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Everything posted by FD.

  1. David Price, wow...Bring on the Phillies
  2. FD.


    Welcome back!
  3. The kids were out of school today so I took the day off and Taylor and I headed to Camp Mack with a supply of *** and bucket of minnows. The totals for today were 8 bass on strokin toads and 5" junebug trick sticks, 2 bream and 23 specks on minnows. The biggest bass was about 2.5 lbs Taylor being goofy with some specks...
  4. I thought it started great, had a spot in the middle where it looked like it was going to be lame, with a nice bit of a twist in the end. Good start as far as I'm concerened. It will probably be one of those good shows that gets canceled after 4 episodes.
  5. http://flus.cheapbooks.com/search_director.cgi?category=Books&query=fishing+on+the+edge&x=0&y=0 current bid is 3 bucks
  6. FD.


    That's perfect!
  7. Awesome fish!
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/attendance TB averaged 22,259 with a season ticket base of around 6k which means that walk up sales averaged about 16K per game. Not bad for a team that had 10 crappy seasons in a row. Not to mention the previous ownership group were probably the worst in MLB history and repeatedly snubbed the fans at every opportunity.
  9. Muddy, I agree. The history of baseball is rooted mostly in the northeast. We have Friday night HS football games that draw nearly 15k fans. I think the lack of attendance in the south is affected by many more options competing for the discretionary dollars of fans. Another reason, at least for me personally, I spend 3-4 nights a week and most of the day on Saturday from mid October through May at little league fields watching my kids play. So I'm ready to be in my lazyboy instead of the bleachers by the time the pros get started
  10. LBH, Due to the frozen nature of your "home water", I would gladly fish as your substitute as needed.
  11. What a moron. He can't even stay down for 7 weeks.
  12. Detroit New Orleans Pittsburg Miami Green Bay Washington New England 214 points
  13. First of all I meant no disrespect to Hokem or Tin, personally. I was making an statement based entirely on what I have seen at the Trop and I appologize if you were offended. Due to our low attendance (so well documented by people here who have no idea of how sell outs happen) I have had the unique experience of watching large crowds of opposing fans and their behavior. For many years there were two things you could count on at a Rays/Sox game. The Rays were going to lose, and a bunch of Sox fans were going to jail. You don't see this on TV but win or lose, they were going to drink to much, get in someones face and wind up with a new pair of bracelets. Now I know this happens at all stadiums but it appears much worse with Boston fans as compared to Chicago or even New York. Also I have had to listen to local Boston fans on local talk shows tell us how "die hard" the Red Sox Nation is and how baseball knowledgeable they are and that they NEVER desert their team. I just thought it was funny that they showed their true colors on national TV last night.
  14. yea, did not think of that. Hopefully it will melt and then you will have all that moving water to fish.
  15. Our worst bull pen pitcher, Edwin, comes in to do mop up duty in the 9th and is throwing 98 mph cheese. Yea, we don't belong here...
  16. shhhhhhh - wow, it's awfully quiet at Fenway.
  17. They were booing in the 5th, and now they are leaving in the top of the 8th.
  18. That's a fun age. Enjoy every minute of it.
  19. Great photos guys, I miss the changing of the seasons. I grew up in the foothills of NC and now the only changes I get to see is from green to brown, overnight.
  20. I will be taking any BR member that makes it to Fl, fishing. Head south boys and lets wet a line. I took ghoti last year and we had a great time.
  21. I quite enjoyed the UF - LSU game.
  22. Trade ya...it's still 90 degress and thunderstorms every afternoon...Man I can't wait to see the temps drop at least a little.
  23. I caught a bunch of bream and baby bass last week with my daughter but not a real bass in the last 4 weeks...
  24. Welcome!
  25. Welcome!
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