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Everything posted by FD.

  1. 81 degrees today... 5 months of spawners... 7700 lakes larger than 10 acres... 663 miles of beaches with nearly naked women on them all year round...
  2. Johnson Spoon Devils Horse Pop-R Rapala J-11 Not only are the designs decades old, I have some in my tackle box that are over 10 years old and still catching fish, boat rash, rusty hooks and all.
  3. When you consider that I bought this one last May, then you understand why I sometimes have a small heart attack around the 15th of the month.
  4. In fisherman terms it's the same as 4 tournament rigs. The payment makes me nauseous.
  5. I never use them. I use Gama EWG superline and trokar flipping hoods. Regular palomar knot. I can't remember the last time I broke off a flipping fish.
  6. I switch to the SS in May and am now switching everything back. The wax coating is a little quieter but it is stiff and I don't like the way it casts. I'm going back to the original 100%
  7. Swivels on my carolina rig only. snaps on my crankbait rods. Everything else is braid and direct tie.
  8. It's always open on a tab. I stumble around a couple of times during the day and at night I do a lot of reading either posts or articles. It helps me unwind and tv is crap these days.
  9. I have not been on Norman since the 80's but - fish that are in deeper water will be less affected by the weather change. Many docks have years of Xmas trees off the end of them. If it were me, I would find some of them with my depth finder, back off and throw a jig at them.
  10. I'd buy some long sleeves if that is an option.
  11. I don't associate with people who don't fish. Not on purpose but that is the way it has worked out over the last decade. My two best friends are actually my tournament partners. I spend more time on the boat with my wife and daughter than anyone else. Except for tournament days they are usually with me. And they occasionally fish a tournament with me. All of our family vacations are on a lake in the SE USA somewhere. My honeymoon was even on a lake with our boat (her idea). My life is pretty good.
  12. Have fun. Slow Down. Never leave fish to find other fish.
  13. The problem is on your end. I just loaded the page. The guys from Hawgtech are always around on here, so I don't see why you have not got a response.
  14. I use a mh rod but other than that my setup is the same. A firm hookset and steady pressure until you get them back through the slop is all you can do. You will still lose a lot of fish in the heavy crap no matter how good you are.
  15. Working for the handicapped is like that. They get a little over emotional sometimes. Ask him if he is going to paint that fence when he finishes the carpet.
  16. At $1800 it would be hard to pass on unless there are major problems with the hull. It is a little short but I would have bought it in a heart beat as a first bass boat.
  17. You will burn for that one. May they one day replace your prep H with Icy Hot..
  18. Yes it is. Have you seen Pradco's new line of self defense ladles?
  19. Butthead!
  20. 43 years with you... That woman deserves a medal.
  21. My wife tells me all the time I offend people. I don't see it. I have had "sensitivity training" and the odd anger management class. I could not work in the corporate world anymore so I started my own business 17 years, 18 days, 3 hours and 33 minutes ago. I have also been through about 150 employees in that time. I've had grown men tell me I'm to demanding, I just tell them to get their purse and leave.
  22. Yea...maybe you should NOT follow Raiders advice. Just sayin.
  23. Mine got exactly what she wanted. A 2" leveling kit and new tint on her 4X4 F150. Yes, I know I am a lucky man. Plus I got the monster diamond earrings for her birthday which was Tuesday.
  24. Not to mention the few you will need when she realizes she's broke because you can't follow directions... Hope she makes a fast recovery and you survive as well.
  25. I have been around for 7 or so years and the ladle story is probably the most memorable of all...
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