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Everything posted by FD.

  1. Sorry about your limited choice of friends. Maybe you can make some new ones here. ;D
  2. Welcome Aboard!
  3. Welcome Aboard!
  4. Welcome Aboard!
  5. Welcome Aboard!
  6. Welcome Aboard!
  7. Welcome Aboard!
  8. Welcome Aboard!
  9. Welcome Aboard!
  10. Welcome Aboard!
  11. Welcome Aboard!
  12. I assume they mean on select screens. I have a garmin and I can only get the gps speed "displayed" when I am in full screen map view(location only). If I have it set for split screen (depth and location), or full screen depth finder, the speed is not displayed. I assume this is because the screen would be to cluttered.
  13. Johns Lake, without a doubt, is much better.
  14. The wife and I went downtown for dinner tonight. Understand that we live in one of the most backwards, red neck places on earth. A new chinese buffet just opened so we decided to give it a try. Everything was great until the bagpipe X-mas music started. redneck town -- chinese food -- Scottish bagpipe Christmas music. A very bizarre evening.
  15. It's been awhile since I hunted much but I do remember a few things. a) My uncle hunted with a 270 and I prefer the 30-30. 2) The 270 bullet weighs about half that of the 30-30 but has a much higher muzzle velocity. and C) The last deer I shot, he spun around and dropped on the spot but the bullet did not exit. The last deer I saw that had been shot with a 270 had a tiny entrance wound and a missing shoulder on the exit side. I would be interested to know just how much meat would be left after 4 270 rounds went through.
  16. We caught 7 keepers over the holidays. 5 of those between 8 and 9 am Friday. We have had 3 fronts blow through in the last week. The bite is off.
  17. I use a Berkely Lightning rod, 7-6 telescoping. it only cost $45 and I like it.
  18. I have several good spots. Are you launching at Bobs? Are you staying on the lake? Let me know where and I can give you some direction.
  19. We are off to a cabin on Lake Kissimmee for 4 days of no telephone, no internet, turkey and a lot of fishing. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. FD
  20. I agree with IDbasser. She had a permit to carry concealed, she should have had it concealed. If you are carrying in a holster you are either trying to make a statement or just stupid.
  21. Muddy, the reason the fields are empty is because of the lawyers. In florida, unless you are at a sanctioned event, you get run oft the fields. I coached last winter and tried to have a pick up practice over the holidays and was asked to leave the county fields because I did not have permission from the school board. I seems that someone was playing on the field, got hurt, sued the county, and won a stupid law suit. Now unless it is a game or official practice, no one is allowed on the fields.
  22. LBH - It is worth the $550. I'm about half way through the spanish 1st cd and I have learned more than 2 semesters in college. It makes it real easy. No studying, memorization, or heavy grammar. It's intuitive learning and it works.
  23. I'm in.
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