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Everything posted by FD.

  1. I saw a 14.6 come out of Kissimmee last year and in my monthly tourney there are always double digit big fish. 7,8, and 9s are common. The only problem with the Kissimmee chain is the 100K acres that all looks fishy. If you want to hunt in smaller water the phosphate pits around Lakeland and Mullberry are good spots. Many of them are public and don't get a lot of pressure.
  2. Awesome pic's again. Hey, the wife wants to know what kind of camera you are using.
  3. Figure out how to send me a personal message on this forum. Then send me your name and address. Then I will send you an old one that I took off a 14 ft aluminum. How's that for staying in a budget?
  4. power pro is so slick through the guides that there is not a noticeable difference between 30 and 50
  5. If you are going to use a leader anyway, just use 50 lb power pro. It will be easier to tie to a 12-20 lb flouro leader.
  6. Welcome
  7. Welcome
  8. Welcome and thanks for your service.
  9. Nope, you can't have that. Now you have to go buy a bigger truck!
  10. Great, now there is something else I just have to buy....
  11. I read somewhere on the FWC website that in climates like Florida, a healthy body of water can hold up to 200 lbs of fish biomass per acre with 50 lbs of the 200 being predatory fish including bass.
  12. As of this morning they are still 22 boaters short.
  13. I had a conversation with Steve Jarrett today about the Paralyzed Veterans of America bass tournament out of Toho on the 14th and 15th of this month. As of this morning they were still 26 boats short. I'm doing it so they are 25 boats short and these guys really need our support. Saturday you will be the "guide" but you can fish but the Vets are competing against each other. On Sunday you fish as a team with your vet and there are cash prizes. There is a $50 entry fee but tons of prizes given to the boaters.
  14. I have been watching all the youtube videos on the 1197. Is there much of a difference in the 1198 HD? I have just enough nerd in me to sit in the boat for hours going around in circles playing with all the settings. I can't wait to get offshore this summer and do some damage in the local big boy tournaments. I have been in the top 20 out of 80 boats but can't break the top 10. It took 27 lbs to get a check last weekend. That's what finally pushed me over the edge to buy it.
  15. Walmart Everstart Marine Deep cycle is the only battery to buy and they are one of the least expensive. Get the 29 DC and you will be set for 200-250 cycles if you keep it charged. I have about 200 trips on a set in my Stratos and just bought a new set for the Triton.
  16. Stratos made that boat for one year. I fished out of one and it was nice. I told the guy I would buy it when he got ready to sell. I have also looked but unless you want to spend 60K for the Ranger you are SOL on the new boat market.
  17. I finally did it. Saved for over a year, let the money sit for a month to make sure I really wanted one, and last night I ordered the Hummingbird 1198c Si HD. I tell you guys not to brag but to tell someone who understands. Most people I know would think I'm completely nuts for spending that kind of money for a "fish finder". I can't wait for the Friday delivery. If anyone has the 1198 let me know how it is working for you.
  18. I saw a 14.6 pounder come back to the weigh in at Camp Mack 2 years ago. I know a guy who goes out with FWC an does the shocking. He claims to have seen many over 15 that were in the edge of the shock range and never got netted or counted so I'm hoping.
  19. Yep, I guess I'm going to Sea World errr Kissimmee to find my 14 pounder so I can get close.
  20. Is pa still even a part of the US? Not sure. I may have to make up a new rule.
  21. 12# mono and a softer tip rod if you are throwing the lighter stuff. I use a 7'-11" med with 12# big game and a SX HS Revo for topwater. I can throw a spook about a mile with that rig.
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