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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Thanks for the input surfer. I have changed the name of this thread so that we can include other central fla lakes. Saddle Creek - Fished from 8 to noon Air 65 Water 65 Boated a 4 lb LM on the first cast, about 5 min later the wife got a 3 lber. Also caught a Bowfin that went over 6 lbs. Firetiger 6A and Xps shad RT. Cranking submerged hydrilla beds on points where the water drops from 5" to over 20'. Headed to the farm tomorrow....
  2. Kissimee out of Camp Mack Sunday 12/23 Fished after lunch in the River Canal and the pads east of the canal. Air -75 Water 67 Partly Cloudy with a light wind from the NE Bomber 6a in firetiger and redbug tiki stik produced a few small fish.. Beautiful day to be out on the water..
  3. great tip, thanks
  4. FD.

    Forum bugs

    X 2 Thanks Glenn
  5. I guess it is time to go see George.....
  6. To all concerned, The idea behind starting this thread was to give at least some insight to the average Joe on what is, and is not, working in these VERY difficult Florida fisheries. What I had envisioned was "team BR" making making drastic improvements in tournament placement or just having a more enjoyable day on the water for those guys who don't partake in the lunacy that is competitive fishing. Consistent, accurate, and current data on water and air temperatures, weather and lure choices is what it takes to develop patterns. That is something that if left to our limited individual observations, would take decades to gather enough information to make any sort of reasonble conclusions. I think we are headed in that direction but this is a process that may take years to accomplish. Everyday I look foward to reading any new information on this thread in hopes that I may gleam one more small piece of this puzzle. The first thing I look at is the number of views. With that number approaching 600, there must be quite a few of our "silent" team members out there doing the same thing. If you are one of those silent Joes, keep reading, this was meant for you. If you have anything to contribute, please do. If you don't have anything to add, at least let us know you are there enjoying this information. As for the first few contributors, I would like to personally thank you for your insight and your willingness to share. Please keep it coming. This type of information is just not available. As you know, there are no reliable fishing reports on bass fishing in central Florida to be found anywhere. We are our best source of accurate information. Finally, as to the **Moderator Note**. I understand that content for this forum is your responsibility and will comply with your wishes. However, it was my intention for this information to be shared. Not only with current members but with those who come after us that will have a historical fishing log available at their fingertips. Lee
  7. I like the aruka shad. Very durable paint.
  8. I got a set of xtools braid pliers for fathers day and they work great. they are made of plastic and they float.
  9. Avid must not have read this one yet...
  10. It is called a suchi disk. My wife is a member of the lakewatch program and we sample Kissimmee in 3 locations once a month. You would be supprised in the difference in visibility between marker #8, #9 and the channel east of Brahma island. I have seen as much as 2 feet depending on the wind direction and speed. Again, that is the visibility at the surface where the light is the greatest.
  11. I have had no BAD experiences as a Co-Angler. I fished 5 tourneys this year as a C-A and fished with 5 really nice guys. I out fished 3 out of 5 from the back. Watch what your boater is doing. Hit things from different angles, try different colors and retrieves. Most people fish too fast and are not thorough. Take advantage of that. When you meet at the ramp, tell your boater what your thoughts are for today. That gives me a chance to incorporate your thoughts in my plan so we don't waste a lot of time and gas riding around. Be respectful and most of the guys will try to help you out either with advice or at least better casting angles. If you are in my boat with the attitude of "same chance that a snowball has in he**" , well good luck making a cast. Expect to have a good time and catch some fish, if you do that then 9 times out of 10, that is what you will get.
  12. I prefer the BASS telecasts. Mark Z and co seem to be more interesting than the flw guys. I taped both this weekend came to that realization.. That segment on "all around town" or whatever they call it is irritating. My favorite is either WGFS. or Hank Parker..I can't decide
  13. local club 35 local team 70 ABA 70 xtreme team 120 ht3 200
  14. I grew up on Oak Island....This does not supprise me at all.. As a group they are not very bright....
  15. My first tourney 3/25/07 I can still smell the 2 cycle smoke.... As most of the other OLD guys above have stated..I can't run, jump, ride, shoot and many other things I did when I was younger...The competitive side in me is satisfied with tournament fishing. I fish against the fish more that the other fishermen. However, finishing in the top 15 out of 80 boats, my son as my partner, is quite satisfying. Like boca, my boat is 15 years old and I only paid 6 grand for it, so when we are weighing fish and there are 50 grand boats being loaded that got skunked.. ;D..well the little evil side in me comes out. You only have to fish one for yourself....either you hate it or you love it..
  16. Ghoti is coming to fla on vacation with his family and I am taking him to sample Harris on Jan 6. GCPM, warmer, Boca...you guys, or anyone else, are invited to join us.....
  17. here ya go http://www.highlandmarina.com/ been twice and loved it in July and November.
  18. Orange lake has an Xtreme tournament series on it starting in Jan http://www.xtremefishingseries.com
  19. I would have thought so, I was supprised that we only had 2.
  20. My daughter and I hit Hartridge on Sat. fished a couple hours with only 2 keepers. Both on a shad/clear deep rattling crank in about 8 ft of water.
  21. Welcome to the club. I just got there in July...Great Job
  22. I have several problems. One, about halfway down the screen the posts go from centered to left justify. and B, on my CP there is several pages of blank space as I scroll down to see anything. Neither a biggie but they are irritating. I love the new look otherwise. Also I am one of the 17 percent of second class citizens that refuse to use IE.
  23. I have used firefox for years now. I orignally moved from IE fro security reasons. Most bugs are intended to get thru IE programing. FF is FREE, Written by the smartest non-microsoft geeks out there, and imune to alot of common viruses. Plus it is fast. I still have IE on my computer for that 1 out of 100 sites that don't support it, but through the years I have seen that number come down dramatically.
  24. TR wins!
  25. welcome AF and thanks for your service.
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