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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Chris, you should be looking at everything in the barely used dept. You have seen my boat and I only have 25k in it. I looked for two years before I found it. Having cash in your hand also will get you awesome deals from private sellers who need the money.
  2. We do fish them. We just don't tell people we fish them....
  3. <<<<<<--------------------MY Little One.... is now 17. Today she did more studying than fishing on the boat, but at least she was with me.
  4. Them Yaks are mean critters. Make sure you feed it before you saddle it.
  5. Only if you remember where you piled the brush after the ice melts.
  6. Ya'll said bring it, here you go... Taylor and I went to Winter Haven Chain today. Air temps in the upper 60 water temp around 63, overcast and foggy this morning. First fish of the day. 18.5" on a 22" golden rule. I will get a sharpie and mark the lines for future fish. Last fish of the day 19" There were a bunch of dinks in between. Both fish caught on a Bitters Naked swimmer. I got in some clear water and saw fish that would have put me over 100" today. Ya'll are in trouble this month.
  7. smaller diameter line with a longer more flexible rod = more distance with less effort. Plus A-Jay is right on. Learn to cast with your off hand. When I tore my shoulder I had to learn to flip and pitch left handed so I could fish period.
  8. I am in. Worst to first this month.
  9. I only got out once in November but I have 16 days off in December starting tomorrow. Watch out.
  10. I think the Abu lineup of rods give you the best selection for around $100. I bought my first one a few years ago( I have 7 now) and with the exception of the one I stepped on, they are still in good shape.
  11. It is not so much a question of reel as it is rod and line combo. I use a custom 7-11 medium and 20 lb braid to throw my light weight plastics. I have a Revo SX paired with it and get plenty of distance out of vibe worms and small creature baits without a lot of effort. I have a bad wing also.
  12. Vendettas, veritas, paired with Revo Sx make up most of my tournament arsenal. I do have a few odd balls but when you reach down to change technique it is nice that the set up feels the same.
  13. Glad to see a messy deck. I means I am not alone.
  14. All of the pairings are done and PM's sent. If you did not receive a PM let me know now. Get to researching and buying. I will start a Loot Thread next week for posting pictures.
  15. The Final List rockchalk06 deaknh03 Mr_Scrogg 00 Mod Fishing Cowgirl Siebert Jrob 78 BigMoneyGrip retiredbosn A-Jay bighead NorcalBassin HI Salenity bkohlman .ghoti. Chris at Tech bocabasser topwaterrob JeziHogg chromedog ClackerBuzz BassnChris Backwater4 McAlpine KyakR FD PM's coming soon!
  16. OK, here is the current list. I will give you late comers until 10 am on Thursday morning to get a pm to me if you want to play. rockchalk06 deaknh03 Mr_Scrogg 00 Mod Fishing Cowgirl Siebert Jrob 78 BigMoneyGrip retiredbosn A-Jay slonezp bighead NorcalBassin HI Salenity bkohlman .ghoti. Chris at Tech bocabasser topwaterrob JeziHogg chromedog ClackerBuzz BassnChris Backwater4 McAlpine
  17. FD.

    Ms Slammer

    Unless you are used to throwing big baits, tie on a 2 oz weight and see how many casts you can make before it is no longer fun. Make sure you are going to fish it before spending $40 on one bait. My .02
  18. heavy and often. I will saturate a new spool of line and give all me reels a quick shot everytime out.
  19. Boat Buying 101. Is the boat big enough for your current needs? Is the boat powered close to the Max rating for the hull? Does the boat look like it has been well maintained? Wear on seats and carpet are good things. It mean the boat is used often and they are cheap to replace. Electronics and other goodies are nice but are also cheap (relatively speaking) to upgrade. If you don't answer YES to the first 3 questions, then keep looking. IF you find more than one boat with a yes, then it's just a personal choice.
  20. I have known 4 local shop owners. 3 are now out of business and the last one has been trying to sell for years.
  21. putting new in is easy compared to taking the old out. bassboatseats and a spreadable would be my recommendation. I have not done it but I watched warmer do his.
  22. Another vote for the cut-R worm. We got to see it at the road trip and it has not disappointed. Also the Rage Menace on a rage rig. Both are on the deck at all times.
  23. I'm in again for December. Hopefully I will get to fish more than 1day. This work thing is becoming a drag
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