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Everything posted by FD.

  1. They are next to WalMart, right?
  2. Quality tools are absolutely worth it. I have to buy several diamond tipped concrete cut off blades every year. They are $400 ea but they last for months and the time saved more than pays for it.
  3. Sorry guys,I guess my sarcasm was not obvious enough. It's been a long day. If you follow the 7 rules, you cannot, by definition, use live bait. (see rule #4) So to be clear, who ever CWB is referring to is cheating and should be sacked. my mistake if I confused anyone.
  4. If my A.D.D would allow me to watch bobbers I would grab a couple dozen shiners and win my own contest for once. Sadly that will never happen.
  5. As long as you follow the 7 rules you can use any bait you want unless of course I happen to be in a pissy mood that day and invoke rule #6 in which case you're screwed anyway so go ahead and troll with live bait if you want. The above sentence structure may only be funny to those who subscribe to Mental Floss or vlogbrothers, which sadly most of you don't.
  6. 1 day left to sign up.
  7. I like the flambeau Zerust. They don't warp as bad as some and the latches are very secure.
  8. In Florida it is Toho. Not because I like it, in fact it is one of my least favorites to tourney fish. Just for the huge number of 5+ pound fish. For the last several years it has taken 25+ pounds to even be close to the money. 30 lbs will not even guarantee you a win.
  9. Good point. I don't care what people think. I have middle of the road gear. I have never been criticized. I'm an average fisherman. Here is my point to this entire thread. I like looking at the cool, high end stuff. The show you ride and show your stuff are two of my favorite threads. In nearly every thread that talks about high end gear, someone has to take a shot at them. And I think that's wrong so I said something about it.
  10. Dude, you're getting old. The old double zero dude would say that is blasphemous.
  11. I edited my last post. It's actually an idiom and not a metaphor. I did not want Mike to yell at me for not using proper grammar.
  12. Now do you see why I was reluctant to quote a specific post? Do you now understand my original post, or is it still hidden from you? I would have been happy to just let this one die, but since you have called me out twice, the ball is now in your corner court. (I hate mixed idioms)
  13. Here is your example. This is not directed at you WW2, but your post does support my point. The little guy does not need to be stuck up for. At least on this forum he is encouraged and respected. And I will call out people who treat them any other way. I used to be the little guy. While this may not be the intent, the statement "you win the bank account game, I'll win on the water" implies that because I have nice gear I have either somehow lost the ability to catch fish, or never had it to begin with. This attitude is what irritates me the most. It dismisses all the effort that was invested to first, become a good fisherman, and secondly, the sacrifices that were made to earn the money to pay for nice gear. I guess the impression is that "rich" people buy bass boats and high end gear just to look good. I live in an area where you can fish high payout tournaments 50 weekends of the year if you want. I see the rigs, attitudes of the fishermen, and the results every time it hit the ramp. I know hundreds of tournament fishermen and I can say this with absolute certainty. While some of them may be "big fat jerks" personally, not one of them bought gear to impress anyone. In fact the opposite is true. Most everyone I know started in a low budget boat that we sometimes wish we still had. They started with modest gear and as their skill and interest grew, so did their financial commitment to this sport.
  14. FD.


    Notice the hat, gloves, long sleeve shirt and buff (under the hat, I had just pulled it up). All columbia, all spf 30, always on when I'm outside fishing or working.
  15. The only thing you really need is the dryer. You can get by with stuff you most likely have around your house for everything else. There are a bunch of youtube videos and on mudhole to show you how. I got started for under $200 with tools and supplies for my first build. I build several a year and have taught my daughter and nephew to build. It is a very cool feeling to catch the first fish on a rod you built.
  16. First of all, I am not trying to start a class war and I am certainly not dumb. I was not claiming anything. I was merely stating my opinion on something I had noticed. Apparently other members have also noticed. Secondly, I did not specifically call out any thread or member because personal attacks are not allowed by the forum rules. And lastly, It's here. Mostly in this sub forum. Just because you have not noticed it does not mean it does not exist. There have been several threads in the last month where it was obvious.
  17. I guess you are right, I'm just disappointed it's here. I have met so many members here and none of them have any snobbery either way. None of my fishing friends are like that. Maybe I am just guilty of holding us to a higher standard.
  18. Was that directed at me?
  19. I would start with a MHX kit for your first one. Everything is already matched up for you so you can concentrate on the actual build. There are several places to buy online but I like Mudhole for most of my stuff.
  20. I've been around a while and I have never seen a post where someone was getting bashed for fishing with inexpensive setups, out of a tin boat or no boat, having no electronics or anything of that nature. On the flip side, if someone has a $100k rig, with power poles and side imaging, prefers $400 setups over $50 setups, or chooses to fish with $80 swim baits, then they appear to be open game for criticism. It is a bit of a double standard if you ask me.
  21. 83 degrees today. Just sayin
  22. The deepest rotation and the best defensive infield in mlb. Now if we can only score a few runs...
  23. The Rays looked pretty strong yesterday. 161 to go
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