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Everything posted by FD.

  1. What he said! Very cool.
  2. X2 Congrats! giver her another years or so and you will have a 10. At least you know where to look now.
  3. Dave, listen carefully, you need to find a girlfriend! Girls are much more fun to play with than your dremel.
  4. Anyone want to brave the NE wind this weekend? I'm probably going to fish in Polk Co and need some company. PM me if you want to go.
  5. Crtl + Bite me!
  6. I read an article on using a heavy weight, swivel, long leader and shallow floating crank to work offshore structure slowly. Sounds like it would work. Has anyone had any success with this?
  7. Those topics and more. Hair growing in places other than my head is starting to concern me.
  8. Knock yourselves out with you super secret hidden special place. You need all the help you can get to compete with the greatness that is Team Depends. Hello, my name is enigo montoya fishindaddy, you killed my father of team pampers, prepare to DIE be put to shame by those who have underwear older than you!
  9. Dang Bassn, now I have to go to the circle K and it's all your fault...I'm out of tarts. Oh and it's not vibrations, those are voices. And you really should not be telling people that you listen to them.
  10. I stumbled across a "Young Anglers" forum below the "bass clubs" forum. I clicked on it to see what it was about and was denied access. Now it no longer shows in my list of forums. Is this an error or a sinister exclusive section that allows the pampers crew to plot their attempted overthrow of the all powerful and better looking team depends? Just curious.
  11. My dad is 4 years from retirement and down over 160K for the last year. We talk about this everyday and the good news is that the market has always come back stronger than it was before. Hopefully that turnaround will begin sooner than later.
  12. I would never join you guys. There are 3 reasons you suck. 1- You all make crap (some of the best looking stuff I have ever seen). 2- I don't have time to waste looking at your crap (I spend to much time looking and then in the secret lab/garage trying to make my own) 3- and mostly I think ya'll are just stupid (I wish I had not discovered this section last winter and spent all that money on molds and plastics and rod wrappers and expoy and, and, and, and, who knows what I going to spend this winter.
  13. hearing literally or just feeling those vibrations hearing IS just feeling vibrations. It does not matter if it is an inner ear or a lateral line. For all practical purposes, sound is nothing more than vibrations. If you respond to those vibrations, then you heard it.
  14. Is there ever a reason to cheat? Hummm, let me think. Oh yea, camera time = $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Is there a reason to not cheat? Well there are several that come to mind but after those is the possibility of getting caught. Camera time with you cheating = Bankruptcy. And by the way, this was quicker for me + you did not get my real email address. And if you really are a fisherman, welcome to the forum, but don't ask this on you first and only post.
  15. Use a dictionary. Don't ask stupid questions. Join a political forum.
  16. One 8 and a couple of 6's is the best for the year. I did however catch a lot more fish this year than last and my tourney results are improving. That is a direct result of the time spent here. Thanks BR. Here are the fat girls of the year.
  17. Brown sugar cinamonn toasted
  18. Here is what my notes tell me about last year. Dec - Larger fish on outside lines -6-8 ft water, some schooling on warm days - smaller males shallow in Pads 3 ft deep. Jan - March was the same. Some good fish outside lines, killing 3-4 pounders on the sparse grass 4-5 ft deep. Spawning fish in 2-3ft water. April-May Lots of empty beds shallow, fish hitting a fluke and frog in 4-6 ft sparse grass. These were mostly on Kissimmee and Hatch. I averaged 4 fish and 10 lbs per tourney Jan- Apr This was my first year attempting to sight fish for spawning fish and boy did I suck at it. I had much more success flipping open holes in the heavy grass or frog/fluke in the thin grass.
  19. Goo Brrrrrrrr!
  20. Don't forget the high purformance fishin machine
  21. This is a sad, sad, thread.
  22. Roland convinced me to at least try it. I found it in the tackle shop at highland point marina last summer. I have used it on every plastic bait I have thrown since. Not only does it at least hide the human scent, it lubricates the plastic and when you fish as much heavy cover as I do that makes a difference. Bobby - Can the 2009 version handle the heat better? I have to keep it in the cooler during the summer down here to keep it from running like water.
  23. I own a underground utility contracting company that up until a year ago made me quite a lot of money...This year not so much. Our goal this year has been to make sure we don't loose every penny we have made over the last 10 years.
  24. X2... it makes it easier the clean them too. ;D
  25. Welcome! And watch out for the upper end of lake norman. When I was a kid, dad and I hit a rock and had to idle home, 5 hours.
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