I fired a Hi Point 9 out of a rental fleet while I was on a similar search to yours a few months ago. I eventually decided against the Hi Point but I put about 100 rounds through one and thought it shot OK. I would say this about it. It is a basic, no frills, close range, personal defense weapon, and nothing else. It is not fun to shoot, it is not overly accurate, it is not light or sleek looking. But if you need something to go BANG in the dark for not a lot of money, it will do.
That being said, I offer this advice:
1) As with most things, you usually get what you pay for. I would suggest that if you can, wait and upgrade to the Ruger P95 or Smith SD9 VE. These are both much higher quality handguns for under $400.
2) If you can't wait, buy a 20 gauge pump shot gun. The pumping action says everything that needs to be said in the dark. Your wife will be more accurate with it in a crisis situation. And it is harder to shoot yourself by accident with it.