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Everything posted by FD.

  1. On the K chain they are on the beds and slamming anything that gets close. I had 2 reliable reports today. One guy had about 17 lbs by 10 am and another had 28 lbs by noon with 2 fish around 10 lbs each. This is the weekend we have been waiting for. I have a tourney tomorrow out of Camp Mack and will post up the results. Get your waders out and fish in 3 ft or less.
  2. Mike (another sitekid) and I hit the south end of the lake about 10 am. Light northeast wind, water temps in the mid to upper 50's. The bite was completely shut down until the afternoon and the water warmed up. When we found 60 degrees and submerged vegetation we found small fish. We boated around 10 dinks, 9 on a speed worm and 1 on a frog. No bedding activity at all. No fish up shallow. Most fish caught on outside lines in 6-8 ft of water.
  3. I going out of Grape Hammock around 7 tomorrow if anybody wants to go.
  4. neat idea but I will keep my Martins.
  5. I fish Toho and Kissimmee all the time. I have nothing smaller than a 7' MH rod. Line is 15 lb big game for top water, 20 lb flouro for clean water and 65 lb power pro for almost everything else. If this cold weather keeps up you will be here in time for a hard spawn or post spawn at the worst. As a general rule for Toho, finese fishing does not exist. Big fish in Big weeds needs Big Gear. PM me if you want specifics. FD
  6. Plug - stupid Forgot tackle box - embarrassing fished back to the dock at night and forgot to pull the TM before I put it on the trailer. - expensive Left it in the water overnight and got caught in a thunderstorm, 4 ft waves blowing onshore and she sank in 3 ft of water. = very expensive
  7. The 3/8 booyah swimmming jig (minus the rattles) with a super speed craw works well in the K grass, pads and thin hydrilla. I use the light brown jig skirt with a green pumpkin trailer. It looks like a blue gill and got hammered last year when the water got over 60 degrees. I also like a chatter bait(swimming jig) pitched to isolated cover. Blue/black seems to work best.
  8. Devils Horse, Rattle trap and senko is all you ever need at Johns lake.
  9. I told you it would be fine... I'm glad you had a good time despite the weather. As for the 9 lber, that is a great fish even for Kissimmee. Get those pictures up so we can see her.
  10. I would go with the Columbia Omni shade Bora Bora Booney. I work outside and wear on all year long. It is the coolest, most comfortable hat available.
  11. I've been up around 5 everyday for the last twenty years because of my job. On tournament mornings I'm lucky if I'm still asleep at 3. Most of the time I'm the first boat to launch but then I catch a nap in the boat while everyone else is rushing to get launched in the crowd.
  12. FD.

    Red hooks or?

    I use red, black and chrome. The color does not seem to matter to the fish. The only difference I see is the red are now cheaper in some places. I guess they are not selling as fast anymore.
  13. I agree with Bruce about the hookset. Either a sweep or just a small pop with the sweep. I use a 7-0 MH fast with 40 lb power pro, sharp 4/0 EWG Gamy's skin hooked with a 1/16th screw in weight just help it get through the thick grass. I doubt I lose 1 out of 20 with this rig.
  14. I plan on camping out on Toho this tournament season so I'm gona say 10.2
  15. I moved to the Tampa area in 1987. Most things had changed, with the exception of my Saturday morning radio choice, The Capt Mel Berman show. Even though he was a salt water guy, he still gave reports on the freshwater action. He will be missed. http://www.tampabay.com/sports/outdoors/capt-mel-berman-voice-of-the-gulf-coast-fishing-scene-dies-at-81/1071049
  16. Thebeast - He knows his cars. I probably got it wrong. He told me so much about so many of his rides that I was a little overwhelmed. It's quite a shock walking in that garage.
  17. Glad you are not hurt but that is exactly why I drive a F250 with a big hitch on the back.
  18. I have a client who, I knew was a car guy, but I did not know this. Turns out he has about 25 collector pieces. While at his house today, he says, come take a look at this. In a very plain metal building he calls the "race shop" are these... A limited production Mustang that allowed the 429 platform to be used in NASCAR. This car is number 12 out of 100 that were sold to drag teams and not the public. Ford actually had to move the shock towers outboard a few inches just to wedge the 429 in. You can't get the valve covers off with the engine in the car. Next to it... '64 Fairlane Thunderbolt, 427 block that ain't a 427 anymore. It's now in the vicinity of 560. It has a throttle stop to keep the rpms down and it still does 10's in the quarter. and last but not least... 49 Ford coupe replica that happens to hold the land speed record for Class C coupe at 218 mph at Boneville. It set the record with a Hendricks engine and he just swapped it for a RCR motor. He's headed to Maxton AFB to set the east coast record this April. He has another shop with 20 or so cars in it. When I get over there I will get some more pics.
  19. If it makes you feel any better, I'm in love with the Esurance animated woman. Sooo I'm not the only crazy one? ;D Crazy - YES Alone in your insanity - NO
  20. I also know of a few Florida pro's who lurk. I think being a pro is 50 percent fishing skill and 50 percent of being dedicated enough to put up with the crap that not many people are willing to go through to fish.
  21. Fish Johns Lake in Clermont with capt Tim Fey. I see him at the ramp occasionally and he is always helpfull even though I have not paid him a dime. I have 2 fish over 8 lbs out of that lake and have seen much larger ones weighed in. http://www.bassfishingfl.com/
  22. It is a deep lake and the best place to start is go right from the ramp and past the canal to Eloise. There is a section of natural shoreline with buggy whips. The water is usually very clear so you can see bed out to 10 feet deep. Last time I was there I could see 3 beds from the same spot with at least 30 lbs of fish on them that would not bite. > I would go with a tomato seed lizard to start.
  23. unless you are fishing out of a canoe, you will have to fish only in the lake you launch in. The canals were basically dry. You might be able to make it from Summit to Eloise. Last year this time there were enough beds in Summit to keep you busy all day.
  24. Bingo... also you should practice with a solid frog without legs or a beaver with the claws cut off. They have good mass and skip easier than most.
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