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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Sorry guys, but the weather here has been crap. These cold fronts every 4 days has the fish all screwed up and not shallow where they should be. I have taken it out twice with no fish caught on it. I am fishing it again Sunday in a tournament and will mail it out on Monday. The first post after this one that wants it will get it.
  2. Use a hairdryer to heat them up and soften the glue, then peel them off.
  3. It is what it is. Don't fight it.
  4. High speed internet and this site.
  5. Just remember to duck if it is coming at you at 800 feet per second. ;D
  6. I want those 2 min of my life back.
  7. Just ride behind a boat being towed without one for a few minutes and see if you want your boat to go thru that.
  8. I'm fishing less this year than last. The minor repairs/upgrades are being put off until later and driving distance to the lakes are factors in deciding where to fish. These things don't affect the "bass fishing" economy put it does effect someone. The two tourneys I have fished this year had more contestants than I expected.
  9. I always liked "Pigs in Space".
  10. The wife bought frozen chocolate fudge bars today. I no longer have to chase the ice cream man with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood.
  11. I am soooooo tired of that d&^% gopher. We need a stick of dynomite.
  12. At age 42 I have had the following: Lower Lumbar fusion L3-L4 at age 14 Scoped both knees Broke a bunch of bones in my left hand (I hit myself with a hammer) Broke a bunch of bones in my left foot (surfing) Tendon issues in my right elbow and shoulder I start almost every morning with ibuprofen for breakfast and fatigue sets in quickly when I am standing for long periods. How do I fish tournaments? I sit a lot. I can pitch and flip with either hand and I am learning to cast left handed.
  13. The wife and I went out for a few hours today and caught a few fish and a nasty sunburn.
  14. I'm not a UT fan at all but I think the guy is pretty smart. I don't think any of these "mistakes" were accidental.
  15. Kentucky Lake just north of hwy 80
  16. I live in Plant City which is between Tampa and Lakeland. I have lived here since 1987 and would never live anywhere else. I live within 2 hours of about 600 lakes.
  17. I was finally getting excited about baseball again after nearly 20 years of not watching (after the strike). Now this crap is in the news EVERY day. Bud Selig is a scum bag. We are supposed to believe that while he was stuffing his pockets as an owner, he had absolutely no knowledge that this was happening. Now he is up on his moral soapbox and makes me sick. I'm with Glenn, Nascar and Bass fishing may be the way to go.
  18. X2 I'm sure I would feel sad if it was someone I knew. However, if it is just some "daredevil" I would probably chalk it up to one less idiot on this planet.
  19. Welcome
  20. Welcome
  21. I did a fiberglass jon about 15 years ago. I used treated 2x4's to build a frame with liquid nails and galvanized deck screws. Then 3/4" pressure treated plywood and covered that with indoor/outdoor carpet. I would go all the way to the console and tie it into your new frame. I would also leave it open under the console so you have easy access and foot room.
  22. I have a Garmin that gives you a choice of lines or fish icons. I turned the fish icons off after learning how inaccurate they are. There was a video in the online BPS video library that taught me how to interpret the lines. I will never use the fish icons again.
  23. I can fish 2 days with my two 27 series everstarts on one charge. And that's pulling around a 21 ft stratos.
  24. I don't know about Texas, but Florida's chances are slim. We have the right conditions but we have a problem. Thousands and thousands of anglers coming to Fl every winter to sit and watch bobbers over shiners and catch the 10 plus fish and take them back home to where ever. We will never have a shot at the record until regulations stop this from happening.
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