I can't find where the statutes say specifically that you can not fish a double rigged fluke.
Last year I suggested this rig, a three way swivel with a deep crank on the bottom and a fly or fluke on the other line, and George Welcome pointed out that the FWC considers this a trot line and is illegal to use in FRESH water for GAME fish.
It is legal in GA where I bought some of these "striper rigs" but I was not convinced that it was legal in Fl so I quit using them.
If it is illegal then here is what you have to look forward to. The following was taken from the Fl statue that pertains to "recreational activities".
Level 2 violations result in a second degree misdemeanor and are criminal acts that typically involve taking fish it is illegal to take, fishing in areas that are closed, using illegal gear or counting violations (more than the bag limit). This is punishable by up to $500 and/or 60 days imprisonment at the discretion of the court. A second violation becomes a minimum $250 mandatory fine and up to a year in jail. Subsequent, convictions become progressively steeper.
You guys do what you want, I was just trying to pass on some information that might save you some grief.