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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Ammo is under the bed, the C-4 is in the garage and the amonium nitrate is a 40 ft container out back!
  2. No I did not. I have not seen any footage and did not get on the water. I have a dead trim motor and have not had time to get it in the shop. Judging from your tone I have a good idea where he was though.
  3. The West Marine in Brandon used to have small pieces of starboard. I would use that with the locktite 380
  4. I'm fishing the 16th and don't have to to pre fish so I want be much help.
  5. There are just as many tournaments out of Camp Mack (between Hatch and Kissimmee) that pull fish out of Toho. The north chain is funny. Some years the big bags come out of Toho. This year the hot lake is Kissimmee. The hydrilla got sprayed pretty hard on Toho in November which killed the bite I had going. Kissimmee is not as hydrilla dominant so the fish are more predictable.
  6. When are you fishing? If it's after me I will give you my spots.
  7. The Harris chain can be a very difficult place to fish but it is beautiful on the water. I like lake Dora the best. But if it were me I agree with Rob. Check out the areas around Toho. The Haines City, Davenport, Poinciana areas offer many opportunities to both shop and fish. Nicole and I have a weekend place on Lake Lowery (Haines City). You feel like you are out in the boonies but only minutes from civilization.
  8. I'm fishing in two weeks and I'm going to Kissimmee
  9. Black/blue flake vibe worm.
  10. I got a call this morning about 10 telling me Bobby Lane had a 30 practice bag in two hours. The problem is the cold that hits tonight. I bet they don't average 20 lbs per day in the tournament.
  11. FD.

    Ar 15 Prices

    I went to the Lakeland gun show Sunday and saw many AR's for sale for $1600, gun only. I did not see any selling but they were everywhere.
  12. I fired a Hi Point 9 out of a rental fleet while I was on a similar search to yours a few months ago. I eventually decided against the Hi Point but I put about 100 rounds through one and thought it shot OK. I would say this about it. It is a basic, no frills, close range, personal defense weapon, and nothing else. It is not fun to shoot, it is not overly accurate, it is not light or sleek looking. But if you need something to go BANG in the dark for not a lot of money, it will do. That being said, I offer this advice: 1) As with most things, you usually get what you pay for. I would suggest that if you can, wait and upgrade to the Ruger P95 or Smith SD9 VE. These are both much higher quality handguns for under $400. 2) If you can't wait, buy a 20 gauge pump shot gun. The pumping action says everything that needs to be said in the dark. Your wife will be more accurate with it in a crisis situation. And it is harder to shoot yourself by accident with it.
  13. This is what I used on my 21 ft Stratos and it worked great. I now have a power pole but I use this on the front to keep the bow from swinging in the wind. http://shop.stickitanchorpins.com/
  14. Far as I know its all free.
  15. Big Toho Marina
  16. Buzzin Toad in green pumpkin pearl swirl Ugly otter in Black/ blue flake
  17. I'm not an expert but here is what I have in the mag while in the house. http://www.magsafeonline.com/ I have another mag with Hornaday hollow points when I carry.
  18. It's up to Nicole and the weather. She normally will not fish all day. She does not like to get up early so probably the morning will be available.
  19. just booked a guide trip with Roger Stegall for the 1st of May. Anyone coming in early could probably fish with me for half a day. Nicole will most likely not fish for the whole day.
  20. FD.

    Nicoles New Carry

    Sig does not offer the soft grips and I wanted (at least a few) opinions of quality soft rubber grips. I have found several online like this one http://www.midwayusa.com/product/624145/hogue-wraparound-rubber-grips-with-finger-grooves-sig-sauer-p238-with-ambi-safety-black?cm_vc=subv11151172036
  21. We went to the range on Friday night and she decided on this. She shot several 380s out of the rental fleet but they did not have the Sig. We were talking to one of the guys behind the counter and he offered to let her shoot his personal Sig. Long story short, She bought one before we left. It's a little small for my hand even with the mag extender but perfect for her. The one she shot was a dealer exclusive with a super soft and thick rubber grip. Anybody recommend an after market grip manufacturer?
  22. done
  23. That's where I bought mine. At the time the 1198 was cheaper there than BBG by about $100.
  24. I have the 7ft mhf and I use it for a small swim bait or worm rod. I would not use it for anything with treble hooks.
  25. Here is the place to buy it. http://fishfinders.factoryoutletstore.com/details/3335-36549/humminbird-1198-c-si-hd.html#accessories You can get a good look at mine on Saturday if you want.
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