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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Most people don't fish with their toes in the water. You fish from above the water level. Either in a boat or on a bank , you will most likely be about 18" above the water (5 gal bucket height). That makes a difference on bait entry. Plus it teaches you balance.
  2. stand on a 5 gallon bucket and practice. You don't just drop the bait and let is swing on a stationary rod. As you drop the bait the rod tip comes up giving your bait momentum while is stays at the same level until your line is vertical, this is when you let line out with minimum thumb pressure until your bait nears your target and you bring the rod tip down and apply more thumb pressure to kill the momentum and enter the water with minimum splash. The wrist action is very similar to throwing a frisbee. Imagine throwing a frisbee straight up with only your wrist moving.
  3. Current Official List as of 11/21 BassnChris Snakehead Whisperer gardinerjigman deaknh03 Jrob78 A-Jay rw Felix77 00 pink barbie rod RICK PARTI Mr Scrogg BigMoneyGrip bighead OK Bass Hunter Siebert Outdoors JeziHogg topwaterrob Bluebasser86 Beckie C 5fishlimit MO_LMB J bkohlman NorcalBassin Those who would qualify to play if they would read and follow instructions instead of worrying about other peoples potential grammatical errors. Starcraft1
  4. Yes I did...And you can't follow directions.
  5. For the last 2 years I have been playing around with fishing offshore with some success. But when things get tough I have always headed back toward my comfort zone, the bank. This year I'm staying out there by myself.
  6. Current Official List as of 11/14 BassnChris Snakehead Whisperer gardinerjigman deaknh03 Jrob78 A-Jay rw Felix77 00 pink barbie rod RICK PARTI Mr Scrogg BigMoneyGrip bighead OK Bass Hunter Siebert Outdoors JeziHogg topwaterrob Bluebasser86 Beckie C 5fishlimit
  7. Exactly why the rules say check the list yourself... Not far behind me my friend, you will be there soon enough.
  8. Current Official List as of 11/13 BassnChris Snakehead Whisperer gardinerjigman deaknh03 Jrob78 A-Jay rw Felix77 00 pink barbie rod RICK PARTI Mr Scrogg BigMoneyGrip bighead OK Bass Hunter Siebert Outdoors JeziHogg topwaterrob Bluebasser86 Beckie C
  9. 2 weeks left to sign up!!!
  10. A "6 pounder" for you is about 60% of your state record and probably not all that common. Which says the lake is a good quality lake. 6 pounders for me are pretty common but it's also only about 30% of my state record. It would take a 12 pounds to get to 60% of the Fl record.
  11. You are in if you want. Fishing with me is your ace in the hole.
  12. Current Official List as of 11/5 BassnChris Snakehead Whisperer gardinerjigman deaknh03 Jrob78 A-Jay rw Felix77 00 pink barbie rod RICK PARTI Mr Scrogg BigMoneyGrip bighead OK Bass Hunter Siebert Outdoors Not yet in because they cannot follow directions PM ME YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS Catch and Grease JeziHogg
  13. Current Official List BassnChris Snakehead Whisperer gardinerjigman deaknh03 Jrob78 A-Jay rw Felix77 00 pink barbie rod RICK PARTI Not yet in because they cannot follow directions Catch and Grease Mr Scrogg
  14. For you crusty old timers (and you know who you are), it's that time of year again. For you newbies who don't know what this is, here is how it works. You announce to the world in this thread that you intend to play. Then you MUST PM me your name and address. We, Taylor and I, draw names to pair or group up players. You will receive a name and address from me via PM on or around Dec 1. You research that person, go buy a gift, and send it to them postmarked by Dec 10. Patiently wait by your mailbox to receive your gift (I sent your name and address to someone else who researched you, bought you a gift, and mailed it to you before Dec 10.) You can open it when you want but you must post pictures of the loot for all of us to see. Last Years Loot Thread http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/128048-fds-5th-annual-fishmas-loot-thread/?hl=%20fd#39;s fishmas Here are the RULES, If you don't like them, to bad. You MUST be over 18 to play. You MUST have over 200 meaningful posts and be reasonably active on the forum. (I decide what is meaningful and reasonable) You MUST proclaim your intent to participate in this thread prior to Thanksgiving Day. You MUST send me a PM with your Name and Address prior to Thanksgiving Day. Minimum gift amount is $25. Maximum is up to you but don't expect to get more than $25. You may or may not get the name of the person sending your gift. You will get a return PM from me before Dec 1 with the name and address of the person you are buying for. You MUST send the gift prior to Dec 10. You may open the package when you get it or wait to Xmas. I will periodically post a list of official participants on this thread. It is up to you to check back after you send your PM to make sure you are on the list. A separate thread will be started to post pictures of the loot you received. Let the fun begin.
  15. A day late but check your messages.
  16. I'll send you a map when I get home today.
  17. Fishing from a boat? What size? The Harris chain offers some great fishing but can get dangerous if you are in the wrong place with a north wind blowing.
  18. lots of info in 3 min
  19. The road to the superbowl ... Does NOT go through Tampa. We are Pa Thet Ick.
  20. A few facts the media fails to mention. 1. Malaria will kill more people world wide TODAY than Ebola has killed in the last 10 years. 2. Ebola epidemics occur in places without soap, bleach, and clean water. Another example of the News machine creating news for it to report. EDIT: In an effort to be precise, which the media has no concept of, here are the facts according to the World Health Org. Between 1976 and 2012 there were 1590 total deaths from Ebola haemorrhagic fever. None of which occurred outside of the west central African countries. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs103/en/ In 2012 alone, more than 473,000 people died from Malaria. 1296 a DAY. Some estimates almost double that number. http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/malaria/en/ In one of Tom Clacy's novels, and I forget which one, it was the weapon of choice of the terrorists. The had supposedly figured out how to make it a biological weapon. Mostly fiction with a few threads of fact. Kinda like todays media.
  21. 91 degrees today. Please send me some snow!
  22. The Sorcerer's Stone is on ABC Family right now. I'm watching it again because I'm a nerd.
  23. It's a good thing I don't care about your opinion.
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