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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Pro's don't pay for rods, they are the advertisers. I know several pro's that don't particularly "prefer" the rods that sponsor them. We pay for them so we are more selective about how we spend money.
  2. Revo SX and Veritas rods.
  3. I just talked to them, they are not going anywhere.
  4. Bitters Naked Swimmer in ghost shad- Texas rig, 3/8 th oz tungsten pegged with a bobber stop on 40 lb power pro. 7-6 MH with HS reel. Bitters vibe in blue berry - t-rig 1/8 th oz tungsten pegged on 20 lb power pro. 7-11 Med with HS reel Baby paca craw - t-rig with 1/2 oz to 1.5 oz pegged on 65 lb PP. 7-9 Heavy HS reel. Rage Toad t rig with 1/8 oz tungsten pegged on 65 lb. 7-6 MH with HS reel. Rage Menace on a Rage rig on 65 lb PP. 7-6 MH with a HS reel I have probably 10 other setups on the boat but these five are always on the deck and catch the majority of my tourney fish. I cut this out on an old post I responded to last year. These are not the only ways to catch fish, but it will give you a good start.
  5. I have two magazines loaded, thank you! I was wondering if anyone was going to get that joke.
  6. I hear ya We lost power for two weeks after a minor storm in 2012. Mostly because I live in the sticks and wasn't a high priority neighborhood, but it got me thinking. What happens if a Katrina type storm hits central Fl? We are not "preppers" but we are prepared to live off grid for a month or so if necessary. Generators, stocked freezers, gas for cooking, steel conex shelter (it doubles as a workshop), basic necessities, cash and enough firepower to invade France if necessary.
  7. I have flip up iron sights and a red dot. It's lightweight and I hope I never have to hump it anywhere. Nicoles', which is being built will have more toys than that. It is not likely that it will ever be used for anything other than plinking. But it is just like custom rods and reels. If you have the money, you customize as much as you want just for fun. I have money, SHE wants it customized. You married guys know what happens next.
  8. Black Sabbath to Bob Marley to Hank to Justin Timberlake. It depends on which of my girls is choosing the music. If I'm by myself it's old school hip hop like Orbit or Strafe.
  9. In 1984 ( I was 16) I came home to see my neighbor and tenant in the ditch being kicked by her ex boyfriend. I called the cops, grabbed my shot gun and went to stop it. One round in the air and a pump finally got his attention. Made him sit cross legged until the deputies arrived. This was back woods NC and one of the deputies told me I should have shot him. I'm pretty sure he meant it. You don't get away with beating on women in that part of the country. Two weeks later he was the boy friend again so Dad evicted her. If it were to happen now, I would be tempted to walk away but would not be able to. I would try to get him to come at me and then DROP him for good. With our current sheriff Grady Judd, I would probably get a medal. This is how we roll in Polk county Fl. FLORIDA - An illegal alien, in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state-wide manhunt ensued. The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times. Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times. Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had."
  10. FD.


    No matter how you pronounce it, he is still a crusty old man who does not know how to use a net...
  11. Tstone has built several including mine. He might have some insight if you're interested.
  12. I think of him every time I fish that big patch of buggy whips on the north end. It's marked "avids spot" on my gps.
  13. I love puzzles. I always have. Bass fishing is the ultimate puzzle.
  14. Glad you're playing Roger and equally happy Lois isn't. For those of you who don't know her, she may be the best female angler in the state. She sure catches a lot of pigs. Avid is probably my favorite member that I never met. He always kept things interesting. Since you got the reference you get the 5 pt bonus.
  15. You're going to need an 85 or better
  16. I have pics of 4 pounders that look like 8's and pictures of 6's that look like 4's. I caught a 28" bass that only weighed 8 lbs and a 24" bass that weighed more in tournaments. Unless you have a scale you can never tell.
  17. Old timer bonus - The first person to post a good "Avid" look alike photo gets 5 bonus points. If you have to ask, you don't qualify for the bonus.
  18. Yep it's that time of year again. 2008 I started a contest for the largest bass relative to your State record and it's that time of year again. We are starting early April and going to run through the middle of June. So if you guys are ready then let's get signed up. If you want to play, then all you have to do is declare your intention to participate in the "get your but kicked by Dwight," tournament. If you play, you will find out who he is and how bad you suck. This contest will run from daylight on April 5th through dark on June 15th. Anyone who has posted to this thread by midnight on April 4th is eligible to play. Prizes to be determined at a later date. RULES 1. This is for FUN... 2. There are 3 classes this year. Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted. You must have submitted your entry prior to midnight April 4, 2014. 3. This contest runs from daybreak on April 5th, 2014 to sunset on June 15, 2014. 4. Artificial bait ONLY. If you are sight fishing, the fish must be hooked inside the mouth. All fish must be caught in PUBLIC fishing areas. No private stocked ponds (ie you own the pond and are raising trophies). 5. Scoring of the fish shall be completed as follows: Example FW = fish weight = 10.5 lbs SR = state record Fl = 17.27 lbs FW / SR x 100 = your score 10.5/17.27x100 = 60.80 rounded to 2 decimals In order for your fish to count, you must submit a picture, the state record weight for the state the fish was caught in, and an accurate weight of the fish. You can submit fish caught in different States but only your highest score counts. Your fish must be submitted within one week of being caught. (No sandbagging) You may submit as many fish as you want as long as subsequently caught fish score higher. All fish must be submitted before 7 am on June 16th, 2014. 6. You can be disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior. The definition of "unsportsmanlike" is completely at the discretion of myself and the moderators. 7. Entry Fee - You must post your intention to play on this thread prior to midnight April 14th. Directors Note-----Have fun, catch fish, and post your results......
  19. Veritas- I can afford much more expensive rods but I choose to fish with the Abu lineup of rods. Light, durable and not to expensive to replace when you break them which I do several times a year.
  20. A white menace on a rage rig is a great bait.
  21. Get one of these. http://www.shop.stickitanchorpins.com/ I put one on my last boat an old Stratos and it worked great for the money.
  22. In November of 2009 we put in minnows and blue gills that we netted from another pond on the property. In January of 2010 we put in 750 blue gill fingerlings we got from FWC and in March we added the bass fingerlings. Tilapia and catfish moved in naturally. These fish are fed several times a week (no automatic feeder). We netted about 75 lbs of tilapia out this summer with many of those being in the 3-4 lb range. The two little boys who live on property regularly catch 1.5 lb blue gill on crickets and worms.
  23. Cream and sugar. The coffee makers starts about 4:30 every morning and has for the last several decades.
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