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Everything posted by FD.

  1. So I bought the house on Lowery a couple of years ago thinking of it as a weekend get-a-way and eventual retirement home. Well, that plan got accelerated, with the divorce final now, it is my full time home. I did not want to mention the divorce until it was over. I can say this, I'm happier than I have been in nearly a decade, my life is back on track and life is good. I had been working off plastic tables and honestly not doing much in the last few months but I had been planning this rod shop for over a year now. Yesterday I finally got started, it's close to complete. I'm going to build a few rods like it is to see if I want to make changes and then I will finish and paint it. 10 ft 2 in by 26 in work bench
  2. I can say from many days of getting skunked on Toho that the best pattern is LOCATION. Keep going back and take some Bitters Mega Vibes with you next time.
  3. I would not consider this year a typical year. The amount of rain over July and August and subsequent high water in most lakes really changed the pattern for me in nearly every place I fish. My home lake is still 3 feet above normal and very difficult to fish.
  4. I just retired the first rod I built last year. I built it about 10 years ago and it did not look as good as your first. You are off to a great start. For your first one, how it looks will not matter after you catch your first fish on it. Congrats on your new addiction.
  5. How do you find your content now? I like the new format but I'm still a little lost.
  6. I saw it today and thought the same thing. Why else would the saber call to her? I'm a total star wars nerd and thought this one was by far the best of 7. I can't wait for the next one.
  7. Shipping loot tomorrow! Later than I like to but this one had a "personal" touch..
  8. The official loot thread is up. Here http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/166149-fds-7th-annual-fishmas-loot-thread/
  9. This is where you show da LOOT!
  10. Dude, you need a girl friend...
  11. Names are out. If you did not receive a name PM me. I am getting old and my mind tends to wander...
  12. Official Participants List as of DEC 4 Snakehead Jrob bkohlman Dypsis Siebert Bluebasser rw 00 mod wisconsin heat stk deaknk03 Norcal Catt tater555 felix77 Gone Phishin 5fishlimit OK Bass Hunter GaterB fishballer06 and RICK PATRI have NOT sent me your name and address. Midnight tomorrow night is the cut off...I'm hoping to have names back out to you guys by Sunday night.
  13. This is exactly why the rules are the rules. We had some issues in the first two years which required rule changes to correct.
  14. Sorry guys, I did not realize I had that many messages saved. It's fixed now.
  15. For you crusty old timers (and you know who you are), it's that time of year again. For you newbies who don't know what this is, here is how it works. You announce to the world in this thread that you intend to play. Then you MUST PM me your name and address. We, Taylor and I, draw names to pair or group up players. You will receive a name and address from me via PM on or around Dec 7. You research that person, go buy a gift, and send it to them postmarked by Dec 14. Patiently wait by your mailbox to receive your gift (I sent your name and address to someone else who researched you, bought you a gift, and mailed it to you before Dec 14.) You can open it when you want but you must post pictures of the loot for all of us to see. Last Years Loot Thread http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/147749-fds-6th-annual-fishmas-exchange-loot-thread/ Here are the RULES, If you don't like them, to bad. You MUST be over 18 to play. You MUST have over 200 meaningful posts and be reasonably active on the forum. (I decide what is meaningful and reasonable) You MUST proclaim your intent to participate in this thread prior to December 5. You MUST send me a PM with your Name and Address prior to December 5. Minimum gift amount is $25. Maximum is up to you but don't expect to get more than $25. You may or may not get the name of the person sending your gift. You will get a return PM from me before Dec 7 with the name and address of the person you are buying for. You MUST send the gift prior to Dec 14. You may open the package when you get it or wait to Xmas. I will periodically post a list of official participants on this thread. It is up to you to check back after you send your PM to make sure you are on the list. A separate thread will be started to post pictures of the loot you received. Let the fun begin.
  16. As to the rod geeks warranty. I had a clients 10 year old snap the tip off a C473 mhxs swinging a 4 pounder. I called and told them the whole story and they still shipped me a replacement no questions asked. Kind of hard to beat that.
  17. From the time you get it mixed, the consistency of the finish gets thicker by the minute until it sets. The longer you wait to add the finish mixed with the pigment, the sharper and more defined the marbling will be. The earlier you do it, the more fluid the mix is, and it moves and blends more. The great thing about marbling is you never quite know for sure how it's going to look until the next day when it's dry.
  18. I use high build and timing is everything for different effects from the marbling. I have CRB pigments and testors model paint.
  19. You really should watch your language sir, this is a family oriented establishment.
  20. Using Gary's method with 8 coats This one only has 3 coats I only use High Build finish and as Gary said, timing is the key.
  21. Great looking combo. I particularly like the messy work station. It make me feel better about my mess.
  22. Nice job on the locking wraps Gary. I can't get mine to look that good.
  23. Well if it's any consolation, you picked one of the hardest bodies of water in Florida to start with. The Harris chain is extremely difficult to learn, BUT, it has a ton of big fish in it. I would recommend you join the ABA and fish as a non boater out of Buzzard Beach for a couple of months. The best on Harris fish that tournament every month and if you draw the right boater you can get years of education in a few hours. That's how I learned it many years ago. Out side of doing that here are a few tips. Gold rattle traps with an orange belly over the numerous shell bars. Fire tiger crank baits that dives to 8 ft around docks and in and around sparse lily pads. Bitters Mega Vibe in spray grass fished every where. A big beaver style bait in Black/blue flake flipped in the kissimmee grass particularly in the holes in the grass. A popper or prop style topwater along any sea walls or lily pads. That's all you need to fish in Eustis or Harris. I usually only fish Eustis, Dead River and Haines Creek. Learn those and you can always find fish.
  24. I saw them (on your rods) and ordered a few. The best hook keeper design on the market. I will not buy anything else in the future.
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