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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Strike King - just let me know when yall are going to be here and we will see what can be worked out. I have a camping trip and a tournament planned for Jan. Also the boats going in the shop tomorrow, we had problems this weekend.
  2. I catch about half my fish on a frog this time of the year. Camp Mack gives you access to Lake Kissimmee, Lake Hatchineha, Lake Cypress, and Lake Toho. This is some the of best frog fishing in the country during the spring. I caught many 4-5 lb fish on a frog last Jan-Mar.
  3. This place has it all. http://campmack.com/index.asp I can give you some spots if you decide to fish out of here.
  4. The fish do bunch up but there are 4-5 guys here that fish O on a regular basis that may be able to point you in the right direction. I will not be down there until march so I can't give you specifics. Here are a few links that might help http://www.myfwc.com/Fishing/forecast/sor.html#okeechob http://www.scottrmartin.com/
  5. Tenoroc is 6a-6p Thurs-Mon and you have to check in/out at the ranger station and get a permit ($3 per day) Saddle Creek is 7 days a week and you have to be off the water by 10 p Lake Gibson (lakeland) is close and has no time limitations and with the water down (shallow ramp) you will not have much company. Lake Pansy (winter haven) is another good option of small water = big fish. Lake Alfred, if the wind is not to bad, or out of the N or W can be fished out of a small boat. Fish from the ramp around to the left, in particular the openings to the 2 coves. contact Phillips Bait & Tackle (on site at saddle creek) 863.666.2248 They should be able to point you in the right direction about camping. call Ron at Rons Tackle Box in Lake alfred, get directions and go talk to him. (about 20 min) He has always given me good advise. Go tell him what you are trying to do and he will help. He has been in business forever and knows central fla very well. 863.956.4990. And lastly, I will pm my phone # so if you get in a bind, you at least know someone close. I live about 20 min from Saddle Creek. FD
  6. No but here is a link. http://www.myfwc.com/Fishing/forecast/ncr.html#rousseau
  7. The Big O is 750 square MILES. You will not be bothered by the crowds except at the ramp. By then they should be shallow and on beds or getting ready to. There is acres and acres of new water now that the lake level is up. Everything I have read lately say that's where they will be. Get your self a topo map. Up until a few months ago the 4' depth contour line was high and dry. That should be prime spots.
  8. Vince's "friend" is now an Elite Series Pro. I guess fishing in the small lakes and ponds did him some good. (but what happened to vince?)
  9. You could listen to the girl at the bait shop OR you could listen to the guys who fish in big boats every weekend and are just trying to keep you safe. I started bass fishing 3 years ago in a 10 ft jon with a trolling motor. There are serious limits to where you can safely fish in the winter in Florida. Stay off the big water! I have seen the Stick Marsh/Kissimmee/Harris all go from calm to white caps in a matter of minutes. In fact last spring I was on Kissimmee and ran behind Brahma island in calm water. 2 hours later I was taking water over the bow in a 21 ft stratos trying to get back to the ramp. Just be smart. I understand you are on a tight budget and can't afford a guide so fish within your equipments limitations.
  10. X2 With all the monster DD's coming from Zapata last spring it is got to be Texas/Mexico
  11. Yea, Yea, Yea. I shoveled enough of that crap as a kid. I was not always stuck (help, I fallen and I can't get up) in the land of December sun burns. But once I was old enough to get out, I drove 700 miles south for good.
  12. Oh Yea, and watch out for the big lizards... this one lives on the Stick Marsh. And he is bigger than your boat. He came after my 2 #er and nearly came in the boat with me. That's when I decided it was his fishing spot and I should move.
  13. Well, yesterday we were catching fish on frogs, cranks, worms and flukes. In K grass mixed with pads in 6 ft of water. That being said, fishing in Florida in the winter is completely unpredictable and I could get skunked tomorrow. Check this site http://www.theledger.com/section/sports09 after Thurs for the new "Around Polk County" fishing report. Also if you stay at saddle creek, Phillips Bait and Tackle is on the property and usually has good information.
  14. If you are limited only to a trolling motor I would say Tenoroc but you can't fish there on Tue, Wed or Thur. If you were in the Lakeland/Winter Haven area then you could also fish around 50 different lakes with a jon boat. This place will put you in the heart of central florida bassing and is a great place to start. It's only 5 min from Tenoroc. http://www.saddlecreekpark.com/Camping.html Let me know when you are going to be here and I can get you some up to date fishing info. FD
  15. Good one Muddy.
  16. FL is/was soo bad about keeping big bass that they basicaly ruined their chances for WR bass. I would agree with this except that it is not FL residents doing most of the damage. Everyone want to come to FL in the winter, buy a bunch of shiners and catch a monster. It is a shame how many DD's are taken every year.
  17. They are not legal in several states including Florida which suggests that they are a scam that either have or would take advantage of our retired citizens.
  18. Dang, you guys are fast. I started to answer before there were any posts.
  19. 1. The lions are dead. They have not eaten in 3 years. 2. The woman is a photographer. 3. Charcoal 4. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. 5. Still working it.
  20. warmer (vince) and I went to Kissimmee this afternoon for a few hours today. We caught about 15 total, mostly small but a few keepers. This one is the biggest of the day. Is this better than acorns?
  21. I'm just glad the Bucs can't choke for 5 games in a row.
  22. We went yesterday for a few hours before it got hot. Only had 1 though. Not to hyjack this thread BB but if you are going to make them miserable, then I want to help
  23. 1 bandit crank 1 spro frog 1 monster sizmic frog 1 helix buzz bait 3 spinner bait 3 rattle traps 2 bags of powerbait 2 bags of coffee tubes 2 bags of culprits 2 bags of yamamoto senkos 4 bags of zooms 1 bag of yum 1 bag of super spike its 1 jigging spoon 1 pack of tungsten flippin weights 6 packets of worm hooks 1 bottle of rejuvenade and most importantly 1 tub of Aunt Ruby Chocolate Peanut Clusters
  24. Had a L2-L3 fusion in 1980. One relaxation technique I learned in rehab is to lay flat on your back on the floor, legs up, knees bent over a kitchen chair. Try to pull your abs down and flatten your lower back. This exercise completely relaxes your lower back muscles (a good thing) and strengthens your abs (another good thing). Watch your favorite tv show this way every night and you will be amazed how much better you will feel.
  25. Dude you are sooooo screwed. The tackle making monkey is seen way less but is much more vicious when he attacks. Remind your wife to check the garage before she files the missing persons report. ;D I started with soft plastics then moved into rods and now the monkey is starting to whisper something about crankbaits.
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