I fished a private 1500 ac lake this weekend in Polk co. Typical Florida bowl, max 12 ft with a mix of K grass, pads and a few buggy whips. Submerged vegetation out to 6 ft that looks a lot like hydrilla on the graph and snot on your trebles.
Caught about 15 fish between Sat afternoon and Sun morning. All under 2.5 lbs and all aggressive strikes.
Frog in about 2 ft water in mixed pads.
Uvibe in blue berry in 4-5 ft on submerged grass.
Spro Lil John in 6 ft outside of submerged grass.
Flippin a ugly otter on outside K grass lines.
Skinny dipper in the mouth of 4-5 ft canal.
Coming off a cold front, water warming, pressure rising, my guess is they hit what I happened to put in front of them. But
I would start the day shallow in the pads with a frog or skinny dipper, move to the outside hard lines of K grass during the mid morning and to any deeper submerged grass or structure. Then move back shallow as the day gets later.
This is a pattern that works for me in the fall with warmer air temps and water temps in the upper 60's.