I got to jump in here for a bit. I ordered some of the Wiggle rigs about a month ago and immediately started using them in very shallow water - so that I could see what the heck it was about and how it would influence my presentation. BTW, I fish a very deep, very clear, hilland type reservoir for smallmouth bass almost exclusively, so I naturally do a lot of drop shotting. I've been drop shotting for about 3 1/2 seasons now and have become very efficient at using this technique - under certain circumstances. That being said, I attached the Wiggle rig to the lower drop line of my DS rig. Lowering the rig straight down, I could vary my presentation dramatically in place; from an almost dead stick, to a frantic escape scenario. Side-by-side with my partner using the plain DS rig, there is just no comparison! I can do everything you can with a DS rig and a great deal more. The added benefit for me was the amount of control I now had, without the wrist, elbow and shoulder pain which is inevitably associated with drop shotting over extended periods of time. Best part is I can lower it into a school of smelt in 35' feet of water, let it sit still, allowing my bait to become a part of that school, then suddenly create a frantic escape motion which almost always triggers a strike. You really have to see this rig in action to appreciate the difference and effectiveness it affords you. I've only been using it on smallmouth now for about 3 weeks, so I can't say I have a lot of experience with it - yet, but let me tell you, it's a real "Cracker Jack"! And I can assure you, it will be part of my arsenal for a long time to come. I hope this is of some help to you folks as yet undecided about trying it. Added benefit: it won't cost you much to give it a try - unlike a lot of new lures and techniques around today.