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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Welcome!
  2. That's called SEC football! That's just the way it is.
  3. dogs barking, can't fly without umbrella - this was from Jumping Jack Flash....
  4. Name the movie this quote came from and then add another quote for the rest of us to guess.
  5. You mean there is something to do OTHER than FISHING? Not in Florida my friend, we fish all year long...
  6. It's not absolute but sure looks close to me.
  7. Most charity tourneys and local open tourneys are the team format where as long as kids fish with a parent or guardian it's ok. My 12 year old daughter has been fishing tourneys on Kissimmee for over a year now.
  8. You have not fished with him! He is arrogant, conceeded and about butt ugly. Not really, but don't let him net your fish. FD
  9. Not for nothing, but, how many job opportunities will there be when you graduate? Do you particularly like spagetti o's and hamburger helper? Do you have a backup plan. I only ask these questions because 2 of my 3 roommates in college majored in marine biology only to find that a BS in MB qualifies you to make just over minimum wage if you can actually find a job. Nothing against what you want to do, in fact, it would be a dream job. BUT, make sure to protect yourself just in case.
  10. Congrats Dave!!
  11. I have fished it about 10 times out of Highlands and Yellow Jacket but not since last Thanksgiving. At that time I was catching Spotted Bass on a Yellow Spinner bait fished shallow around balls of shad or a chrome/black rattle trap dragging over rock ledges. surveyor13 fishes all the time and would be your best bet for current info. Also you can get some info from here http://www.havefunfishing.com/fishingreports/sr_westpoint_lake_fishing_report.htm. Good Luck and let me know how you do. I'm going back this thanksgiving.
  12. FD.

    Your pics

    Aw Dude bass dont even taste good :'( No they don't - but if you take a little Florida Panther and wrap it in some Manatee bacon and grill for about 20 min......mmmmmmmmmmmm that's some good eatin
  13. The wife and I fished Lake B yesterday with about 5 other boats. Not one LMB was landed all morning. Tough day for everyone on that lake.
  14. FD.

    Your pics

    That was harsh!
  15. Do you own the walls that you posted your paper on? I would say no. And the people who do own the walls said you could not put it there. And now you are mad about it.
  16. EXACTLY! You win, you are much smarter than me.
  17. It was not your "little piece of paper" that was jumped on, it was the attitude behind it. Believe it or not, most adults are not as stupid as you might think, and your INTENT will get you in trouble many more times than your actions. Just a little piece of advice. Put your energy and efforts into something that is going to be meaningful to you in ten years. I assure you, this will not be. PS coucilor is actually spelled counselor.
  18. Another comment from the old farts; As minors, you don't actually have "rights". Just wait until you have a job, rent, electricity, gas, insurance, and a host of other things to worry about. You will look back on this time of having your "rights" violated as the best times of your life.
  19. Welcome
  20. They may have updated the website, but the info can't be from after Monday since Tenoroc is closed Tuesday thru Thursday.
  21. Welcome to the Forum... Tenoroc is tricky. I have had 20+ days and zero's like last weekend. I fish lake B most and a firetiger crank or a speed craw has produced the most fish. 2 weeks ago a 10" ribbon tail worm produced a couple of fish. Use your electronics to find humps or points and fish them thoroughly. JayW is the resident expert on tenoroc so PM him if he does not respond here. Here is a link to the Ledgers fishing report, it is 4-5 days old but could give you some ideas. http://www.theledger.com/section/sports09
  22. Frogs, frogs, and frogs. Nothing beats slinging a toad.
  23. I always have a blue/black chatter bait with a blue gambler crawdad tied on. I flip, pitch, slow roll, and burn it back to the boat. This combo has produced more BIG fish than any other in my boat by far including this one...... 8.61 lbs and got a big fish check from her.
  24. FD.

    Rain gear

    I got frogg toggs for xmas and they are the best. Lightweight and breathable. You can were them in a Fl summer storm and not be wet from sweat.
  25. I agree somewhat but I think you missed one. Private- I fish a few private lake that get less pressure than public and it is normally better than public. A recent trip produced two 5's and an 8 in 3 hours. Public - Your average public lake in Fl has limited access but is public and the fishing is somewhat more difficult. Tournament Waters - This is the tough one. The Harris Chain and Kissimmee Chain for example. These lake have multiple facilities that can handle several hundred boats and have multiple tournaments every weekend day. Overall, I feel like I have accomplished more if I catch 12 lbs on a tournament lake vs. 20 lbs on a private lake. But I still enjoy catching the fat girls on a private lake.
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