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Everything posted by FD.

  1. FD.

    New Guy

  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome!
  4. FD.

    Hello fro NJ

  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome, mate!
  9. Welcome!
  10. FD.

    new guy

  11. Welcome Aboard!
  12. I would call them jerk baits. I rig them either weightless on a 3-0 offset hook for shallow water or texas rig with the size of the bullet weight determined by the depth that I want to fish. I fish them with a slow retrieve with a twitch and pause. They normally crush it on the pause.
  13. I'll play. It is a good idea to start now, that way we could keep it down south for a few months until them yankees thaw out.
  14. I would have to agree with Krykev. 10's are not as abundant in Florida as everyone else in the country think they are. That being said, your best chance to catch one outside of Mexico and California is going to be in Florida in a place like Tenoroc. Here's the catch, if you want a trophy it's going to take big baits and a lot of patience. This time of year you need to be soaking the offshore humps and points with a monster size worm (junebug) or gig (blue/black) with a huge trailer. Tenoroc is full of 2 lbers but also has produced some very large fish, I have caught several over 7 lbs. I think the record for the pits is around 13. The good news is that the season for fat girls is just around the corner. December through March will bring them shallow and at least a little easier to find. As for the gators, this time of the year they will usually run the other way but will scare the %^$# out of you. May through July they get pretty defensive around their nests, just pay extra attention and you will be fine.
  15. Tenoroc is a good place to start but they are no where near hwy 60. I-4 East to exit 38. South 1 mile to Combee Rd. Left on Combee 2 miles to Tenoroc Mine Rd. (just past the citgo station. Left on TM rd to the ranger station. Only open Thur thru Monday. PS the citgo station has a great sub shop inside. http://www.floridaconservation.org/fishing/offices/tenoroc.html A pretty decent fishing report for Polk Co. http://www.theledger.com/section/sports09
  16. This fish is 27" and only went 8.41 lbs (weighed during ABA tournament on certified scales). It looks about the same size as the 16 pounder he caught.
  17. Got on the water about the time the front passed thru and found a few schoolers in deep water. This guy had an attitude about being hooked on a fluke. 18" around 2 lbs
  18. Toho Nov 3 Partly cloudy Air 60-75 water 65 wind NE at 10-15 Water is clear shallow, but no fish up yet Caught several in a deep creek on junebug worm and better fish offshore on a dropoff with firetiger 8a crankbait. arul - I sent you a PM with some spots to try.
  19. Well that answers my question.
  20. I can't find where the statutes say specifically that you can not fish a double rigged fluke. Last year I suggested this rig, a three way swivel with a deep crank on the bottom and a fly or fluke on the other line, and George Welcome pointed out that the FWC considers this a trot line and is illegal to use in FRESH water for GAME fish. It is legal in GA where I bought some of these "striper rigs" but I was not convinced that it was legal in Fl so I quit using them. If it is illegal then here is what you have to look forward to. The following was taken from the Fl statue that pertains to "recreational activities". Level 2 violations result in a second degree misdemeanor and are criminal acts that typically involve taking fish it is illegal to take, fishing in areas that are closed, using illegal gear or counting violations (more than the bag limit). This is punishable by up to $500 and/or 60 days imprisonment at the discretion of the court. A second violation becomes a minimum $250 mandatory fine and up to a year in jail. Subsequent, convictions become progressively steeper. You guys do what you want, I was just trying to pass on some information that might save you some grief.
  21. Skillet made it to Florida and I met him on Lake Toho Monday. The weather was great but a little windy. We fished a few protected areas before lunch, but only managed 1 small fish. Finally about 230 we made it back to the north end of the lake and since the wind had died down some were able to fish some drop offs near the boat ramp. We boated 3 more fish in about an hour including this nice little girl. She weighed about 5.5 lbs. We had a great time even though the bite was off. Skillet was exactly what I expected from a BR member, obnoxious, arrogant and a general pain in the $@^! David, you are welcome in my boat whenever you make it back to Fla.
  22. Except A sabiki rig is for bait fish, not game fish and bottom fishing is done in salt, not fresh. The double rig is considered a trot line which is illegal for freshwater game fish in Florida. You can use as many poles/rods as you want, but only 1 hook per pole. http://www.floridaconservation.org/Fishing/rules.html#METHODS%20OF%20TAKING%20FRESHWATER%20FISH
  23. I use 8a bombers in firetiger the most. In fact I caught a 6 pounder today on one in lake Toho. The bombers are cheap so you can afford to replace them a little easier. I vary my retrieve speed to maintain contact with either cover or the bottom. The 8a dives to 8 ft but if you slow down you can scrape along the bottom in shallower water. There is something about the bomber, either the wobble or the sound that makes them very effective in Florida.
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