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Everything posted by FD.

  1. If this is the one you like then it's the same as a basic grip. http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Split-Grip-Handle-Kits/Split-Grip-Handle-Kit-AERO-Comfort-Spinning
  2. I like EVA and yes you have to ream it. I don't like the winn grips so I don't build them. Aero and Skelton grips come later. Don't start with them. Start with one of the basic cork grip kits. There are enough things that can go wrong without making it more complicated than necessary.
  3. The $139 Complete start up kit is a really good deal. https://www.youtube.com/user/MudHoleCustomTackle
  4. Practice and more practice. I still fight with thread sometimes. There are a bunch of basic videos by Mudhole and Flex Coat on youtube. Watch them over and over and over. Then practice. I would recommend for your first build you use a complete rod kit from either Mudhole or Get Bit. It will have everything you need as far as parts go and it will all fit. If you can give us your budget amount for tools and supplies we can point you in the right direction as to what you absolutely need vs what is nice to have.
  5. FD.

    Boredom Craw

    Those look great!
  6. Watch some You Tube video's and ask a bunch of questions here. I learned it on my own and you can too. We will help you.
  7. I don't see any wrist issue with a skeleton seat personally but you can use something like this... http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Graphite_2/GBS-Blank-Exposed-Spinning-Reel-Seats
  8. back on the rod last night. Underwraps with trim bands on the hook keeper and stripper guide.
  9. That's a very cool thing.
  10. That is awesome finish work. Is that one or two coats of finish?
  11. That's how I do it. I just got a batch in. 5.95 each.
  12. It will melt stuff you don't want melted. Denatured alcohol is cheap at walmart.
  13. And now you are officially a rod building prostitute. Keep the pictures coming. I like to see other builds. Maybe I can steal an idea from you. FD
  14. I'm glad she likes it. Let us know how it fishes.
  15. So far I like it. I'm planning on using it for light weight plastics and maybe I will learn how to drop shot.
  16. Anytime you are ready bud.
  17. Being a life long Heel basketball fan, and the fact that they are in the ACC, I would build a Tarheel rod...A Volunteer rod, from the bottom of the SEC barrel, not so much.
  18. With only one client rod left to finish and it's on the dryer, I started a few builds I have been planning. These are supposed to go in a local shop for sale but I sure I will keep at least one for myself, probably the 941. I broke it's twin before Xmas which started this rod building frenzy in the first place. Top to Bottom Castaway IMS 694 jerkbait rod with Forecast split grip kit and size 16 graphite seat. Castaway IMS 764 telescopic Flipping Stick with FDX grips and Forecast seat. MHX MB 843 MH worm rod, Forecast seat and EVA grips with a Fuji Aluminum hood. MHX MB 941 M light plastics rod, Minima Csting trigger, FDX checkerboard Grip. Rod Geeks C473 MH XS (extra soft tip) spinning rod, Fuji SK2 split grips and seat.
  19. My Nephew Nick, and I built him a rod about 7 years ago and it finally was broken by a big fish last weekend. So for his Birthday / Graduation present I'm building him a new Gator Rod. MHX FS 904 Flipping Stick Forecast 16mm Graphite seat Forecast EVA grip with the jumbo fighting butt Alconite guides and tip UF Gator marbling Tangerine and Wild Blue Berry thread (official Gator colors)
  20. Most of the time I just do multiple coats with the same batch. As the epoxy starts to thicken, I will go back and add another coat just in the ramp areas. Sometimes, like the ones above, I use a rubber winding check that is one size smaller than I should and stretch it. This flattens out the winding check and gets the ramp started.
  21. Finally had some time to work on it again. This is first coat with a little gold and silver glitter mixed in.
  22. nice job on the abalone. It can be a bear. I put that same skull and cross bones on a rod for Nicole. She also bought the eyes that I glued in. We call it the Akmed, the dead terrorist, rod.
  23. Finally got a few that I like ready to go.
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