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Everything posted by FD.

  1. I have the teleflex single on my triton. If I remember correctly it mounted just behind the steering wheel and should tilt with the wheel.
  2. I use the netbait baby paca craw and paca punch.
  3. Is that the same motor you had on the submarine? I thought you had new power on the new boat.
  4. Did not have my glasses on for the math part. I also did not expect it to stand for more than a few hours anyway.
  5. The Blonde I have had for a decade. She got the Red Hemi on Monday.
  6. Just so you know, August is going to be tough. 90 degrees, no wind and fighting hydrilla gnats. Or a hurricane. It's almost always one or the other. Steve Boyd http://www.laketohoguide.com/ I see him on Toho all the time. And he is a decent guy to talk to at the ramp.
  7. My better days usually start with my original plan going completely out da window. Sorry about the motor. She is still under warranty?
  8. I live about 1/2 mile south of Lakeland Airport, which is the host of the Sun n Fun fly in. The big boys are here Thursday through Sunday.
  9. But these guys keep flying through my house, or at least it sounds that way... The free, personal air show is cool the first day. Day number 3, not so much. One more day to go.
  10. Only 3.75 lbs which gives me a score of 21.74. More important than this fish is the offshore submerged hydrilla I found today. Hopefully many more to come off of this spot. Lake Toho, Fl on a Fluke.
  11. If you signed up on the other thread. This is where you post your results. Example FW = fish weight = 10.5 lbs SR = state record Fl = 17.27 lbs FW / SR x 100 = your score 10.5/17.27x100 = 60.80 rounded to 2 decimals
  12. A Porky's reference. Wow. Either that or one of those other really bad 80's movies. Then became Bart's favorite.
  13. Anytime you and Lo want. I'll even buy "have a company business meeting." I've eaten at two of them. The one in Haines City by the RV and the new one in Lakeland 5 min from the house. Lake Wales in only about 35 min for us so pick a day.
  14. Trolling with a gas motor, No it's illegal. Trolling with a electric trolling motor. Lazy, but legal.
  15. The boat is hooked and ready. Nicole and I are going to Southport in the morning. It's time for a Toho pig to get on the board.
  16. x2
  17. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Falcon-FTO-Tackle-Organizers&i=410217&r=view&cvsfa=2586&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=343130323137 I have 2 of these. Unbelievable. Everything stays where you put it.
  18. Yea, but it's been a warm winter and our spawn is almost over.
  19. The Walmart in the little town where RoLo lives is on a corner and the side street is named Hunt Brothers.
  20. They are absolutely NOT going out of business. I called myself last week just to make sure. The guy I talked to asked me to tell people to STOP spreading that rumor. To the OP. Bitters is by far the most economical plastic out there. Not only is the price lower, their plastic is much more durable than most. I use the Swimmer and Vibe and IMO, the action is superior to the originals.
  21. Tick Tock Tick Tock
  22. That's cool...for about 5 minutes, and then it gets stupid. Unless, of course, they let ME drive it.
  23. Bingo. If I fix it I can be blamed for the future breakdown. Plus she wanted a new one anyway.
  24. I had a Golden Retriever as a kid. I never got in the boat without him, he would not let me. Those Labs are awesome dogs.
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