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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Thanks for the tip. I used a dry brush to get it after the pic but a sheet of paper would have been easier. How busy are you? I've got some reels I want to send you to clean and tune.
  2. The first coat of finish on the charcoal on graphite wrap.
  3. Finally found some nice weather and time off...
  4. found the reel I think I'm going to put on it.
  5. I finished the handle yesterday.
  6. just pulled the tape. I have a little clean up to do but I stuck a Pro Max on it to see how it looks.
  7. Ok so maybe I got carried away today but there was a third rod. The white and cobalt blue light spinning rod. Blank is a MHX S842 W - 7' Light Fast SK2 split reel seat with cobalt blue aluminum accents ATC Microwave duralight guides This one is for Nicole to use for panfish and trout. She will not use a Fly rod.
  8. While I was at Mud Hole today picking up the parts for the Tackle the Storm rod, I picked up a "few" more parts. Blank will be a MHX- MB-843 7" MH Fast SK2 Split grip Reel Seat Black Aluminum Hood with black dimpled winding checks Black and silver aluminum split grip accent pieces between Fuji composite cork grips Guides are Fuji K series Sic micros in gunsmoke.
  9. Mock up Having a hard time with the phone camera focusing but you get the idea
  10. He's talking about a few different sick reels to go with it. Maybe an Abu Morrum 1600.
  11. After emailing Brian a few times and talking to him last week we have come up with a design. He had been planning what he calls the "perfect spinnerbait rod" for several years and now I'm going to build it for him. Blank; Mudhole HM-SB812-MHX Reel Seat; Fuji SK2 Split Grip Reel Seat, Black with Black Aluminum Hood with Silver Accents Handle; SK2 Rear Grip RGSK 1617 SK2 Fighting Butt BGK485E No Foregrip Guide Train; Spiral Wrap, Fuji Micro Guide Stripping Guide; 5mm KR Concept Alconite Transition Guide; 4.5 mm KR Concept Alconite Running Guides; 4mm KR Concept Alconite Belly Guides Tip Top; 4.5mm FUJI SIC Dimpled Aluminum Winding Checks Silver Charcoal Grey Prowrap with Bright Silver Trim Wrap If he does not like it, great I will keep it for myself and build him another one. This is going to be a BAD A ROD! Here we go.
  12. Yes it's true, mostly. I use 12# Berkely big game on 95% of my treble baits. Good stretch and abrasion resistant.
  13. Why is pricing on the blanks not available online?
  14. If you don't mind, post the procedure here or another thread. I'm curious too.
  15. Once you build your first one, you will have an expensive addiction that has no cure.
  16. He behind the counter at Mudhole. I've seen videos where you can heat the epoxy with a lighter and then peel it off with a razor. Not done it myself but saw it researching a repair I need to make on a Fenwick.
  17. Call and talk to Chris Feagan. He's a super nice guy and spent 2 hours with me and the girls last week matching up components.
  18. I like the mudholes MHX High Mod
  19. Good Idea. I'm still working on a pink blank rod for Taylor and it shows if you are not careful.
  20. I have the equivalent of this http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Tool-Kits/Rod-Building-Small-Business-Start-Up-Kit Which is $140 plus maybe another $100 or so in specialty tools to make things easier that I have added over the years. You can build a rod with less tools but this I the minimum I would recommend. You can buy a rod kit, which includes all parts, for less than $100. http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/MHX-Casting-Kits_2
  21. I thought I read somewhere that was a mating ritual of the eagle, or maybe it was a falcon. That area around Grape is full of native wildlife. My only sighting of a Florida Panther was between Grape and 630. He only hit the ground once on the yellow line crossing 60. Must have been doing 50 mph.
  22. What do you think of the white blanks? The 843 is what I'm building Nicole's rod on but not in white. Do you epoxy the underwrap before you set the guide?
  23. It is very rewarding and why I do it. Plus I can have a $400 rod for $160 in parts and a few hours of my time.
  24. 1) In theory, all blanks have a center spine, and a casting rod, with guides above the rod, will twist under load. Under heavy loads (like a 5 pound fish and 10 pounds of salad) a rod with lots of twist will normally break within 6 inches of the tip. Imagine taking a small pvc pipe, tying a rope to it, winding the rope around the pipe, tying a heavy weight to the other end, and picking the weight up by the pipe and rope. The pipe is going to try to twist until there are no more wraps around the pipe and the weight hangs straight below it. A spinning rod, with the guides below the blank, imparts no twist on the rod. A spiral wrapped rod gives you the power of bait casting reels combined with the strength of a spinning rod, in one combo. That's the theory. 2) The real reason is I just think they are cool and wanted to build one.
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