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Everything posted by FD.

  1. I worked on Taylor's inlays this afternoon. On the dryer with the first coat of finish.
  2. I took the red rocket rod out for a test drive this morning. Unbelievable casting ease and distance. It's now back in the workshop for some finishing touches.
  3. It's all your fault... I was going to use a heat gun until your post. It got me to do some more research and I found the hot water trick in a couple of places. It was actually pretty easy after the first one.
  4. The finished spiral wrap on my rod with one coat of thread finish. Nicoles grip inlay with the first coat of finish on it and dried.
  5. After I got the spacing figured out then I start wrapping When I get 4 turns from finishing, I insert a loop of 20 lb braid to pull my tag end back through Tag end pulled back through under the last 4 wraps Trim and repeat This may not be 100 % perfect but it's as close as I can get. Now repeat the entire process 7 or 8 more times.
  6. My name next year. Home made pumpkin bread...
  7. Tues Morning. Pitching a Rage Bug into 6' deep pads. We boated 10 in two hours up to 2.5 pounds.
  8. Nice fish Lou
  9. So while Nicoles rod was on the dryer, I started working on my guide placement. First thing I do is use 150 grit wet/dry sandpaper to sharpen the tips of the guide feet. This makes the wrapping much easier. Then I layout the positions of where I think the guides are going. I take size 0 or size 1 tubing and slice into thin pieces to use like rubber bands to hold the feet. If I have built the rod before I usually just go with that. With the extend a butt, this is the longest rod I have ever built. The Mudhole guide placement chart did not really cover this type/length rod and this is going to be a spiral wrap. So I came up with my own spacing. Then I strung a Revo Rocket on it and tested it. (the Rocket looks goooooooooooood on it) You would be supprised how much weight you can pick with just the tubing holding the guides on. For you rod building nerds (and I r one) here are the guide specs ATC Gold/Black Nano tip top rotated 180* from the reel seat ATC Gold/Black Size 8 5" from tip rotated 180* 8 10-1/2 rotated 180* 8 16 180 8 22 180 10 28 135 10 36 90 10 46 45 12 59 10 I may add another 12 at 65" at 0* depending how it casts and the level wind respools the line.
  10. Thanks guys here is the first inlay I read about several different methods to install and came up with my own hybrid method. Instead of a heat gun I boiled a pot of water and soaked the cut piece until the paper backing was wet and peeled the backing off with my exacto knife. Starting on the bottom so the seam would be hidden I installed using a burnishing tool. A quick temp wrap with gold thread and tape then a permanent trim wrap on each end A 3 inch inlay above the foregrip with trim wraps and decals that she picked out. A 2 inch inlay above that with trim wraps and a single foot spring hook keeper. Temp wraps removed and the first coat of finish Next - guide placement and wraps
  11. Mudhole has a bunch of videos on their site. That's where I would start, then pick one of these to start with. http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/MHX-Casting-Kits_2
  12. Thanks. I chose red because I'm going to put a Revo Gen 3 SX HS on it. There are a bunch of different color options for the adjust a butt.
  13. Well gang, it looks like we had another successful Fishmas Exchange this year. It was wonderful seeing everyone gifts. The most creative gift award would have to go to Beckie C. A blanket and Pumpkin bread. What a combo. I hope everyone has a happy new year. FD
  14. and here she is The Manley rods adjust a butt size A split grip with a SK2 split casting seat. I was a little worried about this one but it turned out ok. 3 rods in all today. Nicoles took about 1 hour, Taylors about 30 min and mine about 2. Inlays start tomorrow.
