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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Under France and Switzerland, hummmmmm. It's real easy to spend 9 billion on research for the sake of research when you don't even spend enough on your military to defend yourself, much less defend the world.
  2. I can't wait to see the thermometer drop below 75 at sunrise....
  3. I fish with Berkely Lighning Rods. 7 MH is a good all around rod.
  4. I have been looking for a 10.5 curly tail worm mold but can 't find one. Anybody seen one around. I would prefer a 2 piece aluminum.
  5. Deal with it or do like I did. Buy a boat and remember what it feels like to be in the back......
  6. What's a CD? Oh, you mean those round shiny things next to my cassettes, albums, and yes a few 8 tracks still hanging around. I can still play the cassettes but the albums and 8 tracks are just decoration now. Along with the CD's. I download all my music from Napster. Pay .99 each for both the good songs off a cd instead of paying 12.99 for 2 good one and 8 crappy ones.
  7. you can have Jeff back....
  8. I stumbled across this, maybe it would help http://www.fishin.com/reports/va/potomacrvr.htm
  9. Find the tabs to music that you like.....the above mentioned tabs sites are good....now listen to the music and learn to play along.... Practice on an acoustic if possible. My son and I play and it is a great way to spend time with your kids...Have fun.
  10. LM 10.5 lbs - DD22 8.5 lbs - blue/black chatter bait several 7-8 lbs on a Super Spook
  11. I have heard, both on here and from someone at the Teneroc ranger station, that rainwater has low Dissolved Oxygens levels. True or False? It seem to me that falling rainwater would serve as an aerator on the surface on the lake...but what do I know.
  12. It's idle speed only on the river so open it up to any boats and I will fish....
  13. FD.

    Secret Lake X

    Thanks. This was actually a weak outing on this lake. warmer got me access and only a few other people fish this lake because access is so hard. You need permission and a 4wd to get to it. There have been many days that would have produced 35-40 lb 5 fish limits.
  14. Taylor and I hit the secret lake for a couple of hours this afternoon. Thanks to some well placed brush piles (thanks warmer), we were able to find a few fish. 3 fish total a 1.5, 4, and a 5 today. Here is the biggest girl.
  15. Hang in there Avid...If you need a place to hide, bring your crusty self to Plant City. We will find a place to stick you.....
  16. Whats winter? I'll try not to post anything stoopid during those 4 days of the year that it's too cold to fish......
  17. I know we needed the rain but geeesh.. Hurricane number 3,4, or 5..I've lost count now is about to dump a bunch more water on us and then there is IKE. I have lived in the path of hurricanes all 42 years of my life and with the exception of Andrew, I have never been scared of a hurricane. I have a bad feeling about this one.
  18. I'll trade you a cold front for a hurricane or two.....
  19. Fishing here went nuts last week after the storm. Over a hundred fish a day by several guys who could get on the water. I was not one of them.....
  20. I like to fish the wind too....however.....if you are in Fl and the wind is coming from the north then. a) its Dec-Jan that wind is COLDDDDDDDDDD...particularly for us thin blooded types.. and c) the fish here do NOT bite in the cold...
  21. http://www.northtampabassclub.com/index.htm These guys meet up on Fowler Ave, not far from you. There is also a Brandon Bassmasters Club, but they don't have a website. These clubs are close to you but as in most clubs, they fish the bigger lakes. lakelandbassmaster.org has a junior club for those under 18.
  22. Yea, only if the wind is not blowing 30 mph out of the south....kind of like yesterday.......
  23. 56 to 10. and Hawii was supposed to be a real team last year...Spanked by UGA and then UF in consecutive games. Welcome to the SEC.....
  24. Congrats Tin!
  25. Nice fish Bruce!!!!
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