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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Mine was a year ago....3 large mudfish and a wealth of experience. Finished tied for last out of 80 boats....Last month we finished 11 out of 76...we are headed in the right direction..
  2. That is awesome EJ, I just spent over a hundred bucks on something that in not near that quality....
  3. Hold out for a good used tracker or something similar. You should be able to find one 6-10 years old and in good shape for around 3k
  4. Welcome Aboard Bob!!!
  5. Good Job Tyler!!!!!!
  6. I have a Garmin gps map 398 plotter/depth finder. I came with built in US Inland Lakes. While there is some detail, there is nowhere near the detail my buddy gets on his Lowrance. It there a chip out their I can upgrade with or do I have to change units?
  7. Elrond A stern yet benevolent organizer who often knows best, your wits are keenly fixed on aiding efforts you deem worthy. Now at this last we must take a hard road, a road unforseen. There lies our hope, if hope it be. To walk into peril to Mordor.
  8. Thanks guys...48 hrs and alls well....keep it up Jimmy, I'm right behind you..
  9. Can anyone verify if that is a current pic.........Elvis's errrrr FB's sideburns look a little on the short side for this to be current......Can someone please call CSI..
  10. As of Fri around 8 pm. It has been 36 hours now and going good....I thought I would tell you guys so I would be held accountable to stay off them..
  11. 2-2.5 lbs. Most of the strikes seemed to be defensive. Had the frog blown completely out of the water several times.
  12. I'm not an expert, but I have caught or located fish every trip this year (19+ times) with a frog. I have been targeting staging fish all year in the 4-6' depth range in sparse/mixed vegetation. So far it is 19 for 19 on catching or at least getting strikes and then slowing down with a worm. It has not mattered what the pressure was doing. The worst case was having to wait until lunch for the temps to warm before the action got heavy.....
  13. october works for me...one of the first two weekends
  14. 2 cycle smoke in the morning is hard to beat..... This reminmds me of another one....VP racing fuel!!! For those who love the gas smell, this one just adds "sweet" to the mix.
  15. Lake Alfred - Saturday 3/1 Air- 75 Water- upper 60s Wind- light and variable with partly cloudy skies. Nicole and I headed over to Ron's TB to pick up her new fenwick, and decided to go to try some early afternoon fishing. Frogs provided to most activity with numerous strikes and 2 keepers boated. 10" black worm also boated 2 small keepers. Fish were shallow and spooky.
  16. First fish of March came on Lake Alfred today. 2.5 lbs on the Boca grip. We caught a total of 4 about this same size. (notice the blue skies and short sleeves ) fish weight 2.5 lbs fl record 17.27 lbs 2.5 / 17.27 x 100 = 14.48 Score = 14.48 I know this is a small fish but I have posted it for an example.
  17. THIS THREAD FOR OFFICIAL FISH POSTING ONLY! Current Standings Largemouth Division Matt 5.0 70.75 HawgCaller 57.79 .dsaavedra 55.62 mattm 50.19 hydrillagorrilla 44.60 rondef 40.00 Pond Hopper 38.95 FourBizz 33.62 Clipper 33.00 FishinDaddy 31.85
  18. RULES 1. This is for FUN... 2. There are 2 divisions. Largemouth and Smallmouth. You must have submitted your entry prior to midnight Feb 29, 2008. 3. This contest runs from daybreak on March 1, 2008 to sunset on May 15, 2008. 4. Artificial bait ONLY. If you are sight fishing, the fish must be hooked inside the mouth. All fish must be caught in PUBLIC fishing areas. No private stocked ponds. 5. Scoring of the fish shall be completed as follows: Example fish weight = 10.5 lbs (my pb) state record Fl = 17.27 lbs FW / SR x 100 = your score 10.5/17.27x100 = 60.80 rounded to 2 decimals In order for your fish to count, you must submit a picture, the state record weight for the state the fish was caught in, and an accurate weight of the fish. Your fish must be submitted within one week of being caught. (No sandbagging) You may submit as many fish as you want as long as subsequently caught fish are larger. All fish must be submitted before 7 am on May 16, 2008. 6. You can be disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior. The definition of "unsportsmanlike" is completely at the discretion of myself and the moderators. 7. Entry Fee - You must post your best Avid look-a-like photo prior to March 1. You may play without a look-a-like photo, but you will be penalized 5 points. Avid is awarded 1 bonus point, just because he is Avid. Avid may no longer be a member, but his witt and photographic style has influenced us all. Directors Note-----Have fun, catch fish, and post your results...... SEE REPLY #1 FOR CURRENT STANDINGS OFFICIAL LIST OF COMPETITORS LARGEMOUTH DIVISION Competitors B/P fourbizz 0 .dsaavedra 0 georgiabassfisherman -5 westpalmdude -5 Popeye -5 Avid Bassn Blvd -5 Jimzee 0 Catt -5 SPEEDBEAD -5 CJ 0 Bassnajr 0 surfer 0 Pond Hopper 0 GitRDone23 -5 sodaksker 0 Alpster 0 HesterIsGod09 -5 Tin 0 Rolo 0 Redneckriot27 0 Dirk_Jig--Lure -5 hawg caller 0 CFFF 1.5 0 ba7ss3in 0 senile1 0 fishizzle -5 muddy 0 Roadwarrior 0 FishinDaddy 0 KU_Bassmaster 0 bflow_6 -5 Matt 5.0 0 Turtle. 0 JCrzy4Bass 0 utahbasser 0 rondef 0 LakeAnnaBasser 0 UrbanRedneck 0 osbornj2 0 LBH 0 nuclearpenquin 0 FivePoundBluegill 0 THEbassmaster 0 simonsays 0 perfecthookset 0 bighead -5 HesterIsGod -5 jrhennecke 0 clipper 0 CLTodd -5 mattm 0 hydrillagorilla2 0 luckyinkentucky -5 Bass Smacker -5 SMALLMOUTH DIVISION Glenn 0 Roadwarrior 0 fourbizz 0 avid 0 Tin 0 utahbasser 0 UrbanRedneck 0 Zel... 0 THEbassmaster 0 perfecthookset 0 IDbasser 0 **formatting on this editor is not much fun...so please bear with the not so straight lines** Any suggestions for getting an Excel spreadsheet to post on this thing?
  19. I need a mod to lock this thread after midnight tonight pacific standard time. Thanks FD
  20. gooogle - I had read most of the articles and links for months before I figured out what a "forum" was. Some of us aint so bright.....
  21. Sorry guys, I have had the flu for the last few days and everything is a little fuzzy. I think I have all the new entries included and all the errors corrected.. Lee
  22. Read last months Bass Times. There were several articles on clubs, club membership and such. Also you might want to check out ABA.
  23. alger, I tried to put one together this fall but the logistics are as follows. Only you, Dave_w and mawilson fish Harris much. Lc pointer, surfer and a few other guys fish Conway and Orlando lakes. Rolo, warmer, Bocabasser, and Myself fish Toho, Kissimee, and south. WestPalmDude and a few others fish way south. Then you have the CHEATS who fish StickMarsh every frickin day...SteveP, GW, and Avid. That about somes it up for the Fl contingent on BR, unless I have missed someone...You can count me in if you can get it together....
  24. to the forum.
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