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Everything posted by FD.

  1. I would go in a different direction...either a BIG 10" ribbon tail worm or topwater ( zara spook) in the evenings. We have been getting a lot of rain as well and the big fish have been eating well the last few weeks
  2. FD.


    Dude you are going to get hammered.......Welcome to the forum..and it's your right to keep the fish you catch, but I would not show them... And, were you fishing by yourself? What is the legal limit on bass in NY?
  3. Nicole and I hit the water last night for a few hours and the evening could not have been better...... Nicole boated 4 and I only had 2 but this was a nice one
  4. Check with the tournament director before you take off. I was in a tounament last month out of Lake Cypress. I was on the south end of Kissimmee when I saw the clouds moving in, so I moved to Hatch and only made 1 pitch when I saw lightning. Pack it UP......I was back at the ramp in Cypress before the rain started...at 1:30 with a 3:30 weigh in. Watched one of the worst thunderstorms of my life from the comfort of the resturant. Be carefull, go home, live to fish another day....
  5. I'm not much of a bank fisherman but I see a lot of people fishing at Teneroc Fish Management area, Saddle creek park in Polk Co and Medard Park in Hillsborough. They all have either good bank access or fishing piers or both.
  6. I just started throwing the King Shad without success......yet......but that thing is a workout to fish very long.
  7. Welcome aboard. If you are interested in Hillsborough or Polk Counties, I can set you up.
  8. Nice job Paul.......get her hooked early
  9. Yes Toho and Kissimmee are that busy. You add together at least 2 tourneys a weekend from City Ramp, South Port, Cypress Resort, Camp Mack, and Grape Hammock and figure out how much pressure those fish get. If you want to venture into east Polk Co, then check out the Winter Haven chain, and around Auburndale. The water has been down all spring allowing for only a few small tourneys.
  10. The kids and I hit the local water hole this weekend and did great. The topwater bite is on and we boated 8 and lost numerous fish over 3 lbs in only 4 hours. Taylor with a 2 #er Josh with a 3 #er One of several fish over 4 lbs this weekend. PS Josh lost first DD bass and now understands what "who needs crack when there is bass fishing" is all about. The fish came out of the water to crush a spook and he fought it to the boat when she ran under and pulled off. He had the shakes, then that sick feeling in his stomach and then he was hungry. Another true addict is born.
  11. Thanks to warmer for the brush pile location. This hawg crushed a zara spook this afternoon in a light rain. 8.5 / 17.27 = 49.22 topwater 49.22 crank soft plastic _________________ total 49.22
  12. Love this lake, only fished it twice, but it is awesome. http://www.havefunfishing.com/fishingreports/sr_westpoint_lake_fishing_report.htm
  13. 65lb braid, 1.5 oz tungsten bullet weight, and a beaver/craw and punch thru it.
  14. CONTESTANTS Peasey92 Bass XL warmer LBH .dsaavedra Bassn Blvd Slomoe ghoti packman JHAWK131 FROG garry 77 IDBasser fishtosoothe kybasser91 buckifan 08 bflow_6 DJFISH FD Ok guys, go get em. Only post once to this thread. Keep editing your post to add fish from different methods or upsize fish that have been previously posted. Do your own math, which will be checked by everyone, and put your current score in the bottom line of your post.
  15. After the success of the State vs State we did this spring, I thought we could do another one, the Summer Slam. Now being someone who has a favorite way to fish, I was thinking that we could learn something as well as have a fun contest. Here is the twist. Your score is the combined score of 3 fish, 1 each from the below listed methods . This will force us, or at least me, to put down my favorite rig and fish something else. METHOD 1 - fish caught with a soft plastic T-rig/C-rig/swimbait. METHOD 2 - fish caught with a topwater Frog/popper/devils horse/ ect. METHOD 3 - fish caught with a crankbait/spinnerbait/hard swimbait. Final scoring with be the combined score of your largest fish, in the time frame of the contest, caught using each of the above methods. RULES 1. This is for FUN... 2. There is 1 division. Any Black Bass that has a State Record weight is allowed (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted, ect). 3. This contest runs from daybreak on July 1, 2008 to sunset on August 15, 2008. 4. Artificial bait ONLY. If you are sight fishing, the fish must be hooked inside the mouth. All fish must be caught in PUBLIC fishing areas. No private stocked ponds. 5. Scoring of the fish shall be completed as follows: Example fish weight = 10.5 lbs (my pb) state record Fl Largemouth= 17.27 lbs FW / SR x 100 = your score 10.5/17.27x100 = 60.80 rounded to 2 decimals In order for your fish to count, you must submit a picture, the state record weight for the state the fish was caught in, and an accurate weight of the fish. Your fish must be submitted within one week of being caught. (No sandbagging) You may submit as many fish as you want as long as subsequently caught fish are larger. All fish must be submitted before 7 am on August 16, 2008. 6. You can be disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior. The definition of "unsportsmanlike" is completely at the discretion of myself and the moderators. 7. Entry Fee - You must post your intention to compete along with a picture of your SMALLEST bass on this thread. You must have submitted your entry prior to midnight June 30, 2008.
  16. Kissimmee out of camp mack. The results were just posted. We finished 14th out of 63.
  17. Josh and I fished in the Accent tourney yesterday. He lost a 5 lber at the boat early but came back with this one about an hour later. 3.5 lbs and his largest tourney fish to date. We finished with 5 fish, 10.1 lbs.
  18. add a trailer hook to your frog...and maybe a drop shot rig
  19. Only 2 more days to sign up!
  20. 817 miles but sounds like fun. Scheduling vacation now.
  21. 7.0 5.8 4.8 5.0
  22. Are you planting brush in your dads lake or somewhere else?
  23. I set it free......
  24. FD.


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