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Everything posted by FD.

  1. A sweep set is all you need, just sweep to the side and maintain constant pressure with the reel. You should also be fishing on a medium power rod with mono line. The rod and line combo act like a shock. This will keep constant pressure on the hooks without tearing a hole in the fishes mouth allowing the hook to come out. Most fish are lost by trying to land them to fast.
  2. I've got an extra stall in the horse barn, but one of the horses snores though...
  3. I have two of these. One for the trolling batteries and one for the cranking battery. http://www.perko.com/catalog/category/battery_switches/product/150/
  4. yep, it's going to be a nippy 83* at weigh in tomorrow.
  5. Weather Station - Report - Buy a Station Lakeland Highlands, Lakeland Elevation 218 ft Station Select Scattered Clouds Temperature 65.9 °F Feels Like 66.3 °F Wind(mph) 3.5 Sunrise / Set 7:10 AM 5:33 PM Moon Waxing Gibbous More Astronomy Tonight 61 °F Partly Cloudy Tomorrow 84 °F Partly Cloudy Tomorrow Night 69 °F Chance of Rain 60% chance of precipitation Sunday 76 | 51 °F Mostly Cloudy Monday 68 | 45 °F Clear Tuesday 73 | 48 °F Clear Tomorrow is forecast to be Much Warmer than today. Just thought I would rub it in.
  6. FD boxes are special.
  7. I know you may be technically challenged, but have one of your students help you post a picture before you let them go for the fishmas break.
  8. Luck of the draw. Maybe next year.
  9. You are welcome Felix. I read that was a technique you were going to work on this year. I thought I could start you off with the gear I use.
  10. Dwight, RoLo and Dinky have it right. Location Location Location
  11. It's tough to fish with shiners in 2 feet of water, which is where most "visible" beds are in Central Florida due to the staining in our lakes. I have caught more large bass in probable bed locations in 4-6 ft of water in small open pockets in the Kissimmee grass, also hard to to shiner fish. Where I see most shiner fishing is on the outside lines of vegetation. I believe they are catching pre and post spawn fish in these locations. While I don't like the fact that trophy hunting vacationers usually keep the DD bass, the revenue from non resident licenses accounted for more than 2.8 Billion of the fisheries revenue for 2012/2013 so I will deal with it.
  12. 1. My adht will not allow me to sight fish for bedding fish. I do fish shallow in the spring just like I do in the summer, fall and winter. 2. With the frequent cold front and ever changing weather conditions during the spawn season, the likely hood of a hard spawn with good weather on a tournament weekend is not good. 3. If the FWC closed fishing during the spawn we could only fish from June to November. Tournaments on Toho and Kissimmee have taken 5 lb averages to even sniff the money over the last few years. I don't think there is any shortage of monster fish.
  13. 1 tent pole and a handle bar mount. Just stick it in the ground behind you.
  14. I assume you are at AS Cherry Point. I went to school in Wilmington and bleed heel blue and gator orange. A 3 day tourney during the week may be tough for me to swing but I'm not ruling it out. I will let you know but in the meantime you should keep looking. Gar Tracker fishes kissimmee and is retarted retired and may be interested. I can put ya'll on some spots if he is.
  15. I might be interested as long as you are not a wolfpack fan. Post a link to the tourney info.
  16. Mine is sent. Somebody should be looking for a TW box.
  17. Send Money. http://www.tacklethestormfoundation.org/ See here also http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/117976-open-challenge-to-all-fishermen-and-women/
  18. http://www.alapark.com/LakepointResort/ Everything you need in one spot.
  19. That happens at your age...
  20. Big game is all I have used for years in both fresh and salt water. I love it but I never have to deal with cold temps.
  21. I just put it up.
  22. Dis is where you show us da loot.
  23. A couple of years ago I caught a 28" LM that only weighed a little over 8 lbs. She had a bad eye and was in poor shape. She would have been way over 10 a few years before.
  24. I have a power pole I use all time with very little swing but I have a Stick-It Anchor when I want to lock it down.
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