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Everything posted by FD.

  1. That would be ME!
  2. We have had some pretty nasty rains in the last few days. Hopefully some of it will head your way. Anything falling south of I-4 and east of US 27 should be going south.
  3. First, do what Roger said. He taught me how to do that a few years ago and it absolutely works, on any lake, every time. I find the more map studying I do, the less time I spend on the water searching for fish. Second, when you get on these spots, I would use a search bait. I like a spro little john or kvd 2.5. Early or late you could use topwater like a spook. If no takers then I would try a big C-rig worm. If no luck then go to your next spot. I would try these spots several times before I ruled them out. There will most likely be fish on these spots at some point of the day.
  4. I use a little john all time. The one I have tied on right now is responsible for hundreds of fish in the last two years. It is beat up with tooth marks all over it, but still catches fish. I bought two more last year as backups but they are still in the wrapper.
  5. Ben fished with me every time I fished, but he was a golden retriever.
  6. Thanks to your instruction Roger, I do the same thing.
  7. .Exactly - looks like it should work great...until you try it
  8. alluringg baitss have their flukes available in 25 ct bags.
  9. If you are talking about the paper maps, I use them all the time, as a reference. They were produced with input from local guides with good information at that time. The actual spots are not as important as the other information that comes with it. For example.. hot spot # 3 on the map says "during the spring throw a dark worm in and around the buggy whips". Now that spot itself may not produce fish but, those particular buggy whips are in 4' of water and a hard bottom. What did you learn? Look for buggy whips in 4' of water and throw a dark worm in the spring. If you will take a few hours and break out the information like the example above, you will have a book on that lake for all the seasons with a game plan to start with every time you go to the lake. FD
  10. Yep, most likely big fish with big teeth. The longnose gar do that to me a lot. Tie on a SS leader and let us know what it was.
  11. I use 7-6 MH Vendetta with a Revo SX HS 7.1-1 and 65 lbs power pro. I can get most of them out of the snot.
  12. Every rod, every trip.
  13. I would have moved offshore and targeted post spawn with a jerk bait, crankbait or jig. First break line into deeper water is where I would start.
  14. Better man than me, Bruce. I have a 1.5 oz tungsten tied on a rod in my box for just such situations or jet skiers. Great job on the toads.
  15. Nice. Thanks.
  16. I think it's cool. Looks like a postcard.
  17. X2 I have caught 10 or so in the last few months. The last one was a six pounder on a frog. My son got one twice that size to the side of the boat last year on a rattle trap. We always catch them by accident. It seems as though they will eat anything a bass will.
  18. I pull a stratos 201 with my f250 powerstroke and feel nothing. When I pull it with my wife's f150 with the 5.4 triton it struggles just a bit. With a smaller boat you should have no problem with any half ton truck or truck based suv.
  19. Really? I think your tin foil helmet is getting a little tight.
  20. Check with the ranger at the check in station. They will know what lake is hot. You can also hit saddle creek or several other small lakes in Lakeland. Example of a small lake last month
  21. There are hundreds of lakes to choose from. November is great fishing for both LM and Specks (the fla name for crappie) Small hal flies or minnows will get the specks. LM are a little picky depending on the weather but here are the basic setups. I pulled this from a previous post: This is all you need for most natural Florida lakes under most conditions. Medium Heavy to Heavy rods with 30 to 65 lb braid. I always have the following on the deck. https://www.bittersbaitandtackle.com/ Naked Swimmer watermellon/gold glitter,Rig with a bobber stop, 1/8 th oz bullet weight and a 3-0 EWG Superline hook on 30 lb Power Pro braid. Fish it fast just below the surface in the pads, around buggy whips or over the hydrilla. Bitters Vibe in blueberry and green pumkin Rig with same weight and hook as above on 12 lb berkley big game mono. https://www.megastri...ducts.com/shop/ mega bug black/blue claws, Rig with a bobber stop, 1 oz tunsten bullet weight and a 3-0 EWG Superline hook on 65 lb Power Pro braid. Pitch it in and around the outside edges of the hydrilla and Kissimmee grass patches and in thick pads. http://www.gambler-b...line-store.html Cane toad in Lane Toad, Rig the same as the naked swimmer above except on 65 lb braid. 10" ribbon tail worm in blue berry or junebug Rig the same as the megabug except with a 3/8 oz bullet. The only other rod you might need is a medium spooled with 12 lb big game and a 30lb snap. I use this to throw a zara spook, devils horse, rattle trap, and small square billed cranks. Send me a PM when you get here and I will point you in the right direction.
  22. http://stickitanchorpins.com/ This holds my 21 ft boat. It should have no problem holding a yak.
  23. NO WAY. Uncle Lee gets one of those first.
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