One thing that I find myself saying more and more is, "I wish is was like when I grew up". Then I realize how dumb that really is. The reason free markets survive is their ability to grow and change. This economy is changing and will be growing again soon. The structure of societies change as the economy changes. The problem is that as humans WE don't like all the changing and growing.
Everyone needs to settle down and get ok with the changes in our society. While it is nice to reminisce about the "good ole days", being stuck in the 60's will not allow you to prosper in the NOW.
Look around your house and identify what you have that was not even available to consumers 30 years ago. Compare your standard of living to your parents when they were your age. I think if you do this honestly you will see the incredible growth that has happened and understand that a correction was long over due.
Things are never as bad as they seem at the time. Have a little patience. See if you can find a little faith. And remember, no matter how bad you think it is, you still would not trade it for anywhere else in the world.
That is the little pep talk I give myself. I'm not a historian, economist, sociologist or any "ist" for that matter. I choose to look at things that way based on the way I was raised and my life experiences.