  15. Finally I get to mine this is the rear grip. Hard to see but the cork narrows and is only 2mm larger than the blank at that point. I wasn't sure I could get it on the first try (that's why there are 2) but after 30 min of very careful reaming I got it. The adjustable butt is in the background with the butt cork dry fit. The left end of the adjustable butt actually goes inside the blank. You build it like a reverse reel seat. They come in 4 different diameters so you can match the shaft size to the butt end diameter of your blank. Rear Grip and the adjustable butt epoxied in and fully extended. collapsed split reel seat mocked up
  16. Taylor's EVA grips dry fit All glued up and clean
  17. After sleeping in and a few honey doos off the list I finally got started. Being a firm believer in "If mama aint happpy noboddy's happy" I started with Nicoles. I spined the rod and laid out the grips using a 7' Fenwick she likes as a pattern. Using my Dewalt cordless and reamers, I reamed the grips to fit. Dry fit I over reamed the rear grip a little so I used masking to build it back up. Note the winding checks left in place so as to not forget them, Again. 2 part rod building epoxy I sized the reel seat yesterday in the shop so I would not have to use an arbor. I think you get a more sensitive rod with a masking tape and epoxy build up. all glued up and wiped down with alcohol to remove any excess epoxy. You have about 15 minutes before it's to late to clean up.
  18. The stuff I bought looks pretty thick. The guys also said you could put it in hot water before you apply it to soften it. I guess we will find out soon. I will have to look at the Rod Skinz. I like the look but I don't want to waste a bunch of time.
  19. Did you use a heat gun? I've never done one but the guy at mudhole said go slow and use lots of heat, then put a total wrap on it until it cools off.
  20. it's really a lot of fun. My first one took me about 10 hours to build but that was before YouTube. Now there are so many how to videos you will be a pro in a few rods. I would be happy to walk you through it if you want to give it a go. And welcome to the forum.
  21. I have built about 10 rods in the last 10 years, nothing fancy, mostly kits. Last week the rod locker ate one of my favorites that I built a few years ago. I think to myself, I have the week off, Mudhole is only an hour and a half from me, I think I'll go and piece together a truly "custom" rod to replace the mangled one. I mention this to Nicole and Taylor, and they say, sure we'd love to go. I walk into Mudhole this morning with the ladies in tow and a list in my hand. I grap Chris and say, here's my list, I want to see what it looks like. Before he gets back to the counter with a few of my parts, the girls are standing behind me with samples asking; Can you do this? with the inlay? and this with that color and this grip and that reel seat and, and, and....? 3 hours later we walk out of the Mudhole with components for the 3 most difficult rods I have ever built and here they are. Nicoles A 7' medium MHX High mod blank, CRB split grips with a "galaxy granite" reel seat with Abalone inlays and American tackle guides with blue inserts wrapped in turquoise prowrap. Taylors A 7' MH Pink Crb blank, EVA split grip with an ATC holographic reel seat, Abalone inlay, ATC Ring Lock holographic gruides wrapped in Mauve prowrap. And finally, mine 7' 10" Med Fast MHX Mag Bass blank, Cork/Composite grips on a Manley Rods "adjust a butt" , Fuji SK2 split reel seat with aluminum locking ring and ATC Ring Lock black/gold guides wrapped in bright copper prowrap. Looks like I have plenty to do this month. Progress photos coming.
  22. You and Lo don't get up before 10 so you data may be skewed towards the afternoon... While I don't have multiple DD's, I do have over 50 in the 5,6,7,8 club, and they are spread all through out the day. They also come from 20 different bodies of water which may have something to do with the spread. The predominant bait by far is top water mostly a buzz toad.
  23. You're going to love it.
  24. Twin 8' Sportsman Power Poles with blue tooth foot buttons on the bow.
  25. The answer to the question is to rephrase the question; How far will the bullet travel before it hits the ground? Roger's answer is spot on, they both will hit the ground at the same time. Without getting persnickity about theories of gravity, fluid dynamics, coefficients of friction, atmospheric conditions, drag, blah, blah, blah...Let's assume a few things Both bullets are fired level from a should height of 60", both bullets will be in the air for 1 second. (yes, I realize that it is more like .71 sec but work with me here) The 180 grain 30-06 has a muzzle velocity of about 2900 fps, dropping to 2300 fps at 200 yards and finally hitting the ground around 600 yds The 150 grain 30/30 hollow point has a muzzle velocity of 2400 fps dropping to 1700 fps at 200 yards and finally hitting the ground around 390 yds The 30/30 flat nose slows down even faster and will hit the ground around 300 yards.
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