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Everything posted by FD.

  1. X2
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate you concern. FD
  3. The south chain is tough but you can catch them. Warmer and I are fishing in a tournament there Saturday. I will let you know what we find. In the meantime, try pitching a craw or a jig up around the bull rushes. Bull rushes only grow on a hard bottom which the bass like for beds. Try next to them and any holes you see in the grass. With the wind up this week visibility is going to suck so you have to fish where you "think" the beds should be.
  4. Maybe it's time for the remodeling to begin. No windows or doors this time of year might encourage him to relocate.
  5. Falcon, I have been referred to a neuro, he is going to do the EMG. He is has a technique that if surgery is needed, he can make a small incision just below the trap and repair the disc with a short recovery time. I had a L3-L4 fusion in 1980 and spent 6 months in a body cast. I can't imagine going thru that again.
  6. New Gm and new Head Coach, New O Coordinator, New D coordinator. That much I was ok with. Today they release Brooks, June, Dunn, Hillard, and Galloway. Oh, and they say they are NOT rebuilding. If they are not rebuilding then they are getting ready for a fire sale. Maybe they would let Eddie D buy the team and we would have a real owner again.
  7. Throwing a big lizard or creature bait into the bed is one way to get them. I also like a small craw rigged on a spot remover jig. Nasty, what lakes are you fishing?
  8. I fell pretty hard on my right shoulder about a month ago and bruised it up, or so I thought. Well, it was not getting any better so I finally went to the doctor yesterday and got some interesting news. I did not hurt my shoulder, I hurt my spine. Something called a C5-C6 herniated disk. The doctor did not seem that concerned and related it to a whiplash injury. Apparently I snapped my head to the side harder than I thought. He said the nerves are compressed, (or something like that), and that is caused the pain in my shoulder, elbow and thumb. Has anyone had this? Any doctors with an opinion? I have been scheduled to do a EMG where they stick needles in my shoulder, arm and neck and read the electical impulses when I am at rest. I am not real happy about being a pin cushion. Then they want a full back x-ray and then possibly a MRI. I guess I will become an excellent left handed fisherman the next few months.
  9. I started my little ones off with a small pfluger president spinning reel on a 6' medium rod with 15 lb braid. Small and easy for them to handle and can land just about anything they can hook.
  10. Practice and Practice. I skip frogs under all kinds of stuff with an Extreme BC. The side arm cast is the key. The lower the trajectory, the further it will skip.
  11. I am tied with you Buckeye and I don't want to talk about it either.
  12. Give them a few more days of warm weather and the big girls should be coming shallow. The next two weeks should be some of the best shallow water fishing of the year. If you want to fish deeper, maybe crankbaits or carolina rig any drop offs.
  13. You just have to go. Leave early and plan on coming home late. My first trip lasted about 4 hrs inside plus 3 hrs round trip driving. I don't even remember buying anything that I could not have gotten at W-Mart.
  14. That's crazy!
  15. I did the same thing. But 3 of my guys are in the top 12 after 2 days.
  16. It is disappointing to have no access to what is going on. I like the real time leader board when it is working.
  17. Spookin over brush piles in the afternoon late summer. The frog bite over topped out hydrilla on a cloudy day.
  18. American Bass Anglers have 3 districts in Central Fl. http://www.americanbassanglers.com/districts2008.php?district=20 http://www.americanbassanglers.com/districts2008.php?district=21 http://www.americanbassanglers.com/districts2008.php?district=23 FLW BFW has 2 divisions in Central Fl http://bfl.flwoutdoors.com/schedule.cfm?bTournamentRef=0&cid=2&did=0&state=ALL&tmonth=0&tyear=2009&ln= There are many other tournament trails in Fl but this should get you started.
  19. I can't wait to find out. I have the same problem with nearly all of my lids.
  20. I would go with the older bass boat as long as the hull and transom are sound. The only downside is the age of the engine and the replacement cost.
  21. You are already taxed on your mileage. About .50 per gallon.
  22. Glad ya made it. Where are you staying?
  23. 4 out of 4 in my house plus my brother in law and my nephew.
  24. I like this show also. It seems that all of the fishing shows have turned into one big infomercial. Once you get past that I think Scott and Roland produce 2 of the most informative shows on tv.
  25. If I were homeless and hungry then nothing would be off limits to me. Maybe a slice of Manatee bacon with some scrambled bald eagle eggs. yummmmmm. As stated above, the animals were put here for a purpose, and the reason they are now endangered has nothing to do with hungry people eating them. I'm glad he got a shower and 30 meals from the state of Confusion errr California
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