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Everything posted by FD.

  1. They must be hidden well. I looked for about 20 min. No luck so far.
  2. UF and USF both looked good this weekend. The Bulls put it to ND and even though FAU is not a great team, the Muschamp/Weis Gators sure look like offense is not going to problem.
  3. My wife fishes a lot when the weather's right. Not to hot, not to cold, not to much wind. My 15 year old daughter fishes all the time and even fishes tournaments with me.
  4. A megastrike megabug and bitters vibe have produced good numbers and size all summer long.
  5. That is a difficult question. Fishing is the only activity I have participated in that allows for all of my family to enjoy together. My wife, daughter, nieces and nephews all love to fish. Most of my time on the water is spent with them and the act of catching fish has very little importance. It is the vehicle I use to bridge the generation gaps in my family. If there was not fishing, I don't know what I would do.
  6. IF they are flotation chambers, which I suspect they are, you should drain them completely, then fill the holes with a marine sealant like 3M 5200. I always have a tube around somewhere. To old boat owners it's more important than duct tape. As far as the automatic bilge pump it is not necessary unless your going to leave your boat in the water unattended. Like over night. I have mine on a manual switch. Every time it sit at the helm to move, I hit the bilge and turn it off when I get up on plane.
  7. Hey Rob if you need a stand in let me know. It's to far for me to fish on a regular basis but I'll come fish with you occasionally.
  8. Buy 2 of these for 100 bucks and you will be much happier. http://www.***.com/Abu_Garcia_Pro_Max_Casting_Reel/descpage-AGPM.html
  9. I would be happy to spend my very limited free time to help you. Just as soon as you take the time to spell the words out completely as if we were actually communicating in English. Nothing irritates me more than people taking shortcuts while they are asking for help. Oh, and stop typing in all caps.
  10. Ok, first off the "box" is indeed called the bilge. In the "bilge" area, all of your pumps will be located. First, you have a bilge pump. For example this attwood. http://www.wholesalemarine.com/p/ATT-4505-7/Attwood+Sahara+Automatic+12+Volt+Bilge+Pump+500GPH.html This removes all of the excess water from the hull of the boat. It has a sort of screen built into the bottom and a discharge "pipe" that you attach a hose to that empties out of the boat above the water line. Second, you have a fill pump. For example this one http://www.wholesalemarine.com/p/ATT-4640-7/Attwood+Tsunami+Aerator+Pump+++4640-7.html This one takes water from the lake and puts it in your live well. It connects your thru hull (the hole in the box next to the plug) and a fill pipe near the top of your live well. Third, you have a recirculation pump. This pump looks exactly like you fill pump except it attaches to the bottom of your livewell and a spray nozzle at the top of the live well. The circulation and spraying back into the top of the live well adds oxygen to the water. Fourth, you should also have an overflow hose near the top of your live well that empties overboard. This prevents you from sinking your boat when you forget to turn the fill pump off. Since this is an old boat I would get a new fuse panel and add lighted toggle switches for each pump. This way you can get rid of all the old wiring which is normally the cause of a pump problem. I have six pumps in my boat. Dual bilge, dual fill and dual recirc. I had numerous wiring problems until I did the above with the switches. I have only had 1 pump failure.
  11. http://www.oakharbor-rv.com/Oak_Harbor/Welcome.html
  12. I have not been on X lately but Y was slamming the frog this morning.
  13. Awesome frog bite this morning on secret lake Y. Where are you fishing that you are not getting bit? I live less than 5 min from you and we are slaying them in the pits every weekend. You can fish Carter Rd, Lake John, Tenoroc, Gibson, Saddle Creek, Parker, Crago, Stahl and a hundred others. You just have to fish the edges of the deeper holes right now with this. https://www.bittersbaitandtackle.com/bitters-vibe.html in blue berry. The last few trips
  14. 4-6 pounders are pretty common around here. We catch several nearly every trip. I had 4 eights last summer in one evening. It mostly has to do with where you go. There are over 500 lakes within an hour drive for me. If I'm taking my nephews and nieces, I will pick a lake with lots of dinks to make it fun for the kids. If I'm going after a big fish and not many bites, I will pick a trophy lake.
  15. I use michelin light truck tires and have no problems. I pull it 50-100 miles per weekend and 4-5 hundred miles several times per year.
  16. There are several lakes that I CAN NOT ever catch fish on a moving bait. But I catch them all the time flipping or with a worm. These lakes also have a huge population of Specs (crappie) and blue gill. I have come to the conclusion that because of the abundance of natural forage they just will not chase a moving bait. Not sure that this is valid, but it's my story and it makes me feel better.
  17. 2 years ago I dug a 2.5 acre pond for a client. During construction we added concrete rubble, old stumps and dug deeper holes for structure. About an eighth of an acre was built as a spawning flat that will only have 3-4 ft of water in the spring. We got the banks stabilized, added aeration and a dye to limit the algae growth. In the first November we used a cast net to catch minnows and juvenile blue gill from another pond on the property and transferred them to the new one. In December we added 1250 juvenile blue gill from a hatchery and an automatic feeder. In January I relocated several 2-3 lb females with row and several small males to the new pond. In March we added 750 fingerling bass from a hatchery. The pond is now producing pan sized blue gill and 1-3 lb largemouth. There are also 2-4 lb tilapia and several species of catfish that we did not stock.
  18. Rage Toad Megastrike Revo SX Navionics App for my droid Samsung Facinate Droid Slime (tire puncture sealer)
  19. Lakeland
  20. First of all, you need to use superline hooks if you are going to use braid. I prefer the Gamakatsu EWG Superline but any superline hook will do. Cinch, Improved cinch, and Uni are great for most applications. I use a double uni to tie braid to my backer line. A palomar will not slip on braid if it gets wet. Other knots can. http://www.netknots.com/html/palomar_knot.html
  21. 1. Great all around setup. worms, spinnerbait, frogs, really anything with a single hook. I would recommend a medium rod with 12lb mono for baits with treble hooks. You need the soft tip and stretch from the mono to keep the hooks from pulling out. 2 & 3. Keep it and upgrade with your next setup. 4. As a general rule for lines. Power Pro is my choice for braid. 40 lb for worms, 65 lb for frogs, 20 lb for my light weight plastics rod. The smaller the diameter braid, the easier to birdsnest. Berkley Big Game for mono. I use 12 lb for most things and occasionally use 20 lb. Only use a palomar knot with braid. I only use a leader when I am fishing gin clear water, and then I only use it for worming.
  22. Get one in black and you have a batmobile. Cool ride.
  23. Welcome. What lakes do you fish? My Dad bought a vacation/retirement home in Mountain City last year. I have been planning to take a trip but don't know anything about the lakes in that area.
  24. Welcome. Where are you in Florida?
  25. I have Orra's, Revo SX's and a Black Max. All are great reels for their respective cost. I use the Orra's for the heavy duty close in work like pitchin a 1.5 oz weight and throwing a heavy swim jig in the nasty crap. I have been beating them up for about a year now with no problems. I never clean them and they live in my rod locker on the boat. Pretty much indestructible so far.
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