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Everything posted by FD.

  1. FD.

    I Quit!

    I don't know about hero, but thanks anyway. I can already smell and taste more. We went out to Beefs on Sunday and people were smoking outside and I could smell it every time the door opened.
  2. FD.

    Angry Birds

    Crayon Physics was another one that smelled like meth. If you go look for it you will hate me later.
  3. Multimate - the first useable word processor. 1986 ish. PVC pipe - about 35 years ago Smart phone with gmail app. 6 months ago. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Completely revolutionized communication with my clients and has probably increased my backlog by 15%.
  4. All the window lickers have redeemed themselves. Yay - everyone who wanted to play gets to play. Happy shopping everyone and post up pictures of the loot!
  5. I have the "Stick It" 8' with brake and mounting kit. Love it. It works great in most conditions with my 21' stratos. I would recommend it for anyone who fishes shallow as much as I do.
  6. I think there is a possibility of a split championship if AL were to beat LSU in a title game. However, I don't they deserve another chance to take a beating. I would rather see some fresh meat thrown in the arena. Keep in mind this is coming from a Gator and I'm doing my best not to barf while I give LSU credit...
  7. Absolutely. If I did not love you guys I would have just made fun of you and not let you participate.
  8. FD.

    I Quit!

    How's the quitting?
  9. FD.

    I Quit!

    Still hanging in there. It is still difficult but luckily I have been super busy and not much time to think about it. I did 25 miles on the mountain bike last weekend. That's a personal best.
  10. OK. Please keep in mind I started this before 5am today. The pairing have been set using a complex formula involving (the inverse order in which you signed up)/ (the number of cups of coffee I had this morning)- (the number of tards that said they would participate but did not send me an address)+(5 am). Everyone should have gotten a PM from me this morning. If you did not, then send me a PM saying that you did not get a PM from me. Clear enough? If you did actually receive a PM from me this morning, you fall in one of three groups. 1) You read the directions, followed all the rules, have received a name, and are now shopping away. 2) You are a MOE RON and did not send me your address. You have been sent a PM with the instructions "send me your address". You have until 9 pm EST TODAY to comply. This will get you included in this years exchange and officially remove your current tard status. 3) You received a PM saying "you will get a name today". This means you are the poor slob stuck with either me or one of the above mentioned rocket surgeons from group 2.
  11. Does not really mater where as much as water depth, bottom makeup and vegetation. I would fish in 4-6' outside grass lines with some other vegetation mixed in. They should be pre spawn and chasing bait.
  12. Names will be out on Sunday.
  13. FD.

    I Quit!

    5 days and hanging in there. Today was tough though. I tried the chantix a few years ago and it made me sick.
  14. FD.

    I Quit!

    Day number 3. Gum and an electronic cig seem to be holding off the cravings. Thanks for the encouragement. I will keep you updated. FD
  15. FD.

    I Quit!

    Smoking... I have been sick for weeks now and I'm tired of not being able to breath. I'm going to start training again on the mountain bike when I'm not fishing. I just wanted to put it out in the universe so you guys could help keep me accountable. Today is day 1. FD
  16. Never had a problem with it. It has the same info as my Garmin on my boat that has a navionics chip. Lots of good info at your fingertips.
  17. Navionics Lakes US and Time2Fish lite are two good ones. The WeatherBug Clock widget for verizon is the best for upclose radar images. Wunderground.com has the best weather with wind forecasts and are are usually right on the money for speed and direction. They don't have an app yet, but I'm hoping.
  18. No can do. Those things are worth at least, ummmm,, errrr,,, 26 dollars.
  19. I rarely use a leader. Only when I am in super clear water and never for flipping. When you are flipping it is mostly a reaction strike and IMO any unnecessary knots is a hazard.
  20. I use a 7.1 for everything. Most of my fishing is done in heavy cover so I use high speed reels and long rods to get fish out of the crap quick.
  21. I have been using it for almost a year now. It works with almost everything, which is why I switched from firefox. I have not used IE in 10 years.
  22. The blue gill are gettting large in the lake I fish the most. They have been tearing up the tails of my uvibe worms and my trailers. I actually caught 1 last time out on a texas rig. Could be something grabbing your trailer.
  23. 1.5 to 2 lbs per year in warm climates like Florida and the Gulf states. I saw fingerlings a couple of weeks ago but I am fairly sure they were bluegill.
  24. The last few years people have complained about not seeing this thread in time to participate so I thought we would start earlier. How this works. Post on this thread that you want to play and then PM me with your name and address. I will send you someone else's name and address. You buy them a fishing Christmas present. You send it to them in time for them to receive it BEFORE Christmas. You get cool stuff and everybody has fun. RULES Anyone wishing to participate in the Christmas Gift exchange needs to PM me with your Name and mailing address before 6 pm est on Dec 1. I will sort and send you a PM with the name and address of the person you are shopping for. 25 dollar limit on the gifts. Please set aside the money for your gift when you send your PM. We had an issue last year that I don't want repeated. You must be 18 to participate or have your parents permission. I find it helpful to search for and read the previous posts of the person you are buying for to get ideas for a gift.
  25. I disagree on the Big East going out. Pitt was not a football power house and Cuse certainly was not either. WVU and Louisville could both leave and not hurt my feelings. Now add Boise, Army, Navy, Air Force, and maybe BYU and you have an even better football conference than you do now. Plus having Service Academies in your conference certainly will give you some political clout when it comes to keeping your BCS standings. And then there is the Notre Dame wildcard. Independent in footbal (for now) but all other sports play in the big east.
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