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Everything posted by FD.

  1. It is possible to crush pvc in two places, opposite directions. It seems that having two new graphite rod blanks inside somehow weakens the molecular structure of PVC. Thanks Fed Ex
  2. But, "Claire is special". I don't know how but they kept teasing that. I thought it was pretty good.
  3. I hate the Yankmees and the Red Sucks... GO RAYS!!!!!!
  4. Welcome to the forums. What lakes do you fish..
  5. I have heard in several different places that "The best time everyday is 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. To pick a specific "Best Time" it would be noon." I've just never heard why.
  6. Muddy, you live in the "administrative section"
  7. Welcome!!
  8. My biggest producer in the 2-4 lb range is a Gambler Cane Toad rigged on a Zoom frog hook using 65 lb Power Pro braid. Over 100 fish in the last year.
  9. Do you have any idea how sell outs happen on a regular basis? It starts with a high number of season tickets sales and season tickets are bought by corporations and the money is budgeted in November for the NEXT year. When it was time to by tickets for this year all you could see was 10 consecutive 90 loss seasons. Learn something about economics and stop parroting what the A**holes on ESPN are saying.
  10. And how long have they been playing a Wrigley, 80-90 years maybe? And besides, there is nothing else to do in Chicago.
  11. Its called "field turf" and they put it in a couple years ago. The green strands of "grass" appear to be growing out of this mixture of ground rubber and sand. You can dig your fingers into it about 2"s. When you run, it feels like spongy grass. The warning track is the same material only painted a burnt orange color. There were many more than 6 people there. In fact it was a sell out, 36 plus thousand. Even though we only average 21 thousand per game, we have the highest walk up ticket sales (non season ticket holders) in MLB at over 15 k per game. The overall attendance is up over 30% from last year, and considering that we had 10 consecutive 90 loss seasons and only 6000 season ticket sold this year, I think we are doing ok. The majority of most teams ticket sales are based on Season tickets, bought by corporations and given to employees or clients, give us a few years of winning and we will get budgeted by our local business owners. Name one team not in New York or LA that can put fans in the seats without winning. For example, in 1995 the NY Yankmees did not play well, were 13th in attendance drawing a mere 5000 more for the YEAR than the Marlins.
  12. SPOOK it!
  13. The Kissimmee Chain in Jan-Mar is a good bet for a DD...and there are several of us here in the immediate area... FYI -ghoti came down last year, and we only fished for about 6 hours and boated a 6 #er
  14. and we were there. Not only was it and awesome games, we got to go down on the field after the game and just hung out in the outfield for about a half hour
  15. What about the white tees for those of us who are still watching the sun rise at 75*
  16. Tenoroc FMA in Lakeland is your best bet...or I have an empty seat sometimes.. FD
  17. 7'6" Heavy with 65 lb braid for flippin the heavy stuff 7' MH with a series 1 crank 7' MH with swim blade 7' MH with 30 lb braid and a frog 7' MH T-rig 7' M with a spook
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. Fourbizz... you... can ... I'm not done with my pause... BITE ME As far as content goes, I generally look at author more than title. The only reason I opened this absurdly titled thread was to see who you were irritating today. ;D
  20. Take a couple of advil and go fishing....until January when it's 35* and the wind is howling 30 out of the noreast......Have the surgery then, sit back in front of the fire, drinking coffee, and watch fishing on TV while you heal....
  21. Watch out for the big lizards!!!!!!!
  22. My 15 year old insists that we listen to classic rock...The Who, Van Halen, Kiss, Aerosmith, Ect......
  23. Hank - he seems like someone you could hang out with.
  24. Jimmy, tell me that YOU did not do this........If you did you are as dumb as a box of those rocks that left those marks on your head....
  25. I just quit using the Mach 3 turbo after 15+ years. I went on a trip and forgot to pack my razor so I went to Publix and bought a 6 pack of cheap disposable razors for 5 bucks. To my surprise they work just as good if not better and last just as long as the $22 cartridge refills.
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