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Everything posted by Crestliner2008

  1. I went to my optomitrist(sp?) where I have my glasses normally made and discussed it with them. We settled on a light green tint polaroid glass for my prescription. It has worked out great for me! Best off, I used the frames in older reading glasses, so the fit and feel was natural to me.
  2. 39 - 41 degrees. Smallies will still be starting to move up out of their wintering holes, I suspect. Some days (depending on weather more than water temp) they will be on the jerkbait bite; other days the drop shot or tube. (The Ika would have been a good selection to try btw.) However, regardless of the conditions you are faced with, it seems to me that you are having more of a problem with location, than presentation. Where do they go to winter up? Where do they go to spawn? Where is the nearest drop leading to the spawning flats? Start in the wintering holes and work up. If you suspect the location holds fish, the best thing you can do is to lower an UW camera to verify that. Then, if you "see" bass, at least you take away one unknown. Not everything you see on your sonar is your target species. Doesn't make much sense fishing a drop shot over carp or catfish, but that's what a lot of folks do. Then they blame the presentation...or the weather...or the fish! Hope this makes some kind of sense?
  3. In between my boating excursions, I'll sometimes go down to a local pond or river to fish for an hour or two to relax. Same things apply as would in a boat, but you are very limited with your mobility - obviously. To be successful, you have to know your lake/river intimately; where do the insides of points lay? Does the river take a course close to shore in this spot? Is there a deep hole off that spot? Etc... You just need to put yourself in the best possible location to present your offering to as many fish as possible. Impossible to give you detailed information on best presentations. Depends on your body of water, temperatures, target species. Not an easy task, but an enjoyable adventure. Key is, don't be discouraged!
  4. First off, what is the water temp on your river now? I suspect, if it isn't ice bound, that it's around 36*. If it is that or less than 40*, you should focus on deep holes. This is the still the winter period here up in the Northeast and smallies bunch up in these holes until ice out and warmer waters start to flow. I would try a tail spinner, spoon or blade bait barely jigged off the bottom, if these holes are 30'+; if shallower, drift a Senko or Ika. I'm assuming you are fishing from a boat here. If you are shore bound, you need to find where you can cast to deeper holes, or your success will be very limited. Fish real slow and stay deep. When the temps rise above 40*, pull out your big spinnerbaits and slow roll them through the upper structures leading to the holes. A good time to fish hard jerks tool Hope this is of some help.
  5. Although not a bass fishing show, "The Next Bite" is a fine show about walleye, northern pike and musky fishing. I like watching a show that tries to teach you something and this show fits the bill for me; as I'm not strictly a bass fisherman. I also like the "Bass Pros" and any Lindner show.
  6. I'm a diehard CPR fisherman; will only keep one badly injured, but we probably should keep more in the 2# range to keep the population more on the large size. That being said, now we're getting more input from state DNR's NOT to eat the fish, due to contaminants. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  7. Sorry! Guess I already posted this previously? And got an answer. Thanks anyway folks.
  8. We've just had a store opened in Foxboro, MA. I am interested in their March 8th. show in which they advertise a "reel trade-in". What is this? How does it work? Is this worth the look-see? Thanks!
  9. THANKS! for the information. I found their web site, but nothing yet to indicate catalog sales. Maybe come spring?
  10. Hope you find it! I was at a fishing seminar a few years back and this guy had one of "those" devices to test knot breaking. He challenged all watching to tie "their" knots and test them. The demonstrator showed that both the Trilene and Palomar came out best at about 95% - BUT - audience folks tying these same knots could only get about 80%!? All he said was that you MUST be VERY careful when tying any knot; and you have to do it slowly....increasing the tension gradually until the knot is "set". Very informative seminar.
  11. Definitely a Symetre!
  12. Please be a bit more specific! Are you fishing for smallmouth or largemouth? Rivers or lakes? From a boat or shore? Do you prefer spinning or baitcasting? Help us to help you. BTW, I'm a Bay Stater too .
  13. I'm pretty new here myself, but WELCOME! This is a great place with a fine bunch of knowledgeable fisherpersons and articles.
  14. Ice on all the lakes here! I really do envie some of you guys! ;D
  15. Does anyone know how this works? Has anyone done this? They are offering this at an upcoming events seminar in a new store which just opened near Boston. I'm thinking about attending.
  16. Does Gander offer a catalog? Or are they just a retail store? Can't find anything online showing these rods?
  17. I think as long as you have a decent "regular" sonar and practice with it, you should be fine. A flasher is a good tool, as well as a quality LCD. If you already have one of these, then I'd suggest looking into an UW viewing system/camera. These, along with the use of the sonar, can teach you an awful lot in a short period of time. I don't own one yet myself, but my fishing buddy has one. I think they are priceless! And the prices are coming down every year.
  18. Lake Amistat for largemouth or Lake Erie for smallmouth.
  19. I really like the Lindner's shows (any!) along with the In'Fisherman. Just wish they'd leave the religion message out of it. One thing I don't discuss with friends. Another good one which is new is called, "Hook N' Look" which is on only during the week on the "Versus" channel here. Great UW videos and support by DNR representatives. Very informative. I use to somewhat like Bill Dance, but way too commercialized these days. "Day on the Lake" is good, along with "The Bass Pros".
  20. I'm happy to wake up in the morning and find out I'm still alive! ;D However, we are blessed here (in MA) with the Quabbin Reservoir. A pristine water supply system for Boston. With a slew of restrictions and access ONLY to fishermen with licenses, this place will make anyone's heart soar - even if you don't catch anything. I've been skunked a time or two on the Q, but an average day is about a doz. smallies between 2 - 4 lbs.; a good day would be double that. Throw in a laker, salmon or a couple of rainbows into the mix and it becomes a great day That's not counting the numerous eagles, loons, deer and turkey you have a good chance at seeing each time out. Life can be VERY good indeed!
  21. I did a google search on "ABU fishing reels" and came up with this first shot: http://www.abugarcia.com/ I also googled, "snap swivels terminal tackle fishing" and got a slew of possible sites to visit.
  22. Before I'd ever think about fishing a new lake, I would find out as much about it as possible. State DNR's usually have plentiful information on public bodies of water; as well as contour maps with docks, points, humps, etc. I study the map, then circle 1/2 doz. likely areas to try. One stop to a local bait shop will usually narrow the options some as well. Now that I have some spots to try, I'll start searching those with my sonar; looking for bait fish, drops, humps & weeds - as well as fish. Best way I know to put the odds in your favor.
  23. You don't need a special leader for walleye. I've caught many over the years with only mono. Pike require some sort of steel leader and make sure they are at least 12" - 18" long! Pike love to come up from behind and engulf a lure....leader and all!
  24. FishTank - THANKS for the great articles! Very enlightening indeed. I'll continue to use steel (lots cheaper than tungsten & legal, for the time being - until they determine that rust poisoning is a problem ;D.
  25. naturalnbama - With those water temps I'd be trying hard jerkbaits with long pauses for those suspended fish (if the water is fairly clear?). However, you first need to know IF, what you are looking at on your sonar is your target species - or not! Lots of fish suspend at most times of the year. This is where an UW camera can be down right vital at times. Without that, I'd fish where you have a pretty good confidence that they are holding. And if you know you were looking at bass, then maybe the jerkbait could have initiated a take. I would have thought the smallies would still be on the bottom in deep holes. They don't usually start to move up until the temps get up to about 45 degrees. Then the jerks really come into their own. I've never tried the F n' F....yet. Plan to once the ice is off the water though, with some modifications.
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