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Everything posted by FD.

  1. warmer, my regular tourny partner got his priorities out of whack (lol) and is on a mission trip to Central America and my alternate may not be available. Anyone interested in fishing that Sunday, let me know.
  2. There are at least 25 floridians that regularly post here. You must not be looking in the right place.
  3. I guess I am spoiled. 5's are common, I had several 8's last year and saw a 13.85 weighed in a tournament a few months ago.
  4. SPF 50 on my hands and legs, wide brim columbia hat, either long sleeve white tee or long sleeve columbia shirt, wiley x jake glasses. I don't care what I look like when its a 100 degrees like yesterday.
  5. The fish don't know what size your boat is. On small lakes the difference between 25 - 45 - 65 mph is only a few minutes to most spots. Pick your confidence spots and fish them regardless of who may have been there before you. For example, on Sunday I waited for 2 boats to get off one of my favorite spots on Lake Kissimmee. After they moved down the bank I went in and boated 6 fish in about 15 min, with them watching. The point is you will be fine.
  6. I had a smallie division last year and nobody posted any smallies. Next year maybe we could have 3 divisions. Large, small and spot. Thanks Again for Playing FD
  7. Congrats to Dwight Hottie Great Job on those monster smallies. Also, thanks to everyone who played. I think these are fun and you guys made this one better than last year. A special thanks to T-Rage for keeping track of things for us. Dwight, you can now brag for a year that you are the king of the State vs State. Also PM me your address and favorite plastic so I can send out your well deserved prize. Thanks for playing FD
  8. Welcome back Roger. I'm glad you are not "feeding" the worms.
  9. I would agree with WRB. I saw a 13.85 caught this Feb in a tourny out of Camp Mack. It was caught by Wayne Yonn and it looked much bigger than Otis's fish. Unless Otis is a former NBA center, that is. :
  10. Whatever you do for a living, you are in the wrong line of work. That is some incredible workmanship. Just Awesome. I can't wait to see the finished pics.
  11. Summit and Little Winterset will have clean water and are deep. I also like the docks on the north side of Lulu and the pads in lake Mirror.
  12. It depends which lake you are on. They all fish differently.
  13. The fish don't know what kind of boat you have. Take you little boat and go kick some but in it.
  14. The red and high vis yellow make it easier for the "fisherman" to see. I always use a sharpie on the last foot or so.
  15. I like to pitch them on outside grass lines and into the larger holes. I have found that the closer to cover you are with them the bigger the bite. You will need to hold on to your rod when fishing them. These are big fish baits and the strikes are vicious.
  16. FD.

    Send 'em

    I don't know how much truth there is to this, but it came to me and I thought it was cool. love this!.. I thought some of you would especially appreciate this one! In addition to communicating with the local Air Traffic Control facility, all aircraft in the Persian Gulf AOR are required to give the Iranian Air Defense Radar (military) a ten minute 'heads up' if they will be transiting Iranian airspace.. This is a common procedure for commercial aircraft and involves giving them your call sign, transponder code, type aircraft, and points of origin and destination. I just flew with a guy who overheard this conversation on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai . It's too good not to pass along. The conversation went like this..... Iranian Air Defense Radar: 'Unknown aircraft you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.' Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.' Air Defense Radar: 'You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!' Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!' Air Defense Radar: (no response ..... total silence) God bless our troops.
  17. Camp Mack (campmack.com) is between lake Hatchineha and lake Kissimmee and is my favorite destination on the chain. If it's pure fishing and old fla charm you're looking for this is the place. If you are only going to fish in Toho then any hotel near downtown Kissimmee will be close to the city ramp.
  18. X2 - Particularly when fishing with trebles, in close flipping you don't have time to get it anyway.
  19. I have 14 bait casters and 2 spinners Nicole has 2 casters and 3 spinners Josh has 2 casters and 1 spinner Taylor has 1 caster and 1 spinner and 1 spincast I rarely use my spinners except for light line soft plastics. Nicole, Josh and Taylor are about 50-50 on theirs.
  20. I would be but I am already in a huge team tourney out of camp mack. Maybe you could pm DJtnasty. He might be interested.
  21. For us old guys who prefer acoustic, this guy isn't bad either...
  22. Congrats! 38th is very good for your first one. How did your boater do?
  23. I would agree with Dink, except that the thickest, nastiest stuff is not always the best. Right now your chances for a big one are just as good in the scattered and isolated pads between the spawning grounds and deeper water. If the weather suddenly gets cold for a day, the thicker pads will hold heat. When the weather and water gets hot, the shade will stay a little cooler. If, when, then, who really knows. If you are not sure then start shallow and work your way out. I throw a frog, a small plastic swim bait(fluke,skinny dipper,swim senko), a swimming jig, and a t-rig'd sweet beaver or speed craw. The problem with Florida is that most lakes have very little natural structure to fish. In the shallow lakes you might find fresh water mussel bar. Or a drop off in a phosphate pit. Without these you either need brush pile locations or you fish cover. Since I spend most of my time on Kissimmee, I fish cover. On the "K" I have found that the combination of the right depth and type of vegetation is the difference between a good day and a zero. According to my logs over the last 3 years, input from friends that know the lake, and closely examining the weather, I can absolutely, possitively, say that I am 100% sure of nothing. However, I have a tourney this weekend and I will start shallow and probably find fish in scattered pads in 4 -6 ft of water.
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