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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Lock the hook down, spin it once and catch the bottom guide. Tighten the line. It keeps the line next to the blank and really cuts down on tangles in the rod box. I will even do it if I'm going to run a ways in rough water with them on the deck. Pick it up, depress the thumb bar, free your hook and one quick twist of the wrist and you are ready to cast. Get into the habit and you will save yourself some aggravation.
  2. Ok, I just ordered 7 bags of bugs with the intention of replacing the ugly otter for flipping and super speed craw as a jig trailer. I will keep you posted on the results.
  3. Gambler 10" ribbon tail. Thick body, tough plastic and great tail action.
  4. works, big time. There have been many fish in the 4-6# range caught out of the back of my boat by someone who was (nearly asleep and barely hanging on to the rod) dead sticking a worm. I have a hard time doing it, I would rather be slinging a frog making 10 casts a minute.
  5. I have a black max rigged with 30# for t-riggin in the heavy cover. Sensitivity is unmatched and the small diameter braid acts like a knife cutting through some of the snot before your bait gets there. I have tried many brands and prefer power pro over the others. If I am in clear water (rarely) then I just add a floro leader.
  6. How tough is the plastic on the megabug? I want to flip it in heavy cover and use a 5/0 superline ewg hook. Do you have black/blue flake color?
  7. I had a problem last year in my right shoulder that was work related. So I learned to pitch,flip and cast left handed. I now use both depending on the target and I did not even realize I was doing it until my daughter pointed it out. The pitching made the biggest difference in fatigue and was the easiest to learn.
  8. I fished a private 1500 ac lake this weekend in Polk co. Typical Florida bowl, max 12 ft with a mix of K grass, pads and a few buggy whips. Submerged vegetation out to 6 ft that looks a lot like hydrilla on the graph and snot on your trebles. Caught about 15 fish between Sat afternoon and Sun morning. All under 2.5 lbs and all aggressive strikes. Frog in about 2 ft water in mixed pads. Uvibe in blue berry in 4-5 ft on submerged grass. Spro Lil John in 6 ft outside of submerged grass. Flippin a ugly otter on outside K grass lines. Skinny dipper in the mouth of 4-5 ft canal. Coming off a cold front, water warming, pressure rising, my guess is they hit what I happened to put in front of them. But I would start the day shallow in the pads with a frog or skinny dipper, move to the outside hard lines of K grass during the mid morning and to any deeper submerged grass or structure. Then move back shallow as the day gets later. This is a pattern that works for me in the fall with warmer air temps and water temps in the upper 60's.
  9. I also throw frogs all the time. Spro, Bitters buzzin gator, Gambler cane toad, Zoom horny toad. And that's just the ones I threw this morning. I think it is more about sticking with the frog and presentation than the brand. The only reason I change up is matching how much noise I want to make based on the wind and how heavy the crap is that I'm draggin it through.
  10. Define "the government".
  11. It is sad to think that this is the most intelligent life that the universe has to offer.
  12. Fished for an hour on Sunday am on a small Polk Co lake. Water temp in the mid 60s, boated 1 dink and decided I did not want to play in the wind anymore.
  13. Because most of my time on the water is spent with small people under the age of 16...that are related to me...closely.
  14. My daughter and I have found several hundred over the past 2 years. There are thousands within 30 miles of us so we take and hour or two and go explore a park or an area that we have never been to. The difficult ones that take a lot of thought are the most fun. There is one that we have looked for 5 different times. It is a nano and we are close to finding it. We have placed 6 caches of our own. It's just as much fun reading the logs of people that found yours. We use geocaching.com, what site do you use?
  15. Ice? yea, we always put ice in the cooler... come on down, I'll take you out.
  16. Ice? yea, we always put ice in the cooler... come on down, I'll take you out.
  17. Ice? yea, we always put ice in the cooler... come on down, I'll take you out.
  18. All other things being equal, you should not lose more than 5-8 mph top end. Your biggest loss will be in the hole shot. To make up for the loss in hole shot you will either need to change props which will result in an even lower top end or add a hydrofoil.
  19. Just relocate your batteries forward. Two tm batteries and a cranking battery equals about 240 lbs. Move that forward as far as possible and your problem should go away. Also when I am not in a tournament, I close the inlet valve to my livewells. That raises my stern by an inch or so.
  20. My girl is almost 20 years old now but if I was buying a new one, it would be another stratos. Super stable fishing platform, comfortable ride in rough weather and will run nearly 70 mph with a 4 blade power prop and only a fixed jack plate.
  21. Considering the recent bite in Central Fl and a cold front on it's way, I would say, bring a book and enjoy the cooler weather...and drag a worm on the offshore grass lines.
  22. I find that the morning bite is better around the full moon and the afternoon bite on the new moon.
  23. Just busting on you Rob... I hate being in the back seat when I know what would work and the front seat "thinks" he is on fish. With the weather cooling off again this weekend the frog bite should really heat up in the mornings.
  24. If you refer to reply number 1 above, it appears someone told you to START with the frog... :
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