probably. I would take it off and have it checked and or rebuilt. I have an altenator/starter shop in town that have rebuilt about everything electrical on my 91 stratos.
Roger, I have only seen 2 fish caught over 12 in the last5 years. They are here, but not many of them. I love catching the 5ves though. She inhaled a frog in the light rain today. I was only about 50ft from the ramp with legoland in the background.
I agree with Rhino. The new boat should be moved forward on the trailer until you get at least 200-250 lbs on the tongue. Tongue weight and balance are serious issues when it comes to handling the boat on the road. A trailer with the weight to far back will tend to fishtale at highway speed and can get away from you in a hurry.
As far as storage goes, Glenn's idea is probably the best short term fix. I would fish it for a while and maybe even trim down what you keep in the boat.
Lakeland is the heart of Central Fl fishing. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 lakes within an hour or so. Lots of local small lakes that would be great for a john boat or even bank fishing. I have fished many with only a few crossed off the list to never go back to.
Let me know when you get here and I will point you in the right direction or maybe give you a tour of a lake or two.
Henry, the 5 year old, is also developing an English accent from watching so many premier league games. I don't know which is funnier, listening to him say haaftime, or Vince's reaction to it.
Plus, the kid has his own signature moves, he got by me last week.
Tangled line on a spinning reel generally means you need to replace the line. Give us more detail, ie, look on the reel for the name and model, look on the side of the rod near the reel and tell us what that says, and what kind of line is on the reel. Did the reel come with the line on it. Is it an old reel? What kind of fishing do you want to do?
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