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Everything posted by FD.

  1. out with the old. in with the new Took her out for a test cruise this afternoon at the local mud puddle. Just make sure you are paying attention to the direction arrow when you step on the button.
  2. And most people can find something offensive anywhere if they are looking for it.
  3. Frogg Togg Toadz Rage are the best rain gear on the market. http://www.froggtoggswarehouse.com/products/frogg-toggs-toad-rage-jacket Frogg Toggs makes different levels of gear and if you spend the money on the jacket and bibs http://www.froggtoggswarehouse.com/products/frogg-toggs-toadz-toadskinz-bib-pant you will not be dissapointed. tstone and I fished a tournament last year for 6 hours in solid rain and stayed dry. I have fished in Tropical Storms and use them at work during the summer. The best $120 I have ever spent. They are not insulated (which is good here most of the time) so I bought a size to large so I could layer underneath as needed.
  4. I think "A" would be the easiest limit and the biggest bag. Bucks guarding beds would be easy pickins and you might catch a few big girls just outside.
  5. I work outside so I'm in the Florida sun 7 days a week. For years I wore cheap walmart or other off brand polarized glasses. Headaches and eye fatigue were common until about 7 years ago my girls bought me a pair of Wiley X Jakes for fathers day. I'm on my 3rd pair and will not go out in the sun without them. I'm sure that other expensive glasses are equally effective. The one thing to look for is optical quality lenses. I think that made the biggest difference for me.
  6. I fish mostly central Florida, Orlando and south. Our "PRE" starts some time in December and our "POST" ends some time in May. Because most of these lakes are less than 20' deep, our water temps are drastically effected by air temps. With frequent air temp swings of 40 degrees or more we do have water temps down to the high 40's and up to the mid 60's during these months. The most productive fishing times for us are when; 1) The weather has been stable for 3-4 days 2) The water is warming toward 65 degrees 3) Approaching the full moon Unfortunately the weather is never stable for more than a week with brutal cold fronts and high NE winds coming through often. This cuts the actual "great" fishing days out of the five months down to 4-5 days and the odds of that being on a weekend is slim.
  7. Highland is nice. Nicole and I had our honeymoon there and we have been back several times.
  8. Finally! Tomorrow has a forecast low of 57. That will be the first time since March that we have been below 60.
  9. Same place but it is 3 times the size now.
  10. Taylor and I did my 201 Pro a couple of years ago. Piece of cake. It took longer to get the old cable steer brackets off. You are going to wonder why you did not do it sooner, at least I did.
  11. I just ordered the 36v 101 Fortrex from TW. It should be here by Friday.
  12. The new ramp on Cattleman Rd between Fruitville and University is open. I have not fished that park but I worked on the project. Part of that lake is a 30 year old pit and there are big fish in it. It is electric motor only. The entire shore line is accessible on foot or bicycle.
  13. I have actually never fished it. I know some people who used to live around it. With so many other great choices around it, I may never fish it. John's Lake just to the south is one of the best big fish lakes in the state.
  14. Dude I have had my 1198 Si for almost a year now and I still am trying to get it tuned so that I can understand what I am seeing. Hang in there and listen to Wayne.
  15. Good tip Tom. My Triton does better with a slow right turn. If I go left I get cavitation from the leading edge of the prop being in disturbed water.
  16. For the fourth time in the last two years my 36v Motor Guide has let me down in a tournament. The first 3 times it went to the MG authorized repair shop...this time it's headed to the dumpster. Hello MK Fortrex. I should have done this $700 worth of repairs ago.
  17. Not going to happen. It is to hard for them yankees to catch Florida Strain LM. Plus it's not centrally located.
  18. I am the central Fl reigning mudfish KING! Fishing in this part of the country you are likely to catch; Bass, Catfish, Mudfish, Pickerel, and even Warmouth perch. It does not matter what technique. I have caught 10 lb mudfish and 20 lb catfish in tournaments, that's disappointing sometimes.
  19. I borrowed a Wilderness System Commander 120 for a river trip last year. I'm 6-2 230 and it was my first time in a yak. Very stable and comfortable even for a first timer.
  20. I high speed reels for everything. If I want my bait to move slower, I just turn the handle slower.
  21. I like Pflueger. I also thing Jiff crunchy is better than the creamy, which is equally valuable information.
  22. I have rods ranging from St Croix Legends to Berkely lightning rods and would have to say my favorite rod is the Abu Verdict for about $130. It is lightweight and very sensitive and the price allows you to have 2 for the price of I high end rod. I break several rods a year either on hook sets or in the rod locker and it's not nearly as painful when replacement costs are around $100.
  23. You are going to be looking for a 90's hull to be in that price range. I have a 91 Stratos 201 pro that I paid 6k for. Upgraded the motor for another 5 k. They are out there but you have to look. Now is the time to look as most of the country will be putting their boats away for the winter and there should be some deals out there.
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