Hi Everyone,
I'm a newbie to bass fishing, less than a year, and I'm already an addict. Mostly the addiction is driven by my competitive nature, and since I can no longer compete in the other sports I love (bad knees), tournament fishing has filled a void for me.
I fished my first tourney in April this year and have fished over 20 since.
Now the reason for this post. Being new to fishing, it appears to me that I have a huge learning curve to overcome. I have learned 3 things.
1) These locale tourneys are won by the same 4 or 5 guys everytime.
2) They have been fishing these bodies of water for several decades.
3) I'm tired of getting beat by 15 lbs.
That being said, I'm going to post real, timely, reports. Locations, bait, pattern, weather, total weight, ect.... Hopefully this will help some of those like me and if you guys do the same maybe our BR family will have more success in our future tournaments.