weight or a shakey head will dig the nose into the stuff. I second stanley ribbits. Cover all the shallows and the holes in the scum if it is floating. Any trees or docks be sure to skip it well under and into them especially on sunny days. If you use cranks then attempt to run a depth along drop offs or structure that is very close to hitting bottom but not quite. Easier said then done but sometimes its a matter of control like holding your rod tip high or just making very short casts as longer casts tend to run the bait deeper. Use your rod to twitch and pause the cranks and make them change direction since they will obviously not be hitting objects on the bottom. Also rattle traps,the obvious,any clear water areas once again try to keep it in that magic zone just off bottom. If you feel it even begin to touch scum or weeds quickly snap your rod tip up and rip it hard. Again you may have to concentrate on very short casts or dowsize to a 1/4 oz.This is a lot better on braid line. Don't hesitate to bust out the spinnerbaits on a windy day. I prefer a col/willow combo with large blades and once again slow roll it near the bottom in that magic zone. It may take a while but once you learn exactly how deep and where the depth changes are this can be killer. You can tell I fish this crap a lot lol. As far as topwaters try poppers on calm days as you can keep them in one spot longer or even cast them into pockets in the junk and work them in place.