Dog food and yes it works. That's how commercial shiner fisherman harvest the shiners. They all have their individual spots in the grass. I watched a guy on Saturday. He pulled up, threw his cast net, boated about 30 shiners. Threw out a big scoop of dog food and left to come back in a few days.
Baiting a brush pile or patch of grass works the same way. Come out a few days before the tournament, dump a bunch of hard dog food. For the next few days the dog food dissolves, and draws in the bait, which concentrates the bass in the area.
The problem is catching them in the act. Most of the boat ramps on Kissimmee are private fish camps. So someone is always there and see's you come and go. If you come to pre fish on thursday and are only on the water an hour or so and then catch 30 lbs in a tourny a few days later, people start to wonder. Do that a few months in a row and you are guilty, even without being caught with alpo in the boat.
These local tourneys aren't your average $200 top prizes, these are the $1500 to $3000 first place checks. The private ramps charge $5 to launch so it is in their best interest to have trusted tournaments that draw a lot of boats every weekend. The good thing about these tournaments going out of private property, is that the violators can be (and some have been) banned from the property.